Question for Maribeth-Workout for an Endo

ss's girl

Hi Maribeth,

On another thread you addressed fast and slow twitch fibers and recommended workouts for different body types. I was wondering if you could suggest something for me based on the following information:

I am 5'4 weigh 135 and carry most of my fat in the middle. I am defiantely an endo: short, lots of fat, hard to lose weight, etc.

I started running recently and have noticed a difference in my legs and abs. I am currently doing Cathe's 16 week max weight loss rotation.

I beleive I probably have a majority of slow twitch fibers altho I do put on muscle fairly easy it's just hard to see it through all the fat. For instance, I have a "2 pack" but can't seem to get beyond that.

I am doing weight watcher's and it's working OK but after reading the thread where Aquajock blasted weight loss progtrams I don't know.

Any advise would be appreciated.

Thanks so much for taking the time to help us all!

What is Cathe's 16 week max weight loss that you were referring to? Weight watchers is a good program Debbi, you just might need to increase the protein that they recommend. I'm assuming that Cathe's 16 week weight loss program includes a lot of weight training, so you just need to make sure that you get enough protein so that your muscles can recover. Otherwise, WW is a pretty balanced nutrition plan that isn't too difficult to follow. Please let me know what the "16 week max weight loss program" is whenever you get a chance!! I too am a partial endo but I am a pear shape instead of an apple.
Just a suggestion for weight loss - use your maximum weight possible when weight training (will burn a lot more calories throughout the day and beyond) and include intervals when doing your cardio. This really ups the fat burning during your workout and for longer after. Hope to hear from you soon!
Sara :)
Hi Sara,

Cathe's 16 wk max weight loss program is a rotation that she put together for somone here on the board. You can find just about EVERY rotation every posted on this board at Liz, a member of the forum, created the website & KathyS, another member, is gracious enough to create wonderful databases of the rotations as they are posted.

This site also offers a calendar that you can personalize to keep track of your workouts. I think you will like it.

If you run into any problems with it, Liz is great about responding promptly (I think she took lessons from Cathe!).


I'm ready to take the next step!
Deborah - Thank you so much for the website! I printed out a ton of them!! This sure made it a lot easier than searching the entire "Ask Cathe" forum!!
Liz - if you read this - thank you for a great site!! It sure was helpful! And what a great idea!! :)
Sara :)
I also follow WW's. I really like their program. I also read what Annette said. I think everybody is different. Some of us look to food for comfort. Some of us are just not as disciplined as others. I totally admire her, and wish I was like her. I need structure. I try to do it on my own, and I always gain weight. With WW's, I know I can have a few treats, I know my limits, and I can have both, and still lose weight. Maybe someday I can be more disciplined, but for right now, I need structure.
Lori S.
Hey, Debbi!
Sorry I'm so slow in responding--I've been in the process of setting up a new computer and I finally think I've got it up and running.

WW is a nutritionally sound program. When I get patients or clients that need help with developing a decent eating plan, WW is the only formal program I will recommend. WW also allows for treats and doesn't forbid any foods.

If you notice that you put on muscle size fairly easily, you are likely to have a predominance of fast twitch muscle fibers in the muscle groups where you see the quick gains. Predominantly slow twitch muscle groups take longer to develop much in the way of size.

I think Aquajock's point is that far too many people obsess about what they eat rather than trying to eat nutritionally sound most of the time, while still enjoying recreational eating on a regular basis.

Tell me a little more about your goals and I'll see if I can add anything to your current program.

Again, sorry for the delay!
Thanks so much for responding Maribeth! I am 45 years old and have always had to watch my weight. I would like to lose the fat around my middle and thighs and basically get lean and defined.
I have been doing WW but have not stuck to the program to the tee the last 4-6 weeks. I lost an initial 15 lbs but have been stagnant sice. I am 5"4" and weigh 135. I am very small boned and carry a great deal of fat around my middle and thighs. It's not impossible for me to gain definition with weight training but I think I may not have been pushing myself as I should. Recently (last 2-3 weeks)I have increased my weights and have noticed definition appearing. My main problem is losing the layer of fat that covers the muscles.
I am planning on getting an RMR test done in the New Year and really want to kick it up a notch and see what results I can acheive with a planned work out session and clean eating. I just don't know if I should focus on strength vs. endurance and how much cardio I should do.
Right now I do 5 days of cardio, 1 day strength-legs, 2-3 step tapes or 2-3 days running followed by upper body strength.
I feel hungry some day and am womdering if I am getting enough calories-right now the WW plan has me at 1050-1400 a day-I tend to stick to the 1400 and usually have a cheat day once a week.

Well, what do you think? I was also thinking about seeing a nutrionist-any thoughts?

Thanks so much!!
Getting a resting metabolic rate would be a good idea. This is the only true way to determine what you expend before you factor activity into the mix. The equations that estimate do so roughly and have no method for taking muscle mass and diet history into account, both of which will affect your RMR.

My suggestion as far as your workouts go would be to either do full body strength training three times a week on alternate days or do an upper/lower body split routine, hitting each half twice a week, and drop the cardio down to 4 days per week. On two of your cardio days, try high intensity interval training (either via step training or running) and on the other two, go for more moderate intensity steady state training.

Be patient with yourself--you may find that you will go through a period where you will notice clothing getting tighter rather than looser--this happens as muscle size increases. But the increase in muscle mass will pay off in terms of function, strength and metabolic rate over time.

Thanks Maribeth!! I am going to try this and will let you know how it goes. Can't wait to see what the RMR turns out to be.

I posted in the Open Discussion also per Cathe's reminder so you don't have to answer there.

Thanks again and have a great weekend!!!


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