LUNGES - how do you maintain your balance????


I am having a difficult time with my balance doing lunges. Any suggestions on how to correct this? Does it matter that I am barefoot when doing them? I've stopped trying to use a barbell or dumbell when doing them - wondering if I should wear sneakers?

Any thoughts?

use your barbell with no weight on it as a balance dowel and hold onto it while trying to do lunges. don't try to do to many lunges at once, build up your endurance and strength little by little.i am sure others will give you some other pointers that might help


When they discover the center of the universe, a lot of people will be
disappointed to discover they are not it -- Bernard Bailey
As another suggestion, try to focus on a spot in front of you while doing the lunge. Also, take your time (and do them at a slower pace) when you do the lunge. This could help with your balance as well. I used to have a hard time with balance while doing lunges until I focused on a spot on the wall directly in front of me.

Good luck.
Lunges are a great way to help establish good balance. Just keep at it, slow and easy, and before long you'll be a pro! I like the idea of using the barbell without weight as a tool to help you balance. You can also hold onto the back of a chair. I personally think it's best to wear crosstrainers or aerobic shoes for your w/o's. I think they help to plant your feet and prevent slipping.

WEAR SHOES first of all. The support your foot which will improve your balance (to say nothing of protecting your feet from weights - trust me, you don't want to drop a weight on your bare foot). Also, go slowly, as others have suggested. But most important is your posture. Remain upright - don't let yourself lean forward from the hips or waist. Keep your shoulders back and squared and keep your abs tight. Keeping your abs tight will actually dramatically improve your balance as core support keeps your body upright - and that is your balance.
Simple answer -- I don't. I've been working out regularly going on six years, now, and I still can't balance during lunges. I can't even balance during unweighted lunges, so I don't think it's a lack of strength, really. I've always had ear/balance problems, and I think that plays into it.

I either hold onto a cut-off broom handle with one hand and a dumbbell in the other, or I put a weight in one hand and hold onto a workbench with the other. I've tried and tried and tried it without a balance support, but I gave up in frustration. In order to get a good leg workout, rather than constantly falling over and trying to catch up, I just hold on to something and concentrate on using the support only when absolutely necessary.

Practice, practice, practice!
You've gotten some good advice. I'd add (I didn't see this mentioned yet) to do static lunges rather than forward or backward lunges. It's easier to keep your balance with them (and they are easier on the knees than forward lunges). Once you have these mastered with good balance, you can try the others.
Elin, someone mentioned you might need a wider stance along with other great tips. But to clarify, you might need more lateral distance between your feet.

Do static lunges for a while whilst holding onto a chair at one side of you. Then progress to forward lunges still holding onto the chair.
THANKS to everyone for your advice - I will keep trying - and I guess "practice makes perfect"!!!!

A tip that I use with my clients who are new to lunges is to get them to do unweighted static lunges with either my foot in front of their front foot so they cant go forward.

Another version is when I get them to put their front toe against a wall and use a stick/dowel for balance. This helps to keep the spine in alignment and maintain balance.
I echo the wider stance. Like your feet are in 2 skis wide apart, not sharing one ski one in front on the other.
Thank you, everyone!

I tried doing the lunges wearing sneakers - and it made all the difference in the world. I also tried focusing my eye on a particular object and it helped tremendously. I am still slow at the lunges but at least I was able to hold weights while doing them.

Thanks again to all of your great suggestions!!!!

Another idea: get one of those "back-of-the-door" mirrors from Walmart and put it in front of you so you can watch your form. It also gives you a place to focus on as you dip.

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