Workout Blender, transferring purchased Cathe downloads to the Blender?

I viewed the tutorial for the WOB, simple enough. I got it. What the tutorial does not tell you is how do you get your purchased digital downloads to transfer to this WOB. Again, I understand how to use the WOB. But in order to do that, I need to know how to get my saved Cathe downloads that are saved in a folder on my desktop. I try dragging the link to the WOB where it says to transfer them to, but I do not have them on the WOB page like the tutorial shows. So how do I get them to the WOB page so I can drag them there? Thanks. I hope I made myself clear. I'm better at talking than typing you could say. Thanks everyone!!
Hi 59redrobbin,

Just to clarify a couple things so that I can help you better, are you dropping the entire folder into the Workout Blender onto the import icon, or each individual video file? And are you running the current version of the WB and what operating system are you using, including version? If you can let me know these things, I'll try to better answer your question.
Hi, and thanks for responding! I am not dropping the entire folder. I have a Cathe download folder on my desktop. I double click the folder, that opens to my downloads, and then I try to drag the individual link to the WOB, but it will not let me do anything. I just down loaded the WB today, so I suppose I have the current version. I have Vista. What ever the first version of Vista was that came out, I have. Thank you. Hope we can clear things up, I'm excited to use this.
Just working through the troubleshooting process...but do the files that you are dragging into the workout blender end in ".m4v"? For example the YogaRelax video would be called "Cathe-Low-Impact-YogaRelax.m4v"
Yes, they do: Thank you for taking time with me. Here is one I have been trying for example: cathe-drill-max.m4v....................And just now, I tried it from my desk top because I didn't realize I had an icon for the WB and I dragged my Cathe videos in this way-right into the WB desktop icon, and it worked. Yes!! I'm sorry that I did not realize this initially. Now, I'm very exited and can play with it. I'm sorry again to pester, but at least it is Friday. Thank you.
Lucky you!

I'm on two different Macs, both on the latest OS version of Lion, and when the Blender first came out, I was on Leopard. I have NEVER been able to use the Workout Blender and at this point, I've lost faith that I ever will :-( Looking for alternative ways to video edit chapters together, since I'm tired of missing out.
@59redrobbin, Glad you were able to troubleshoot it yourself and that it is working for you!

@hiho322, don't lose faith quite yet. The developers of the libraries that we use have completed the process of updating them to work with Lion, and we are at this point just waiting for them to release them so that we can incorporate them into the Workout Blender. We can't provide a timeline for that to happen since their release is out of our control, but it will happen!
Curt Kapus said:
@59redrobbin, Glad you were able to troubleshoot it yourself and that it is working for you!

@hiho322, don't lose faith quite yet. The developers of the libraries that we use have completed the process of updating them to work with Lion, and we are at this point just waiting for them to release them so that we can incorporate them into the Workout Blender. We can't provide a timeline for that to happen since their release is out of our control, but it will happen!

So happy to hear this!!!! Thanks so much for letting me know. Please post again when it's up and running. Can't wait!!!


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