Rest Days?


Hi Cathe,

I've been working out with Videos since 3/2003, I started with The Firm and moved up to your videos in about June of 2004. Never have I been very consistent for longer than about a 2-3 month stretch, even during those consistent times I was doing 5 days per week, usually no more than an hour video per day. I gained a bit of tone, but my eating was horrible so I really haven't lost weight.

Ok, here's my question. My rest days were the problem before. Taking one led to two, which led to three, which made me give up. I decided starting the day after Christmas to try and do a workout every day. I haven't taken a true rest day since then. I have had a couple days where I do a very short (30 minute) workout that is very light intensity, or I go for a walk for 40 minutes or so. I also had a rest day where I did just a yoga video but no cardio or strength training that day. So really I've been taking 1 or 2 of these "rest" days that aren't really rest days.

Is this ok? Can I count a yoga video or a walk as a rest day? Should I be doing nothing on that day instead? I haven't felt overly tired or in pain and I've been seeing great results - 6 pounds lost since 12/26. I'm listening to my body and for example, last week when it was time in the rotation to do Legs & Glutes, I just felt exhausted and decided it would be smarter to do yoga that day. The next day, I felt much better when it was time for Legs & Glutes.
I'm not Cathe, but IMHO doing a yoga routine only and counting that as a "rest day" is perfectly fine. You're not pushing your heart into its training zone, and you're giving your muscles a break from weighted resistance work, AND you're giving an extra emphasis to flexibility training.

I say go for it.

And I completely agree. AS you have found, the day's yoga or walking helped sooth sore muscles and work the kinks out. That is all to the greater good and what's more, you enjoyed it and felt better afterwards, so you fed your spirit also: what can be better?

Enforced inactivity does not suit us all. It drives me stir crazy also, because there is movement that the body needs (Imax 2 and PUB, for example), but there is movement that the mind needs also, and that's where your walking and yoga come in.

Keep doing what makes your mind and body happy!


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