1 week down!


Finished week 1...whew! I really hate endurance work! After leg day I developed an acute appreciation for how easy it used to be to get out of my car! I know that thing is for sitting on but seems more painful now! Really surprised how intense disk 2 was with what I thought was fairly light weight. Sets of 15 and 21 change the game.I used the band as an assist on some of the pull ups and that helped. Guess I am still standing next will be week 2....cant wait for meso 3!!!!!(shorter sets)
Congratulations. I hate the leg days. The 1st time I did the 1st one , I couldn't walk right for a week. I was miserable. You will enjoy STS more everyday. Keep up the good work. Be proud of yourself.
Did you take before pictures or weigh or measure yourself? You might want to do that before you get any further to have a comparison when you are finished.

I'm about to do Legs!

Congrats on finishing your first week! I'm about to do the same, excited and frightened! LOL! I'm also surprised with how challenging these workouts are. I had read about how long the rests are between exercises, but right now I'm like rest? What rest? I love it though!
Andrea the rest increase with the Meso. Meso 2 will have longer rests and Meso 3 even longer. Enjoy .

Andreadaile: I did change the order and did leg day inbetween the upper body workouts...thought I might have a better chance of surviving!!
Aaaaaauuugh I did it! Even hung in for the bonus burn at the end. I think my butt is already smaller lol. Wow. Time for yoga relax and a hot bath!

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