Rotations and Leg Work


I am doing a GS rotation, and I have legs scheduled for two times a week. There is no way I can do the whole leg workout through - I can do either the standing or the floor. My question: do I do the standing portion on each of my leg days, or do I do standing one day and floor the other?

Normally I'd do standing one day and floor the other, but I'm really focusing on building muscle, and I wonder if the floor work is not the best use of my time if I'm focused on hypertrophy. Floor work, at least in GS, seems much more endurance-based. I'm thinking twice a week of heavy squats, deadlifts, and the other heavy duty moves in GS standing will do more for building muscle.

To avoid overtraining your legs, you could standing legs twice in one week and the following week do standing once and floor once.

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