Home gym flooring


I've looked back at previous posts and would like more opinions on these 2 sites. This flooring would be going over tile. At greatmats.com, they have several and I'm not sure which would be best. The ones at Sports Authority look like puzzle mats and I use those to put my weights on, but are they thick enough and do they have enough cushion? Thanks for the input.




http://www.sportsauthority.com/search/index.jsp?kwCatId=&kw=gym floor&origkw=gym floor&sr=1
I too would like to hear about that. A gym flor was on my Christmas wish list, but because of the cost, I'm holding off for a while. I work out on carpet right now (which I hate) because I can't wear shoes when I do step or kickbox (it doesn't let me turn my feet properly and I'm afraid I'm going to hurt myself). When I went to the road trip in August, it was the first time I worked out on a gym floor and I absolutely loved it! Would love to find out more info!
I have a puzzle mat floor from Great Mats. It works excellent for weight training and jumping, however...like carpeting it is sticky. When the choreography gets interesting and there are any turning movements I torque my knee. I am very frustrated with it and put a new floor on my Christmas list too.
I had the "generic" puzzle mats that I purchased at Costco. They were okay, but after about a year, they began to disintegrate, leaving blue gunk on my carpet. I also have mats from greatmats.com. The greatmats are far superior to the gereric mats in construction. I like the color choices you have at greatmats too. My mats are a coffee color, really neutral and nice looking (for mats). However, my biggest problem is that puzzle mats shift and slide. I have always used a rubber carpet mat under the mats, but they still shift. Since you are using them over tile, the carpet mat might keep them in place. I also agree that mats are sticky and moves, such as pivots, can tork your knees on puzzle mats.
Okay...so what about the pebble mats from greatmats? Or possbly thetype of mat you'd put under equipment? I wouldn't be doing the whole room so sliding mats are not an option.
Are you going to be able to leave the mats in place, or do you need to put them away after exercise? I have the 5/8" foam puzzle mats from greatmats. I see that they have wood-surfaced foam mats. They didn't have those when I made my purchase, 4 years ago. If I could leave my mats in place, I might opt for the wood-surfaced type. As was said previously, the stickyness of the foam puzzle mats is an issue for moves that require a change of direction.
I have been considering the TileFlex flooring at Great Mats. I like that it's a wood-like surface, and you can put it on a basement floor. I would like to have DH put a sub-floor down first, though. In the area for my weights, I was thinking of the black puzzle mats from Great Mats.
I have concrete flooring painted funky black, gray, and white. I love it. Have you considered astroturf? I have heard good things about the gym mats too.
I finally just ordered black interlocking EVA foam mats (24x24) from Sports Authority. Hopefully, they'll give me enough cushion because to much is bad too I think. Anything has got to be better than just plain tile. I did HIS today and had to modfiy to lower impact because the tile is just so hard. I plan to cover most of the room and just leave the mats down. I also have my computer area in here as well so I need just tile space for the chair. I should still have enough "boucning room" for Cathe though.

Thanks for all the suggestions.


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