Cathe, I have some questions...


Active Member
I noticed in one of your posts that you recommended doing one body part per day. You stressed that doing slow and heavy was important. So here's my question...
Does this mean that you only work a certain body part once a week? How would you fit in all the body parts if you only do one a day? Is once a week enough? I've been doing Legs one day, Chest, Shoulders and Triceps one day and Biceps and Back one day. I also do Abs 3-4 times per week. Should I change and start doing the one body part per day? I think I could do more sets if I need to. I only have time to work out 5-6 days per week. I have to take one or two days off depending on soreness. Also, if you aren't sore the next day after a workout, does that mean you didn't work hard enough. I did a very difficult leg workout last night. I just knew I would be sore, but I am not. Is this good or bad? Thanks.

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