Where to start?


New Member
I really love you Slow and Heavy series and have seen outstanding results. I also own your Pure Strengh series, Power Hour, MIS, and Leaner Legs.
I would like your input on which of your videos would be a good starting point for someone who loves the weight workouts, but is not very experienced as far as aerobics and steps are concerned.
Thank you for your time,
Sincerely, Lisa
P.S. Do you plan for more pure weight workouts on future videos?
Hi Lisa! I'm a little confused and hoping you can clarify this question for me? Do you want to know which of my "weight" tapes is best for a beginner or which "cardio" tape is best for a beginner? I think you are asking about cardio, but I'll wait for your reply. And yes, we will definitely be putting out pure weight workouts in future videos:).
You are too kind to reply so promptly, and on a holiday weekend to boot. I am asking about the cardio... I feel I have the weights down well.
Thank You, Lisa
Hi again! I would have to say that either Mega Step Blast, The Wedding video, or Step Heat would be videos that don't go into super tricky choreography and also contain a fair amount of repetition to help you learn the moves. Good Luck!

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