Cathe, how often do I use SLOW & HEAVY series?


Hi Cathe!
My goal is to maintain the muscle I have now (thanks to teaching BodyPUMP) and I DO NOT want to build more. I have short legs and I'm overall petite and I feel if I get any bigger I'd look to bulky! However, since I ordered these and I'm not much of a HEAVY lifter, I know it's great to shock you muscles once in awhile so I plan on using your Slow & Heavy to maintain. Should I only do it once a week? I hope you understand my question...if this is relevant, I have short-medium muscle bellies...
Thank you so much in advance,
Myra :D
Hi Myra

I'm not Cathe but I do have the Series and she says in the beginning to only do a workout one and no more than two times per week . . . for example Chest & Back. And to see the best results, use these tapes on a shorter rotation, about three weeks, if I remember right. For you, you may want to consider what amount of weight will be important for you to maintain your muscle mass. Just a suggestion.

That's what I picked up from the video tapes on slow and heavy. I hope that this answers your question.

Keta. :D
Okay Guys,
LEAVE CATHE ALONE..... She has some DVDs to get out to us who are still Waiting!!!!!!! ;-) Okay seriously I plan on using S& H and PH once a week for four weeks, see what that does for me and go from there.

Dawn W
RE: Hi Myra

Cathe IS the expert! I wish more people would follow her advice.
Hi Myra! If you only want to maintain your muscle I would suggest doing the slow and heavy series for shorter durations and with a lighter weight. For instance, do each tape at only one time per week, for maybe only two weeks (and keep your weight moderate). Using the tapes this way will not only maintain muscle but will shock your muscles as they respond to a new way of training (as you mentioned).

What are the new ways the muscles are worked in this series? These S&H tapes focus HEAVILY on using good form while training in a slow manner as to decrease the chance of using momentum (using momentum, in almost all cases, cheats the muscle of gaining full benefits of the exercise). The muscles are also worked from new angles and many times engaged in a scapular retraction. These new variations will enhance your posture plus call upon muscles that enhance functional strength. These benefits alone are worth their weight in gold. Good Luck:)!

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