Getting ready to start P90X but have a question?


Do I follow the first few weeks as is and not add extra cardio until I reach the second phase where I can move on to doubles or can I add on short steady state cardio(treadmill running, stepping) from the get go? I have read majority of the posts on P90x but I am worried about putting on non muscle weight. I am currently doubling up my Cathe workouts and still sitting on a Plataeu, so I need a change. I am really not looking to loose weight just to tone more. All suggestions would be greatly appreciated :7
My advice is to just do it as is...especially in the beginning. The X is very tough and you need to acclimate to it without having other stuff that might be tiring you out. The one suggestion I could offer is if you really wanted to, you could sub out Kenpo X for a Cathe workout, as Kenpo is not quite as intense as I would have liked it to be. The cardio is low for a reason, and if you aren't worried about needing to lose weight than you should definately be fine with doing the program as is.

A thing you need to consider in regards to your plateau is that you could actually be doing TOO much by doubling up on Cathe's workouts...especially if you aren't eating enough to fuel all of that working out. The X as a stand alone program is more than enough to see great results, so don't feel as though you need to add alot on top of it. It's really not necessary. Hope this helps.

I totally agree with Deni.

Also, If you aren't used to tons of push-ups and pull-ups. Just do half (easy to do this) of Chest and back for the first and maybe 2nd time. I pulled a rotator cuff x( doing all of it the first time and had to modify for the first month.

The program is intense, you'll find that out on your own.
Just do what feels right and don't over do it. It'll give you results as is.
With the nutritional side of this program did you use all these drink and protein bar supplements they try to sell you or did you just stick with good old clean eating. Currently I eat clean 90% of the time and eat at a 40-40-20 ration which is good for me(too low of carbs makes me real weak and I get the shakes) and I zig zag my calories. Should I stay at the 1800 recommended or can I continue to zig zag? One more question, this energizing drink that they call for after a workout is very high carb what do you subsitute for it if you do not use the beachbody supplements? Currently I just have a protein smoothie after my workouts. Thanks A BUNCH!
I agree with the other posters regarding doing the program as written.

I just began week 5. I am not following the diet, but I might when I do it again. I have tried some of the recipies and they were great! I did not purchase any other nutritional products or supplements, but still am seeing results. I use a protein powder with half a banana for a smoothie after each weight is called "six star Body Fuel" and I got it at WalMart. Way less expensive than online! But here is a link if you want to check it out:

The recovery drink BB sells has 220 calories, and that is just too much for me to drink at one time. On BB they have said you could mix protein powder with some fruit juice also, but I do not use juices (as I would rather chew most of my fruits and get the added benefits).

I do a bit of zig-zagging and it hasn't seemed to hurt me...I just make sure I have some complex carbs in me to fuel the resistance work, but do the cardio on an empty stomach.

HTH, Julie
You're diet should be fine, if anything you may find you want to up your carbs as you get more and more into the program for the added fuel. But if you're used to being active and maintaining a healthy diet you will be able to "feel" if you need to tweek your diet or not. I wouldn't advise going any lower with your carbs if you don't have weight to lose and if you were already used to being fairly active.

I use the beachbody whey protein powder on's pretty good. I also use the recovery drink, but only after a really strenuous workout...something that really leaves me spent at the end. The carbs in it are meant to be absorbed back into your muscles to replenish your glycogen stores, so given that I don't really freak out too much about the calorie count. Plus those things are like a little piece of heaven...YUM!!!! I love them. I have also used the bars, but not as much as they recommend you use them. For bars they are pretty nutritious and in a pinch they work well. But I don't eat one everyday. They're pretty tasty as well.

It's fairly easy to find things to use instead of their supplements. You don't need the bars you can easily find other snacks to fulfill those calories. You don't need protein powder either if you use real food choices for your daily protein needs. And the recovery drink can easily be subsituted with some yogurt and a piece of fruit. Hope this helps!!


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