Fit TV versions of w/o's


How does the Fit TV versions compare to the whole w/o? I am specifically talking about the S&H series and Power Hour right now. I just got Fit TV last week and the new DVR service from my cable company. I am taping these when they are on in the next couple of weeks until I can buy the w/o. Right now I'm Cathe poor, bordering on Cathe bankrupt! ;)

I guess what I'm asking is how much of the FitTV w/o do I need to do twice in order to make it more comparable to the real thing?
Hi Jane. I haven't bought any of the Cathe strength workouts. Basically I just tape them on Fit TV and view them and record in excel the exercises she does and the weights she uses. I don't know exactly in the SH series what she is missing. However, if you go to

there is a list of all the exercises in the SH workouts. Also, you can go to the video clips on Cathe's website and preview the videos to see how to do the exercises that you find are missing in the Fit TV workouts. I find that the SH is very easy to do off Fit TV and you can do everything that is missing from the workouts by following that website. Also, the counts are very easy (always 3 sets of 8 reps at the slow and heavy pace) and there is nothing fancy.

Power hour is another story. I believe that the Fit TV version is missing lunges, shoulders (front and side raises) and triceps (kickbacks and another exercise). In this workout Cathe uses lots of different counts, so I really haven't found a way to do this workout from FitTV and get the same effect as if I had the video. If you think of anything let me know.

Hope this helps.

I'm not sure about specific workouts, but FitTV versions of most of Cathe's workouts (the exceptions being the stretch and core workouts) are all cut somehow. Either PUB or PLB is missing the warm-up entirely! Other workouts have body part segments missing. So sometimes it's not a matter of doing what you tape from FitTV twice, but supplementing what is missing in the workouts.
I believe PP is the only one in its entirety since it's only a 45 min or so w/o. I taped that one and use it every so often. I think FitTV is great to get a taste of the w/o and see if you really want them.

"you miss 100% of the shots you never take"

>I guess what I'm asking is how much of the FitTV w/o do I
>need to do twice in order to make it more comparable to the
>real thing?

I have done LowMax twice and it's been exactly the same both times so I'm not sure doing it more than once will change it much.

I find I still get good even workouts from the FitTv versions of her tapes.

Thanks Karin for the link for the chapters to S&H. Does anyone have a chapter detail of Power Hour?

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