Need Help with Adding Strength Training


[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Dec-18-02 AT 08:13PM (Est)[/font][p]Hello Cathe,
I am new to this forum and your tapes. I had been doing Dennis Austin and Kathy Smith tapes for about 3 months before I found your website. Your tapes are in a totally different league than Dennis and Kathy's tapes. But their tapes did get this 41 year old, mother of six body up and moving. I have been doing the following tapes for the last 3 weeks: Sundays--Body Max, Mondays--Interval Max, Tuesdays--Circuit Max, Wednesdays--Rhythmic Step, Thursdays--Circuit Max, and Fridays--Step Works. I only use a 6 inch step--hoping to get an original step soon. I love your tapes. They are so much fun!
But the problem is my feet can't seem to take the bouncing six days a week. So I was wondering if I should alternate the aerobic tapes I have with some of your strength training tapes? That way my feet would get some recover time. Say doing Aerobic on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday and then the Strength on Sunday, Tuesday, and Thursday. Is that a better plan for someone my age? I am 5'5" and 128 pounds--but after six children my midsection and thighs need some firming up. What strength tapes would be good for this kind of rotation? I have been thinking about Power Hour cause it looks fun! But what else for those days? Or could I just do Power Hour 3 Days a week and rotate in the other tapes I have on the other 3 days? Any help you can give would be greatly appreciated. My children love to watch mom workout, too. They are watching to see when mom drops from exhaustion--but it ain't gonna happen! Your tapes are just too much fun too quit. And when I finish a tape I feel like I have really accomplished something. Thanks again and keep makin those tapes.
RE: I'm not Cathe but . . .

Hi, Heather! I think your instincts are absolutely right on with adding strength training to your weekly routine and alternating cardio days with strength days. Many Cathe-ites do exactly that with excellent results. Yes, you do want to give your joints, feet AND cardiovascular system a break from endless cardio, AND you do need to keep strength training as a priority in and of itself.

Since we're all good at spending your money for you, consider investing in some or all of Cathe's split-set strength training series (the new Intensity Series Upper and Lower Body Pyramids, the Pure Strength Series, and the Slow and Heavy Series) as well as Maximum Intensity Strength. And built your weekly routines precisely as you yourself have suggested, alternating cardio and strength days. I think you'll be very gratified at your increased capacities in all departments!

Hope this helps!

Annette Q. Aquajock
RE: I'm not Cathe but . . .

Thanks for responding Annette,
I did just that yesterday. I ordered The Pure Strength Series plus Power Hour and CTX Upper Body Split. Can't wait for them to arrive.
I also ordered the Original Step and the Troy Lite Weight System from They should arrive by Dec. 26th. My step is a smaller version of the Original Step and only has one set of risers. And I have been using dumbells in place of a barbell. I am looking forward to using the real things.
I want to order the New Intensity Series in the Future, but I want to wait until we get a DVD player so I can buy the DVDs. The extra stuff on them looks fantastic. And I also like the idea of being able to find different parts of a routine without having to fast forward and rewind and fast forward and rewind--you know what I mean. But I must pay for these purchases first, so the DVD Player and the New Intensity Series will have to wait.
The tapes I have will probably seem brand new when I start using the Original Step--it is so much bigger than my step. I can't wait for everything to arrive. I love ordering over the internet--love that UPS person-- and especially love Cathe and her Videos.
Thanks again for answering my post Annette. It made me feel better to know someone out there is OKing my recent purchases.
RE: I'm not Cathe but . . .

Hi, Heather! You've made some great choices, especially getting an original longer step as well as the Troy Lite barbell system. I got the Troy Lite system over a year ago and the difference between it and dumbbells is . . . well, there's no comparison. You may want to consider, if you haven't already, getting a neckpad for the barbell as well; your legs will strengthen up to the point where the weightload of the barbell will start hurting the back of your neck after awhile.

Also, you'll really enjoy your new longer step, which you can use as an ersatz weight bench for a lot of your supine work like pec flyes, bench presses, etc.

And yes, DVD's really are the way to go. I just converted my whole Cathe Collection over to DVD, and I've pre-ordered the Intensity Series Whole Taco (I don't know how I'm going to survive until the DVD's are completed!).

Glad to have you "on board" in Cathe Land. Let us all know how you get on!

RE: I'm not Cathe but . . .

just had to respond. I am also a mother of six. I have been using Cathe's tapes almost exclusively for about 8 years. I do cross train with other cardio (running) and pilates. I feel CERTAIN you will be so pleased with the results you get from her tapes. I have never purchased one of her tapes and felt disappointed in the workout. This is really important to me since I do not have extra $$$ to burn. I HATE when you spend your little allowance on a tape only to get it home and it stinks! That's why I have quit buying the other junk and save up my pennies for Cathe! Keep us posted on your progress.
RE: I'm not Cathe but . . .

Hi Momincharge,
Thanks for the post. I love the tapes I already have and am anxiously waiting for the ones I just ordered. They should arrive on Jan. 2nd. Glad to hear of another large family out there.
RE: I'm not Cathe but . . .


I am a mother of ten children, yes, I had them all myself. It is good to see other large families out there who love Cathe's tapes.

I have been doing Cathe's tapes since 1995 - after baby number 7 and it has made a world of difference. You will thoroughly live the bigger step - there is nothing like it. You wil definitely get a better workout. Just to let you know I am 47 years old and 5' 5 1/2" tall and I weigh 115 pounds -the weight training will help get you to where you want to go.

Good luck and keep posting!

RE: I'm not Cathe but . . .

Hello Cheryl,
Thanks for posting. I love hearing about large families. And ten is pretty large. But to put that in perspective, I must tell you about my Husband's family. His mother and father had 18 children--all single births. His father past away about 12 years ago, but his mother is still alive and well. I never feel bad telling her we are having another baby--if you know what I mean. Some people can be cruel when you tell them you are expecting number 5 or 6 or 7,etc. I am sure you understand where I am coming from.
Are there any more little ones in your future? I am 41 and I would really like to have at least one more.
Right now, I am just doing the weight portion at the end of Body Max. A month of 6 days a week doing Cathe's step tapes has messed up my feet. Next month I plan on Alternating the steps tapes with my new Pure Strenth tapes. But I am going to do the step tapes without a step for the first month. Then in February I will start using my new step, but only the top-4 inches. I don't want to ruin my feet ever again--too painful.
Thanks again for your encouraging post.
Hi Heather, just more support for your strength training course to come. The upcoming pyramids should be a great help and of course PH is so much fun. Once you start lifting, you won't seem to be able to go back to the world of constant cardio. In fact you may wonder what you were trying to accomplish with all those endless hours of hopping (this is not to knock cardio in the least - just endless hours of pointless cardio).

I'm a mom of 5 who is open to having more. I love to read about others who are working out and keeping up with the kids!!! We have a blast in our family and I hope to keep fitness fun for the family. (Thanks Cathe for making it fun for all of us).

Keep us posted as to your progress. I'm SURE you'll enjoy your new weights, they become addictive.

Briee :-jumpy :-jumpy :-jumpy
RE: I'm not Cathe but . . .


Yes, we are open to having more children. When I go through my change then I can safely say that we are all done. Can you imagine what people say to that? Since I am 47 years old. I have had my last three after age 41 and my last one at age 45. You wouldn't have believed the rude comments.

Actually, my husband got more rude comments because he works in construction and those men are really crude! He has many great come backs for these people. You get practice with each one.

Plus I do home school five of them (two are not old enough yet) and I have two out of the house. I also have a 25 year old that got hit by a car in April of this year - he almost died - He just came home at Thanksgiving but he needs supervision 24 hours a day. He has a traumatic brain injury. So, that keeps us very busy too.

My sanity is in my workouts - That really helps me relieve a ton of tension - plus it keeps me in shape to handle all the stress I get. I just ran out of room. Will post again. Cheryl
How can I email you?

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Dec-26-02 AT 01:59PM (Est)[/font][p]Hi Cheryl,
Wow! Your story is awesome. And yes I can believe the rude comments you both get. I am sure I have heard many of them myself.
My prayers go out to you and your family. My brother was in a car accident 14 years ago that left him a quadrapalegic. He is 50 now. But he is actually a more outgoing and friendly person since the accident than he was before. Only God knows "The Why". And He is in control of every situation.
I home school 3 of my 6 children. Just graduated my oldest--she will start college next month and like yours, the 2 youngest are not old enough yet.
And I totally understand what you mean about "your sanity being in your workouts". Some days it seems that my workout is the only thing that gets done and goes well.
Thanks for your input Briee.
"In fact you may wonder what you were trying to accomplish with all those endless hours of hopping."
It seems like all I accomplished so far is ruining my feet. But they are getting better and I am still doing strenth training 3 times a week. It is just very frustrating. I can't even go for a walk--feet start hurting. But I know they are feeling better than they did a week ago. It is going to be a slow recovery. I just have to keep moving forward and taking one day(or Step) at a time.
And I am enjoying the new weights.
Glad to hear of yet another large family who is not leary of getting larger.
RE: How can I email you?


My e-mail address is [email protected]. It would be awesome to get to know each other even for the moral support!

Yes, I know what you mean about the Lord knowing the "Why" in these crosses we get. Like my son, he was going down the wrong road with drugs and alcohol. This car accident has made him realize some things and he is very grateful to God for sparing his life.

It is great that your daughter has graduated. That is a ery gratifying feeling to teach your children to read, write and all the things they learn. To have one graduate is truly awesome, too. Just knowing that you were a big part of it.

It is comforting to know you understand since your brother had an accident. I am glad he is doing better mentally.

Just email me. We our going to our cottage tomorrow and Saturday so the kids can ice skate on the lake.

Hey, where do you live? We live in Michigan.

when do you all find the time...

Hi all!

I am so encouraged by all you "big family" moms who find the time to workout. My question is...when? I have a 4-year old and 1-year old and it just seems like it's impossible to get an hour to myself! And we're contemplating #3!?!

Just wanted to grandmother was one of 18 and it has been a wonderful experience to come from a large family. She was always very close to ALL her brothers and sisters and so I was raised knowing all my great aunts and uncles and all their kids and all their kids. In fact my 90-year old great uncle called me Christmas morning to see how my son was enjoying himself! My grandmother was the third oldest and from her to the youngest is about a 20-year difference. It just amazes me!
So ignore the rude comments - you're giving your children a fantastic family! :)

RE: when do you all find the time...

Hello Michele,
You must keep in mind that by the time you have 6 or more children some of your children are old enough to be big helpers. They can entertain and take care of the little ones while mom works out. When my children were all little my workout consisted of taking a walk with the children.
Maybe you could ask Dad to help you out by spending some "quality time" with his children while you workout with a Cathe tape. If an hour is too much for him, maybe you could work out for only half an hour. Remember it is not all or nothing. Something is always better than nothing. Some days a walk with the kids may be all you can get. But that is much better than doing nothing.
And please remember--they grow up so fast! Enjoy this time in your life. Some day they will ALL be grown and gone and you will have way too much time on your hands.
And that is great about your big extended family. I feel the same way about my husband's family.
RE: when do you all find the time...

Hi Heather!

Dad has agreed to give me an hour when I want it and on the weekends I'll squeeze in something during naps. I work part-time, but my job requires me to work at home as well, so it's hard to not use nap times for just doing work. I've thought about getting up before my kids, but my 4-year old almost always ends up in bed with us and will wake up within 5 minutes of the bed being empty...he must be part bloodhound! So getting up at 5:30 or so is not really an option.

And yes, I do know how quickly they grow up...:( I try to always make them my first priority...everything else can wait!

Have fun with your new tapes and thanks for your input!

Hurray! for Children Lovers!

I wanted to tell you all that I just love to know there are other women that just love the Lord, their families and kids like us! :)

We have 3 kids and even though they are a lot of work, at the end of our lives, all our work will be worth it. At least I know we will not be lonely in a nursing home in our old age....we are not perfect, but our children love us and we are doing our best raising them.

You all should chime in more often with stories about your wonderful families. It just warms my heart to know that, like me, there are more God-fearing catheites out there! :-jumpy

Blessings from our home to yours, Runathon

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