Oxygen's EIC


Anybody have any idea where Oxygen Mag's Editor In Chief, Stacy Rinella, went? I noticed that sometime between the April and June 2013 issues that she disappeared. June's Editor page was written by Rachel Crocker. Just curious. Thanks.
I noticed the same thing. I was looking everywhere through the magazine to see something about it but nothing. Strange.
On LinkedIn her profile description says "Formerly Editor In Chief at Oxygen Magazine/Robert Kennedy Publishing" with no current position listed. It says she was there from March 2003 to February 2013.

Maybe she left to focus on family-I seem to recall her being recently married. Baby maybe? I liked her monthly editor note. It will be interesting to see who succeeds her and how that changes the magazine.
Well I guess we now know why she disappeared! Oxygen is no longer going to be published. Bummer. I did like the magazine, but I see from the other thread that many did not.

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