Can I do all Xpress series in one day


Active Member
Hi Cathe, and all Cathe fans. I am so excited about my new tapes, and I wanted to know if it was safe to do all Xpress tapes on one day during the weekend, when I have more time, followed by rest the next day and following with Circuit Max and Cardio Kicks the next day. Is this possible or am I just asking for injuries? Cathe, I feel now that I turned 35 I have to workout longer and harder, I don't have any kids, but I hear the body just starts losing muscle and gaining fat, so I'm worried. I want to do all your tapes (PS Series, all the Step tapes and my new ones) all in one week. Do you recommend I slow down or is it O.K. to want to do more of your workout tapes? Anyone? The age thing is killing me.
I understand about the age thing

....I just turned 30 last month and just about died!

I'll let Cathe answer about doing all the workouts in one day. I would think it would be too much cardio in one day but that's just my opinion.

Just wanted to let you know I can identify with the panic of "getting older"

I'll be 35 in December...

And i'm reading "Outsmarting the Female Mid-life Fat Cell". I had a baby 20 mos ago, and I've noticed a huge change in *where* I store fat, as well. I'm trying to have yet another child (my last), and I wonder if I was having trouble getting my fit-self back at 33, what hope have i at 36 - and then I look at Cathe - and I get inspired. I don't expect to ever look like her - but I know I can be the best I can be at 36, at 40, etc.

But I think what you are planning to do is very dangerous to your body. You are going to injure yourself if you do her entire 6 pack in one day. My humble opinion - but think of all the joint jarring. In one day!

Hey! 30 isn't old?

If you're old - what does that make me? Actually I didn't have trouble with 30 - I love being in my 30s! I think i'm much more solid and centered as a human being than I ever was in my 20s...

Does the age thing make you work out longer?

Do you find yourself, working out longer and harder? Feeling guilty about eating too much, trying to do as much as possible, because you still have to look real good? Anyway, thanks for understanding. God, you just turned 30, I wish I was 30 again, I think I looked my best back then, now my skin looks different. My sisters say I'm crazy, but you know how it is, you are your own worse viewer.
I had a baby....

21 months ago (this past Saturday). I agree Cathe is SO inspirational.

I also wanted to add that too much cardio will eat away at your muscles that you work so hard to build.

Remember, you can get more accomplished and go further with a few steps over many days than one long walk in one day. Ok, that didn't come out right but, I hope you get my point
. Patience is so hard but that why it's a virtue.
Well, it's not that I'm old.....

but, it's a milestone. I felt like my gosh, 30 is already here so then 40's not that far, then 50, 60, 70 etc....... For me it was one of those "never thought it would actually happen" kind of thing. It's really motivating me to buckle down and get my life and body in order.


I was so afraid that it wouldn't make any sense at all

Yea - I understand

But 10 years IS a long time. You need to remember that! I do the same thing with 40, only in my case, I've got 5 years. But even FIVE years - thats a LONG time!
I dunno

Since hitting 30, and moving onward past that meaningless little milestone
, I realize that I am much more comfortable with my body. I am what I am, and who I am. That being said, I definitely want to be the fittest me, that I can possibly be.

I think fitness includes a lot of components - including rest. If you overtrain you will injure yourself, and then your body will feel even older.

As far as eating - perhaps the right thing for you to do is to figure out what you think you should be eating (how much, what balance), and try to follow with that.

I'll bet you look great- and yet, I understand how you feel. We are our own worst critics.

I can relate...

<center><font size="1" color="#ff0000">LAST EDITED ON Aug-29-00 AT 06:38PM (EST)</font></center>

I'll be thirty-one next month and I've noticed some changes in my body, but they're not all bad. I may have been a lot skinnier ten years ago but I wasn't in as great as "shape" as I am in now. I have more muscle tone than I ever had back then. My baby is going to be 18 months on Sep. 2 and I've considered having another one but I too worry about getting back into shape in my mid-thirties but I think Cathe has shown us that it's not impossible. She's a great role model.

As far as doing the entire six-pack in one day and following that up with Cathe's other step tapes and the PS series the rest of the week I think that's probably too much and you'll just be asking for injuries. Just work out consistantly and watch what you eat and you should be OK. I don't think you need to take any drastic measures. But that's just MHO

to Lourdy

Lourdy, the reason we exercise is because IF WE DIDN'T, our bodies would start gaining fat and losing muscle. That is a natural process of aging IF YOU'RE SEDENTARY. That's for normal folks, not workout amazons like us! If you are working out with weights twice a week you are NOT losing a half pound of muscle a year, believe me. So don't worry too much about that!
Today I am 40

I did 10-10-10 today, it was intense, it was fun, I sweated like crazy and I was damn proud of myself! Yes, 10-15 years ago I could eat anything I wanted and I did not have to worry. Then every year I kept wondering why I couldn't lose those last few pounds by cutting back on my portions. Well, working out changed all that. I am stronger, fitter, tighter than I have ever been, and that is all thanks to sweating and challenging myself 5 days a week. Now I realize it is not about fitting into those size 5 jeans, it is a lifestyle that I will continue into my 50's, 60's and beyond. You will not find me sitting in my rocking chair.....well, maybe after my workouts! Keep working hard and the rewards will follow.

Happy Birthday Larysa!!!

What a great attitude you have! You're truly an inspiration! I haven't done 10-10-10 yet but I did do Cardio Kicks yesterday. What FUN! I think I'll try Power Circuit today.

Happy Birthday to both of us!

Hey Larysa,
Today is my birthday too! I turned 37. Yikes!!! How can this be? Anyway, my new Cathe tapes came yesterday - what a great birthday present to myself! I did CTX Kickbox yesterday and Step & Intervals today. Tomorrow I'm doing 10-10-10. I agree that working out is a lifestyle choice and not about a clothing size. Happy Birthday!
Boy, can I relate!

Hi Lourdy,

Reading through your email and the responses prompted by it really hit home for me! I will be 39 this year and noticed a more pronounced change in my body this decade compared to the last. Even so, I wouldn't want my 20ish body back!! Because of people like Cathe (who keep us all on the cutting edge of what is working for the exercise community), I know I'm a better exerciser now as opposed to 10 or even 5 years ago. For me the key has been a swing to greater weight training with a compliment of cardio rather than the other way around. Now if I could discipline myself to stretch more....!

The other somewhat suprising discovery through this odessy called "being 30ish" is the mental and emotional fortitude I have now that I seemed to lack back then. You know, Mom told me I would grow up someday...I just never thought it would actually happen!!

I also don't have any children and at times I'm shocked at how hard it is to stay in shape. I am always inspired by those who have gone through the miracle of birth and are committed to maintaining a healthy body and life. That is truely a wonderful gift to give not only themselves but all of their loved ones.

Keep up the good work; if you continue to try new things you will find what works for you. And remember, the human body is amazing and a constant source of wonder. However, it does develope a tolerance to any stimulus rather quickly (thank goodness or we all wouldn't be here!) Shocking ourselves to new levels of fitness seems to be a major key to this problem and Cathe has really assisted us with the answer.

Stay healthy today and always, Houston
No! You shouldn't do all the Xpress tapes in one day!

These videos are advanced total body workouts in themselves. My question to you: why would you want/need to do all these videos in one day? I have been working out now for about 3 years now, and I realize that working out can be addicting; but working out for more than 2 hours/day can be downright dangerous to your health. Not only do you risk the chance of increase injury, but your not going to have nearly as much fun or see the results that you may be hoping for. :eek:)
If you have 8 hours/day to devote to yourself, I suggest that you spend time improving the quality of your life in other ways. I hope this helps. :)
Hi, Lourdy!

I turned 35 last month. So, I know just what you mean about having to do more to accomplish what you consider the same results. But, that said, doing all those tapes in one day is just plain masochistic! I, myself, do try to get a little more cardio than I used to in my younger days. Maybe try a long fast walk on top of your Cathe video choice for the day. Maybe run a couple miles. Bike a little. Have some fun!

You know, as we get older, our endurance levels get better! I may not be a sprinter, but I can run slow and forever! Some of my best friends run ultra marathons and they are in their 40's! Alice says you get better as you age in the endurance department! She should know after doing races like the Leadville 100 and placing! But, I don't think doing all of Cathe's videos every week would be smart training. It would just make me very tired.

Good luck and keep us posted!
What was I thinking? Xpress in one day?

Well, thank you all. I did Circuit Max last night, and Cardio Kicks this morning and feel great! I realize that although I'm use to working out in the morning and evening, that is quite a bit. Sometimes its good to talk to other people, because you can get carried away. I love modern technology and I can't wait to do the Xpress series. I thought of doing 1 in the morning and 1 at night, and that way I'll get thru all 6 in 3 days, instead of one. Like I said, I wasn't thinking, my excitement blurred my brain, and you girls helped me come back to reality. My husband did too, he noticed I had worked out yesterday morning, walked at lunch and worked out last night. He said, please stop after this tape, you look great, you're just going to overtrain, so I said, you're right. Thank you everyone, workouts are supposed to be fun, why over do it?

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