Step Program


New Member
Dear Cathe, I have just gotten back into the exercise bandwagon after being out of it for about 2 years. Before this break, I had been doing high impact aerobics 5-6 days a week for about 12 years. After having my second child, it seemed to get harder and harder to fit in exercise - or so I kept telling myself - as I slowly got out of the habit until I stopped working out completely. Fortunately, I now seemed to have been bitten again by the exercise bug - I have been working out again 5-6 days a week for about 5 weeks and am hoping that this will last. However my question is this, I have found that now that I am older (37) my joints can't take high-impact 5-6 days a week, so I'm trying to be smarter about exercising by doing more cross-training rather than doing all aerobics like I was doing when I was younger. So, now I do the Step, high-impact aerobics and one day of running (if the weather cooperates), so I might do the step 2 days, and then run one day and then 2 days of aerobics and I also try to get in 3 day of strength training. So here is my problem, for the last 2 weeks or so, I have been feeling a slight ache in my left knee - it definitely is not pain. I can walk and run just fine, I can also do the step without feeling anything at all (I step at the 10 inch level), but I notice that if I walk up the stairs or do a deeper bend as in for example a lunge, I definitely feel a slight ache. I'm concerned because I don't want to do anything that will do harm to my knee and then bring my workouts to a halt again. I would really appreciate any information, help, tips or insights that anyone might be able to offer as to why this might be happening and what I can do about it. I do my work outs at hope to video tapes and don't really have anyone who would be familiar with this type of question - so I truly would appreciate any help.
Thank you. Sincerely, Patti
Hi Patti!

I ran for about 4 years very regularly, then took up cycling, which I did for 2 years (running about 1 time per week, cycling 4-5 plus weights). Then I threw in aerobics once in a while. I started experiencing knee pain similar to what you have, right around the patella, in the Summer of 1999 (after the Danskin mini-triathalon). Not really a stabbing pain, more of a dull ache that wouldn't go away. esp. bad with lunges.

To make a very very long story short, I have been diagnosed with Patella Femoral syndrome (the patella slides incorrectly on the muscle track, this is very common in women). I have undergone physical therapy, I did (and still do) special knee strengthening exercises at home, and I got a pair of custom made orthotics (the ones at the sports stores did not work). Result? I still have pain. I have discontinued running, but I still cycle, which my orthopedic surgeon informed me is good for this type of pain. I still do my weight lifting (with Cathe of course) and I do step about 2 -3 times per week, along with floor aerobics. My doc also said step was not the best for the knees, but I can't give it up! (the triathalon training was very difficult to drop...)

I purchased an ACE bandage with a hole to keep from sliding to wear around my knee (actually both knees hurt, but the right more so than the left). Not sure if this works but what the hey.

Also, I believe (and at this point who cares if it's all in my head) that the mineral MSM has been helpful. It is a mineral that your body produces naturally and helps with pain. You might do your own research on that.

Best of luck, e-mail me if you have any questions I might be able to answer... [email protected] (I guess it wasn't so short after all, sorry!!)
Hi Patti,
You may want to consider lowering your step height to 8 inches instead 10 inches. I remember Cathe saying that the difference between the two was not significant at all. What matters is that you are working in your targeted heart rate. That may help your knees.

I hope this helps:)

Hi Patti

I don't know much about knee pain but I think that it is great that you are exercising again! Good for you! Are the same Patti that I corresponded with this summer? (I lost the thread).

Hope you are able to get over this pain.
Hi Patti! Thats great that you were, once again, bitten by the exercise bug. Finally a bug bite that we can benefit from, right? ;-)!

Based on what you have written, two things jump out at me as possibilities for your knee discomfort. 1) Exercising on a 10 inch platform. 2) Starting back at a hefty load of 5 to 6 days a week, since being away from it for two years(although its great that you chose to cross train).

Stepping on a 10 inch platform is higher than steps that we are used to, since typical steps(at home or in public)are usually under 10 inches. This could be over stressing your knee joint. Especially since you are doing this along with other impact oriented activities(running, aerobics). It may be better for you to insert a day of non weight bearing activity(such as biking)to take some high impact stress off of the knee.

Another thing to consider is taking a week off to rest your knee (and body). Then when you come back to exercise, ease back in. Use more of a layering approach such as adding additional days/intensity/duration in stages. Your body needs time to acclimate to new programs. Doing too much too soon always sets you up for potential injury.

In summary, let me say that it sounds like you caught this at an early stage since your pain is mild. I would really consider taking a week off to rest, ice, and stretch your knee. Then I would ease back in by alternating the intensity and/or frequency of your workouts. I also would strongly consider lowering your step height to 8 inches(just a suggestion, ;-)). If all of these modifications do not improve your situation, then I would suggest you see a doctor.

Good luck with everything. Keep us posted!

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