Cathe - stress much?


Hi Cathe,

I was wondering lately, as I peruse Cathe Nation, about your stress levels. You have this ever-growing fitness empire, a huge number of clamouring fans that are always asking for more, more, more from you, a staff that relies on you completely (ain't no one else can be Cathe for you for a day!), a new, very-challenging-to-produce 37-DVD set to create that everyone wants and expects from you yesterday, a family, etc...

How do you manage? Do you ever lie awake at night and think about what would happen if you got injured really badly and how that would affect everything and everyone around you? Do you ever want to say, nope, no workout today, I'm going to the beach? What is it like to know that if you are scheduled to film on a particular day, you have to be there and ready and pumped, even if you have the flu, or just aren't into it?

I am in awe. I know that you must have a tremendous support structure and amazing staff, and I bet you're a control freak too - which always helps!
Often wonder that myself???

Know what you mean...some days I have enough trouble getting myself through the door and to work or the gym in one piece (and on time!) and I don't even have that many commitments!! I can't imagine having to think of monitoring, meetings, dealing with the forum, teaching classes, being with spouse, kids, plus personal 'Cathe-time', if there is even such a thing...

Of course Chris and the rest of the team must be like Cathe's GIANT right arm :) Plus you wouldn't launch that kind of business without being prepared to be super-organized, super-efficient and, oh yeah, super-human ;)

Welcome to the forums Arwenlong! It is definitely challenging and yes, you do need to keep a few day planners in sight, ha....but I do have an equally "super-human" business partner, an exceptional staff, a tremendous support system, a healthy family, and two little boys who throw their arms around my neck every night and say that "I'm the best mom in the whole world"...(gotta love those precious boys ;) ). Life is good!

Btw, I am not really super human. I have bagged a workout when I am not in the mood, gone to the beach when I need a "me" day, post-poned the filming of STS by a few days due to me getting the flu (we had to edit out at least 1000 sniffles, lol,...but you go to plan B and move on. My motto "Don't look back, it slows you down". ;)

Take Care!

Hi Cathe,

I was wondering lately, as I peruse Cathe Nation, about your stress levels. You have this ever-growing fitness empire, a huge number of clamouring fans that are always asking for more, more, more from you, a staff that relies on you completely (ain't no one else can be Cathe for you for a day!), a new, very-challenging-to-produce 37-DVD set to create that everyone wants and expects from you yesterday, a family, etc...

How do you manage? Do you ever lie awake at night and think about what would happen if you got injured really badly and how that would affect everything and everyone around you? Do you ever want to say, nope, no workout today, I'm going to the beach? What is it like to know that if you are scheduled to film on a particular day, you have to be there and ready and pumped, even if you have the flu, or just aren't into it?

I am in awe. I know that you must have a tremendous support structure and amazing staff, and I bet you're a control freak too - which always helps!
I can not wait to tell your "motto" to my girls. That is definitely going to be practiced in this family from now on!! Thank You for sharing it. Happy Holidays!! Peggy
Cathe amazes rock lady. CRACK ME UP. I laughed so hard after I saw your post I couldn't stop.:)

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