
Hi Cathe, I'll make this short and sweet (kinda like you, no offense on the "short" comment, I'm 5'2 as well!). I'm sure your answer will help many others, not just me, so your professional expertise, please!

I'm short, medium-framed and have the unlucky "bulky thigh" syndrome. The one catch, I have a chronic knee issue, have an ortho doc etc. I'm okay to workout as long as I wear my knee strap, but he does say that squats, lunges can exacerbate my problem, which I've noticed! I also cant lift heavy to my dismay. I used to do S&H Legs with about 25lbs, but yesterday used only 15lb and even though I didnt feel it much in my legs, my knee twinged slightly. I also can't run :( I have all of your tapes plus a recumbent bike. My schedule is nuts so finding time to walk outside isnt reliable. I've tried Pilates, but doesnt seem to do much for me. I also currently do yoga once a week to help stretch the hamstrings in particular. I've tried many things but cant find the "magic", maybe you can offer a new rotation perspective?? Pretty please??? (P.S. I do practic clean eating, well most times!)

Thank you, thank you!

Hi Stacy! Assuming that your knees can do this (only you can be the true judge of that)try this:

Day one:
After an 8 minute warm up on the recumbent bike, pedal as fast as you can for 20 seconds with no resistance on the bike, then recover 20 seconds. Repeat this cycle (20 on/20 off) for about 5 minutes, then ride at steady state for 3 minutes for an active cool down.

Now immediately put a moderate amount of tension on the bike and go through the above cycle again.

Now get off of the bike and have leaner legs workout all cued up just past the warm up and do it with very light weight(focus on mentally squeezing the muscle as well as physically executing the movement with each and every rep).

Day two:
Muscle Endurance with light weight and a lower step height if needed.

Day 3:
Recumbent interval workout.....If any of the high tension biking bothers your knees, modify to something more suitable for your knees.

8 minute warm up with no tension or very mild tension. Now go to level 4 and ride fast for two minutes, and drop back to level 2 for active recovery for one minute (3 minutes total).

Then go to level 4 for three minutes at a quick pace and then bump up to level 5 for 30 seconds at your fastest pace, drop back to level 2 for active recovery for two minutes (5 minute 30 seconds total).

Now go to level 5 at a quick pace for one minute(if it bothers your knees, lift your butt off of the seat while you ride)now bump right to level 6 for 30 seconds at your fastest pace. Back to level 5 for a quick pace for one minute and then drop back to level 2 for a one minute recovery (3 minute 30 seconds total).

Do level 6 for one minute as fast as you can. Recover at level 3 for two minutes at a moderately fast pace (3 minutes total).

Do a high level that makes you HAVE to stand up to pedal at the fastest pace you can (it will be considerably slower since it is hard) for two minutes, drop to level 4 for two minutes pedaling super fast, the increase to level 6 and pedal at a quick pace for one minute and then drop to level 2 for a two minute moderate pace (7 minutes total).

Do level 3 fast for a minute, level 4 fast for a minute, level 5 fast for a minute, level two for two minutes at a moderate pace (5 minutes total).

Do the hardest level you can at the fastest pace you can (rear out of the saddle) for two minutes, recover at level 2 for one minute and then go to level one and pedal for the remaining 4 minutes (gradually slowing down each minute)(6 minutes total). Do a thorough lower body stretch when you finish.

Day 4:
Power Hour

Day 5:
Rest Day

Day 6:
Same bike workout as day one, but then instead of leaner legs, do the squat and lunge track from Power Hour and the floorwork portion of PS Legs and Abs.

Day 7:

Good Luck!
Cathe, thanks a million for the advice!! I really appreciate the time and thought you put into all of your replies! You are my idol!!

All the best,


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