Intro and a few questions

Hi All
Im new to this forum..its so good to know that there are people out there who I can talk to about exercising..I don't think my husband wants to hear about it anymore :) My question is that I've been working out for two years now. Im at goal weight and Im starting to really see the definition I wanted.. however I was wondering how long it would take for me to look as defined as Cathe.. I realize she's been doing this for years but looking like her (very defined) is my goal..i was told once that because I was tall or rather had long limbs that it would take a while to get very defined..Im currently doing cardio 5-6 days a week, mostly running and I do all of Cathe's weight videos, alternating them about 3-4 times a week..I've heard that maybe Im working out too much but I'm not sure, considering the results I want. Any suggestions? Thanks
Hi Vanessa. Looking as defined as Cathe is really a two step process 1.) building some muscle by lifting weights and consuming adequate protein, and 2.) getting lean enough for them to show. I don't think that looking cut like Cathe is really an issue of height. I think that being tall is more of an issue for people who are looking to get bigger and look fuller (like bodybuilders). So, I think how long will it take is sort of difficult to answer... How much effort have you been putting into the weights? How clean is your diet?

I, personally, don't think you are working out too much. I do that amount. Although, for the record, I don't think that much is necessary for everyone if they eat properly. It has been my experience that people who criticize how much I work out are people who want to work out, but for one reason or another don't.

Hope this helps. Jeanne
Hi Vanessa! Welcome to the forum. Some body types put muscle on much easier than others. Because of this, it is not possible to say exactly how long it could take you. For me, and thats just me, I find that extensive running actually leans me out and makes it hard to keep muscle tone in my upper body. I also find that if I do not focus on one method of lifting, and lift heavy, that I cannot put a lot of muscle on. I seem to respond best to a clean diet, 4 to 5 days of mixed styles of cardio, and heavy lifting of one body part one time per week. If I have an area that I want to enhance even more, I lift heavy two days per week for that body part, but never more than two times per week. Thank you for your kind words and good luck!
Thanks Jeanne,
You're right about the criticizing...hubby has put on a few pounds but is too lazy to work out:) I agree about the clean diet. I have seen improvement after losing five extra muscles were more noticeable..I keep trying to increase my weight but I guess my endurance isn't so hot. Also I find that on some days I feel stronger than others and can handle more weight. Thanks for the advice.
Cathe, thank you so much for responding..i think I may have overworked some muscles..I do one body part at least 2x a week but also integrate some Firm videos that mix it up with some cardio. Do you find that splitting it up in the day (cardio in AM and weights in PM) is not as effective as doing right after one another? I know its good to have you heart rate up a bit and your muscles warm but was just wondering...Also I want to let you know that i love your tapes!! Mostly the weight ones. I love the stepping as well but unfortunately my knees don't. For some reason stepping for more than 20-30 mins kills my right knee. Either way I don't think I ever would have seen any results at all if it weren't for your tapes. Thanks
Hi Vanessa! Splitting up your workouts is fine. I do it often. Just be sure you do a warmup before each of your workouts. Take Care!

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