Is it harder to work out in the a.m.?


Hey, Cathe and fans,

I had been working out after work, then moved it to lunch hour. Now I've moved work outs to early morning (I think I like this best) BUT it seems like the workouts are more difficult. Not horrendously difficult, just enough for me to notice. I am wondering if it's because working out later in the day uses calories consumed during the day, but starting from "zero" when working out in the a.m. makes the workout seem more difficult. Just a theory - has anyone else experienced something similar?

I workout first thing in the morning. I definately like it the best than any other time of day for me. That way I get it out of the way and can go on with the rest of my day without worrying about it.

But yes, sometimes when I workout in the morning, I lack the energy and sometimes get a little shaky from not eating before hand. What I usually do when that occurs is grab a banana or some small snack and then work out. For me, that usually really helps. Also a few glasses of water in the morning helps me out too.

Good luck Liz.

I'm out in my workout room by 4:30 a.m. and I have to say that I struggle some days do to really intense workouts. It takes me a while to wake up! But early in the morning is the only time I can work out. I've found that if I do my ab workout first, I'm more awake for the cardio, weights or whatever!
I read somewhere that we are strongest around 4:00 or 5:00 pm and my personal experience supports this theory.

But, research has also shown that the early morning exercisers are the mostly likely to exercise regularly.

I think once you get used to it you'll be fine. I used to exercise at 4:30 am, too! Now, I can barely manage to wake up at 7:00.

Also, changing your workout times is another way to cross-train. Any time your exercise routine gets easy (easier), it means your body's adapted and therefore, burning fewer calories.
I think it's very individual. I'm NOT a morning person (and I specifically tell my department chair to not schedule me for classes before 9:00: one of the perks of being a tenured full professor!), so late afternoon works best for me.

I think if I did a morning workout program, it would last about a week (if that), then I'd be hitting the snooze button and miss my workouts!
i usually have to adjust my schedule to fit in my workouts from early a.m. to early evening to sometimes late in the evening on the weekends to get my workouts in regularly. A.M. workouts are defintely harder for me unless I'm able to do a.m. workouts regularly, then I get used to it and it gets a LITTLE bit easier. It is ALWAYS hard for me to get up at 4:30 a.m. like I have to to get in an a.m. workout...bleh, BUT the pay off is I'm done with it and nothing can get in the way of my workout. I'm not doing early a.m. workouts now, but with my schedule and level of stress at work, one never knows when that will change!
Liz, could it be that early morning workouts are harder because you're still asleep, ha ha :7 (I know I would be!). I have the greatest admiration for people who get up early to workout, that truly IS commitment (or insanity!?!?) :p I have osteoarthritis so my body is extra stiff in the morning and just couldn't handle a workout then, so five pm is my time.
It's definitely an individual thing. I'm a morning person, no question, so working out at 4:30 a.m. works best for me. I've got more energy in the early a.m. hours than I do when I take my 12:15 lunch time spin class. And, you'll never find me working out after work. I wouldn't make it through five minutes then; I'm just too tired.

I've been working out in the morning for so many years, I couldn't begin the describe the difference. I do know that when I'm extra tired, the workouts definitely do seem much more difficult, though. Like other people who work out in the mornings, I just find it much more convenient to get it finished & move on with the rest of my day. Also, it definitely "gets me going" & gives me a lot more energy for my day. Just my personal experience. Good luck!

Not Cathe here, but a devoted morning exerciser. I also believe it's a personal thing. On the rare occasion that I workout later in the day I find those workouts harder. I find it's easier to stay on track with my morning workout. I also find it gives me more energy throughout the day and it also gives me the extra confidence or willpower to stay on track with healthy eating too.

You might be too hungry in the am to give your all to a workout.
Try a light snack before you start so that your body has alittle fuel to get your "engine" going. I know I can't eat before I workout, I end up feeling ill. But I've read a lot of posts where people can't workout without a light snack. See what works for you.


"Age is a question of mind over matter. If you don't mind, it doesn't matter." Satchel Paige
I'm w/ Shelby all the way here... If I start at 4 or 5am I am a powerhouse! At 3:00 I'm a slug.... at 6:00 I just whine alot and give a third of what I have in AM. You just gotta find what works for your body... 2 cups of java and I'm good to go but eat immediately after.
Ok, it's harder to just breathe in the mornings! I admire you folks that can get it done early. I find that 4:30pm is my perfect peak exercise time for weights or cardio. Gosh, I'd love to be a morning person. Wonder if a person can really re-train their natural body clock?
Liz, I've been a morning exerciser for quite a few years now but used to workout in the evening after work. But I always noticed that on the weekends, when I would always exercise in the morning, that I felt great the rest of the day. When I became a group fitness instructor, I taught a hi/lo class Saturday mornings for several years that was awesome - lots of fun, intense cardio junkies in that class, it was great! So I changed all my workouts to mornings. However, during the week I prefer to teach evening fitness classes (those days I usually still do a workout in the morning). But I have to admit, I don't like to work out any earlier than 6a.m. In fact, it's usually after 7a.m. nowadays (I'm a SAHM who does radio research on a contract basis out of my home). I admire those who are up so early. I just can't wake up that early! I think everyone has a time of day that works best for their body. Also, most of the time I don't need to eat anything before working out but on occasion if I wake up hungry, a small banana or 4oz of juice does the trick.
Hi Liz:

I workout whenever I can fit it in, depending on my schedule that day. Sometimes its a 3:00 AM ( I travel alot for my job so if I have an early flight that's when I do it) or at 8:00 PM if need be.

My favorite time to exercise is right around 10-11 AM. I find I am the most strong and focused at that time.

I do find that if I have to workout at a crazy time ( ie early AM or late night) that I do much much better if I eat some carbs ( ie some fruit) and drink some water beforehand. Coffee helps too! :)

Good luck getting adjusted! Take care, Lynn M.
I've also been a morning exerciser for about 3-4 yrs. now. I started because my after work workouts got to be too tough to fit in as anyone with kids knows. There was always something or other, especially something unplanned, taking up time which sometimes left me too late and too tired to accomplish. When I started doing morning workouts, it was tough in the beginning, but with time, it's like anything else, you adapt. What also helps me alot is deciding what workout I'll be doing and then have all the equipment set up so when I get up all I have to do is pop in the dvd. It's also nice knowing that when I head off to work, I don't have to worry if something comes up during the day anymore. (Plus, it's nice and quiet in the morning - no interruptions!)

Morning? YUCK!!! I don't think my body even wakes up til about 1pm. I am so not a morning person. I get up about 6:15 to get ready for work, and I am most certainly NOT getting up at 5 am to go excersize. During the week, I generally do it after dinner from 6-7 or so. I know working out on a fully belly isnt the best idea, but it's really the only time I have. Up at 6:15 leave at 7 woprk 8-5, home by 530 or so, eat, excersize. I like to have time to spend with hubby and son, too, so thats where it falls. If I wait til my son goes to bed, then do it, I am wired and cant sleep. On the weekends and the days I work late (10-7) I excersize in the morn, but a little later. about 10ish on the wkends and 730 during the wk. I have heard that time of day can make a minimal dif in calories burned, but not a lot. I think its just important that you do it, it doesnt matter when. In my case, its either I don't do it at 5 am and burn no calories or I do it at 7pm and burn some butter!!! Whatever works and fits in your schedule is best for YOU, and thats whats important.

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