I Need A Swift Kick in the...

You'll be glad you did, once you are done. NOW!



The idea is to die young as late as possible.
Just picture Coach Sean sans shirt, all sweaty, urging you on... "Alllrrriiiggghhhtttt...hop on your elliptical Michele....I have been dreaming of you all day hoping you'll ellipticize my way" :7
Had to run and put on my old Doc Martens in order to give you a very HARD kick in the butt...

Now get going, girl!!!! And QUIT YOUR MOANING!!!! (as our fearless leader would say!!!)
Alrightee then.....One swift kick to the arse coming up..... *Whoosh, WHACK* with love of course :* :7

You know I'd do it for you but I can't so, my dear, do your d@mn cardio..:)

Take Care
Michele, if you're still around, don't read this.

I think cardio needs more of a reward than just knowing your heart is healthy. Something more immediate. With weight training I can see the muscle developing and it makes me want to do more. But what's the incentive with cardio??
To me, cardio results are much more immediate than weight training. I love the way I feel right after cardio!!! It's easy to forget that when you're stalling and just don't feel like starting, but, man, it feels so good afterwards. I usually feel at least 50x better than I did before I started.
Cuz, did you do your cardio????

If it's any consolation, ellipticizing isn't exactly my favorite thing to do either. BUT: lemme tell ya, Coach Sean makes me feel better every single time, and dang am I glad I made myself get on that elliptical.

Now then, don't you feel better? Admit it. Coach Sean made you sweat, and you feel great. Come on. You know it's true.
Cardio helps me keep the bodyfat in check, plus it totally energizes me on most days, I love that high you get afterwards...in fact I am looking forward to a total cardio week starting next Monday!My muscles need a rest.

But I know what you mean Nancy, you look like a naturally thin type who probably doesn't have to do much cardio to maintain your weight. Please correct me if I am wrong about that! I do know you pay attention to your diet too of course and eat very well. Plus, cardio can be so boring, here are days that I watch the clock the whole time!
I never feel great right after cardio. Sometimes I feel a sense of relaxation a few hours later, and that feels really good. But sometimes not. I definitely don't feel any kind of high, even though my heart rate is squarely within my target zone for at least 45 minutes. Maybe I'm missing something? Tneah, I don't have any weight to lose, and my doctor even thinks I could use a pound or two. So, it's definitely not about that either. I do cardio mostly just to keep my heart, lungs and circulation healthy, and so I can run for subways without getting winded.

Michele? How did you do?
Oh, Michele, you are just too cute with all those fun icons! It makes me want to encourage you NOT to do your cardio, but you know you should! Hope that Cathe and Coach Sean got you motivated!:)
Um, well I haven't done my workout yet because I got totally sidetracked with something else :p

Well, y'all KNOW I'm a procrastinator, so wha'd you expect!?

And I just have to say that Nance is my new BFF -- lol!

True story -- I can only think of one time in my life when I experienced an endorphine high, and that was the first time I did the CC Press Play workout. I think my endorphine making thingy is busted.

I'm always glad once I've done cardio, but mostly because I know I'm supposed to do it, and once I've done it, well, it's over and it's no longer hanging over my head ;)

I know--I'm a nightmare :7

I'm going, I'm going!
Michele, I love you. I really, really love you. Did you do your workout? I hope so. It would hurt me so much to have to hurt you....

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