I want STS, but have reservations because...


I'm RARELY able to complete all the reps in most of Cathe's workouts as it is. I can hoist a decent amount of weight, but I'm just not made to lift as "professionally" as many of Cathe's fans.

Does anyone else feel this way about STS? Would it be "wasted" on someone like me, do you think? These sound like serious workouts and I wouldn't want to feel as if they're totally beyond me.

What do you believers think?

For what it's worth: I don't think it is about lifting as heavy as Cathe, as I'm sure you know. The point of STS as far as I know is to get YOU to improve... no matter where you start. If your one rep max is 12 pounds, you use that 12 pounds. If your one rep max is 40 pounds, you use that 40 pounds. You're always doing a percentage of that 1RM, so you'd maybe use 8 pounds (67% 1RM) or 10 pounds (as close to 80% 1RM as your weights allow) etc.

I *do* think that we should anticipate feeling like it's a lot at first. That's part of the deal... you challenge yourself and improve in large part because of the challenge.

I say, if you're on Cathe boards, you're aware of how well you personally respond to challenge; I'm not sure any of us thought we could tackle a Cathe workout the first time we saw her workouts!

As for completing the reps in the non-STS workouts, I'd lower your weight and focus on completing them all before you go up in weight. I think that's a different post, though, so I'll leave my comment at that.
The reason you state for being afraid to try STS is exactly why you should get STS. It sounds like you’re trying to lift the same weight as Cathe and this is not a good idea unless you’re the exact same strength and build as Cathe. What you need to do is choose a weight that is appropriate for your fitness level – not Cathe’s.

With STS you will select a weight based on your 1RM. Cathe will be doing the same thing. Though you and Cathe will be using the same % of 1RM for each exercise, your weights will not be the same since your 1RM will either be lighter or heavier than Cathe’s. If STS accomplishes nothing else, we hope it teaches everyone the importance of selecting a proper weight for each exercise.
Amy (and SNM!)

Thank you very much for responding. I feel a lot better about things now. Because you took the time to help me see the concept behind the new series, I now plan to preorder.

I will simply work to the best of my ability and strive for more strength along the way. With these forums and the genius of Cathe, how can anyone fail who gives it their all?

Thanks again!

Susanne, I wish you the best of luck with STS and all of your other workouts. You should give yourself more credit!

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