My DVD's are in Phoenix!


Unfortunately, I am in Tucson! lol. They had the arrival and the departure scan so they will be in my possession tomorrow. WOOHOO!
Hi Bobbi,

My DVD's are in Phoenix also (or else they were yesterday)and I live in Safford. I should have mine tomorrow. You'll LOVE them :-jumpy. I couldn't wait for the DVD's so I also ordered the VHS tapes I'm getting ready to to S&H biceps and triceps right now.

It's great to hear from another Cathe fan out here in Arizona. Sometimes I feel like I'm the only one out here who enjoys her workouts (though I know that's not true).

Enjoy those DVDs:)

The workouts are a must in this heat! I am very excited! I ordered the 12 pack and I look forward to doing some of the older stuff as well as the new ones. I am going for a 5 mile run in the orning then coming home to do leaner legs. And sometime in the afternoon, I'll be previewing and planning Tuesdays workouts!

Life is Good!

I'm near Seattle, so I'll receive mine tomorrow also! I have been talking about it daily since I got my e-mail notice. My husband thinks I'm a little nuts, but he understands at the same time. I'll be doing LL tomorrow, also, and am looking forward to preview time tomorrow night! Have fun! CinDee

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