Rotation Suggestion Using DVDs w/ Terminator...


Now that it looks like the DVDs are coming, I was wondering if you could post some rotations that use the Terminator DVD also. Basically I was thinking of maybe a two-week rotation that used all the new DVDs. (And to be selfish, I would like a rotation that would help me get kick it up a notch for my bahama vacation in april. i don't have any weight to lose but my abs could use some work and more definition is always welcome!).

Thanks, you are my hero:)

Good idea Diane - I'd also love to get Cathe's suggestion for a two weeker with the Terminator. I cannot wait to see how that turned out!
I'm with you guys on this one, too. I'd LOVE a two week rotation using the Terminator...Any ideas, Cathe?
Hey you guys, it's the weekend, and if Cathe is working at all, it's probably to help get the DVDs ready to ship on Monday. Give her a break and don't bump this again until Monday! :eek:

My DVD's arrive tomorrow and I'm so thrilled!!! I'm really interested in including some Terminator workouts in a rotation!:9

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