Importing Cathe Video Information


I've imported the downloads into the WB and have made several workouts, but since I downloaded the updated version every time I open the WB it has to import the downloads and the premixes. It does this automatically but I never had this issue before. Can you help?
Hello myputer,

This is normal behavior for the application. One of the issues that people were having with earlier versions was that if any video had been moved, it would cause problems with all of the workouts. This newest version does not actually re-import everything, it just checks to make sure that all the necessary pieces and videos are located where they are supposed to be before proceeding. By the way, we do need to change the info box that comes up as this is being done and that is on our list for the next version (as is speeding up this process of checking!).
Not having had any luck using my MacBook Pro and the Workout Blender with Leopard, I now have Lion on my iMac. Will Blender work on that, or do I still have to wait for the next version?
Well, hiho322, unfortunately I still don't have an answer for you. We will just have to give it a try when it is released. The problem you and others have been having is due to bugs within the Mac hardware when it comes to 64 bit processing, and we do not have one of the couple affected machines to test on, so it is difficult for us to predict how the Mac will handle the code. The Lion version uses a different set of tools than the Snow Leopard version, so I am optimistic, though not positive, that it will work.

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