PYGFO- *~*~*~~*Thursday*~*~*~*~


Afternoon, I guess it's close enough, huh?

Today was cardio, so I did RS. I had to add risers to my step(8"), my heart rate wasn't getting up there?!

Liann- you can see it in your face a little, but that is a beautiful picture of you and your DH.

Robin-looks like you all had a good time at work yesterday, is that you with the hat/patch, and sword in your hand, with the boat around your middle? LOL!:7

Lara-thank you for the kind words, and glad I could help you along with your workout;) Hope you and dh enjoy your alone time. :)

off to clean up my sweat:+

Hey guys.

Just a very brief hello for now... am in the middle of about 600 things. Yesterday went very well. It was great seeing nurses that cared for the boys 15 years ago and also wonderful seeing hundreds of alumni, mostly children/babies who have all made it through the NICU. It was great for alot of them to see my boys and how well they have done. Some of the nurses didn't know that Paulie had passed away and that was hard telling them. Also, when the head of the NICU introduced the band, he called Sean and Dominic twins, and I held it together but that was tough. He apologized for saying that later on, and of course he did't do it on purpose. The main thing is that he wanted all of the families to know that they were also premies and how far they have come. He just forgot that they were actually triplets in the moment. I think in the long run it was better for everyone there, I wouldn't want them to be afraid that maybe something would happen to their child down the road. Going through all that with a premature baby is so scary ( and for me it was times 3). I was very proud of my boys being the entertainment for people who have also made it through. Really got my heart.

Robin: Wow, looks like a little too much Pirate fun going on at work!!! Those pics are freaking hilarious!!

Liann: Um, yea... you can def. see the difference in your face. I can't get over it!! You should be pretty smug girl, you have obviously worked pretty hard!!

Okay, I have a client coming any minute, hadone at 8:00 this morning and then DH and I took a nice walk. Then I have to go do grocery shopping, drop off kids here there and everywhere, then teach tonight, then rehearsal for the play we just started. More on that later as well. Probably more like midnight tonight!! ( catches breath)

Have a great day!
Michelle - Good old RS. I've been saving that one for when I get most of Cathe's choreography down. I think I am getting close to being ready to try it though. :)

Robin - I LOVED your pictures from yesterday. The deviled egg armada was HILARIOUS!!! I mentioned TLAP day to my DH yesterday and he looked at me like I was out of my mind. Oh well...

Vicki - I'm glad yesterday went so well. I always love hearing stories about you and your boys. You definitely have much to be proud of. :) I'm glad you could tell a difference in the face. At the time I had already lost some weight, but was still not happy with where I was. During that time, if anyone at work found out about me going to the gym or saw a Slim Fast on my desk (I don't drink those anymore!) they would go off on me about how I was already so thin etc... and I didn't need to lose any weight. Now they claim I looked the same then as I do now and that's it all in my head and I never needed to lose weight anyways ughh....

I did B&G last night and boy did it kick my butt! After a while I couldn't help but wonder how many lunges does a person really need to do? As much as I love the workout, the standing portion seems to be a ton of different ways to do the same exercise - lunges. Did I mention I hate lunges??? ;)

Tonight I have to finish up the core work from B&G. I was to out of it last night to finish. I might throw in some cardio on the bike as well. Maybe good old Coach Sean. :)

p.s. Not sure if I mention this to you gals, but my Boa jacked up his mouth the other day and I have to take him to the vet tomorrow to get it fixed. Keep your fingers crossed for me that the vet and myself are able to keep Aloysious controlled during the proceedure. He's STRONG, hence why I need help realigning his jaw.
Liann, how exactly does a snake do that to their mouth? Doe's it happen when they eat? I'll keep my fingers crossed for you.
Coach Sean...Like nails on a chalk board to me:p

Vicki, glad everything went alright for you guys yesterday:)
Michelle - Sometimes he strikes at his glass if he sees movement. He struck at me the other night when I walked by and later when I looked at him, I noticed his lower "lip" was bent in on the right side. I thought it was from eating, but later put two and two together. He struck, hit the glass like a moron and bent his lower lip in. It's now firmly stuck because he teeth obviously hooked the inside of his mouth. Me thinks my snake has a very low IQ. Anyways, I've tried loosening it up myself, but it's become obvious that he is going to have to be seriously restrained. He's got to be hurting. :( I've had him for 3 years and he strikes at the glass all the time, but this has never happened, so I think it is just a freak thing. Just as a side, he really isn't a mean snake, as soon as you show him the hook and take him out, he's as docile as a puppy. He just gets excited at feeding time and strikes at anything.

Here's a pic of baby Lolo hanging out my bed. I was watching tv and he was basking. He's a LOT bigger now...
Awww, poor guy. I thought maybe you fed him too big of a rat, like i'm a snake expert. He has very beautiful markings.
Hi PYGFOers. No workout for me today:( I officially have another cold and didn't get home until late due to errands again. We leave for VT tomorrow to help empty my mom's house, so I doubt if I'll get any workouts till next week.:( :(

Yes Michelle, I was that crazy person with the boat and the long sleeved white tee.

Vicki, just reading your posts makes me tired. I wonder if Greyor will ever get invited to an NICU reunion? Or the PICU? I loved a lot of the nurses we met and thought if I ever did any kind of nursing (not very likely) it would be in a NICU.

Liann, good luck at the Herp Dr. How is your DH doing with school?

Hi to any other PYGFO pals who stop by. I won't be around again until Sunday afternoon at the earliest. Hope you all have a better weekend planned than mine.
Hi Ladies!

Just wanted to drop in very quickly to say "Hi"!
I did SJP this morning and after SchoolMax am busy doing Clean-up-the-house Max.:p I need to remember to do SJP on an 8" step. I like that one b/c of the music, but the step portion does not get my HR up there.

Off to PackMax..leaving for Houston to visit my parents tomorrow after school. Okay, how obsessive is this? I am planning to take my step to do CM!! Just call me "CUCKOO!" or maybe you all understand my obsession with our dear friend Cathe.:eek:

Robin - He seems to be doing ok. His next paper is going to be pretty challenging so he's dreading it. He found out that he only has one more paper after this one and he's done. It's hard to believe his first class is almost over, but I guess that is why it is called an accelerated class. :)
Liann, wow, that is accelerated! Tell him I said have fun with the papers.

Gin, I have a cheap step stashed at my SIL's and my mom's. I don't think you're crazy at all!

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