Pentagenarians & Beyond: W/B 5/16


Good morning,

I just finished CLX Push Circuit One....boy did it feel great getting back into the swing of things! I guess a week off sometimes does wonders for the mental part of exercising too.

DH and I worked for a couple hours in the garden yesterday, he did lawns, etc while I weeded. We have a lot more to weed, he went to get more mulch. Maybe another hour or so for the one bed, but lots of edging still to be done. It looks great when finished, but is it hard work.

Beautiful sunny and still a little cool here today, great weather to work outside though.

Have a great day and start to the week! :D
Good morning,

Our yard is really blooming with a week of rain but we won't be able to mow until Wed. And maybe not then if it doesn't dry out. We spent the weekend shopping for a painting for pool area- Not great art but something in red and oranges to brighten up the white marble. I found it and another painting for the family room. Almost done with spring cleaning, which for me includes moving furniture. I always change furniture arrangements a couple times a year. At least that means I vacuum under furniture once in a while.:D

I am going to start sts meso 2 on Monday. Since I wasn't crazy about meso 1 I decided to just jump in with 2.

No weight loss this week. Is it the sweetner? or an average 1400 calories a day?

Hi Deb, Joan, and any later posters--

This morning I did BBL High and Tight (35 min.) and followed it with Cardio Axe (25 min.).

Joan, I just finished meso 1 and find the pushups daunting, to say the least. I don't do the leg work, though, and substitute either BBL or P-57. I do like the chinups and pullups, though, in meso 1, now that I have my tower. I will be starting meso 2 next week and continue to do substitute leg work. Where do you go to pick out paintings? A gallery? I buy from artists I know, either local, or from a couple artists with whom we are friends in NYC.

I knew you would get your groove back, Deb. Don't remind me about weeding. Blech! My gardens really need some attention, but there's too much stuff to do at the end of the semester.

Since it's sunny and warm, the chicks (already getting big!) are out and about in one of the pastures. Fenced-in, of course, but nice to see them free-ranging it. DH keeps looking up to see if there are hawks. We also have a beautiful Baltimore Oriole couple nesting in one of our plum trees. Just stunningly beautiful the male.

Went to see The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo yesterday. I thought it was excellent and very faithful to the book. I really hope they don't try to do an American re-make, because I think they will screw it up.


Good morning.

Today I did a 35 minute Cardio Coach. It felt very good to be moving again.

We ended up doing more weeding and mulching in the afternoon. I am just glad that my back and the rest of me did not feel anything from it.

Joan, what type of painting did you get for the pool area? Can you swim for exercise? I think your body is hanging on to every calorie it gets right now. Maybe try the ziz zag method for a week and see if that works.

Garance, I would be so worried about hawks and the little chicks. Even crows or ravens are nasty and could probably get one. Remember we had that bunch of crows ( DH thinks they were ravens) kill a baby bunny. Just awful.

Hi to Josie, Kathy, Valerie, & Cathy

Take care...
good morning!

Did a medium bike ride saturday, mileage in low 20's. planned on a bit longer ride but it was windy... headwind no matter which way we went, and it got old so we shortened the ride a little. Sunday was Gardenmax or I should say, Weedmax. that was my 'day off". Gotta do it a couple times a summer though I'm trying to fill in open space so less area for weeds to get established. sounds like everyone is in on the spring weeding fun.... This morning we're doing our 35 mile trail ride.

Joan, I think as long as you're exercising 1400 cal is quite reasonable. too low is not good. most people don't lose 4 lbs of body fat in a week, some is fluid loss. hang in there. I don't like push ups much but I did more toe push ups the second time thru. really my third time. push ups are very effective and GREAT core work besides arm/shoulder. I don't worry if I can do all the variations perfectly. those staggered ones are so hard as are the boot camp ones. if toe ones are too hard give yourself a pass and do them all on your knees. Don't even stress about it. I liked the muscle endurance aspect of meso 1. but I liked all 3 cycles. gott go ride, maybe more later.
Hi Ladies,

My ride on Saturday was very nice we did 52 miles 40 of those miles were hills some very steep. On Sunday I decided to get some sleep and just went spinning everyone else was doing a recovery ride, so I did my own. I have been so hungry after all the miles that I put in. I crave mostly protein.

Valerie, do you ever get numbness on your hands from biking? I have experienced this on the last 2 weekends and mostly on my left hand. I know that I'm still hanging on for dear life when I go down hill, but it had not happened before. I move my hands all over, but I still felt it this weekend. Any suggestions?

Deb, I'm glad that you are back on track. I do not garden at all, I just tell my gardener that I need him to plant new flowers and that is it ;)

Garance, I have not had a chance to read any of the books yet, but I did buy them all.

Hi Cathy and Kathy.

Hi Deb, Josie, Joan, Cathy, Valerie, and Kathy--

This morning I did Petra Kolber's Just Dance (50 min.). Of course, Max had to interrupt me several times so it was a little wild there for a bit.

Deb, Max is now watching over the chicks. When he barks they go skedaddling back into the house. Very funny! He seems both surprised and delighted at making them move. He seems to have picked up from DH the habit of looking up, too.

So, the Rolling Stones are re-releasing Exile on Main Street tomorrow with 10 new previously recorded songs added. I can't wait! Loved, loved, loved that record! Apparently there is also a doc film of them doing Exile in France coming out.

Josie, the third, The Girl who Kicked a Hornet's Nest, is coming out on May 25. It has already been released in England, but I think I can wait. Good for you on the bike riding! It sounds like you will be ready.

Grrr! Interviews all afternoon, and it's nice outside. I would actually love to do some weeding--preferable to interviewing students about junior faculty.
Well, I got side tracked last week - but I am back to work - I AM SO OUT OF SHAPE - it is pitiful and it makes me a little angry at myself - I almost feel like I am starting over - my cardio capacity is not even near what it was before. One day at a time - right?

Deb - Glad you are enjoying some sun and getting to work in your yard - it has been pretty here for the most part but rain last night - we need every drop :)

Joan - I am just starting Meso 1 this week - I am going to try to stick to it - I used to have rotation ADD - but I was in shape then and didn't really have to stick to a specific plan - now it is BUSINESS :)

Garance - Wish I had the tower - I will be using bands for pull ups as I am too heavy to use my bar right now - your place sounds beautiful!

Traildoggie - I am not much for push ups either - have wrist issues and do as many as I can but when I need to stop - I really need to :)

Josie - Wow on your mileage - that is great! I garden a little but do not have time for too much. We are raising our Grandson (5) and we both work full time - I have little time for some things!

I did HIIT 40/20 today - I may do some change ups on my cardio workouts, I love Cardio Coach and I love kickbox and kettlebells guess I will play it week by week. I am a bit overwhelmed at all the logging I have to do with my meals - I think I am going to pick 2 of each breakfasts, lunches, dinners, morning and afternoon snacks and alternate them to make less logging and also less time consuming when making my meals to take to work. Then I can log as meals instead of items - I haven't logged my food in for yesterday yet but am headed to do it now - I am sure it is between 1200 - 1400

Hope you all have a lovely day

Good morning!

I just finished CLX Push Circuit 2, had my protein shake, fed the bird yada, yada, yada...

I had a nasty, nasty, virus infiltrate my computer yesterday, spent 3 hours with a tech on the phone from my anti-virus software provider. WOW, was it nasty. It kept brining up pop ups that were telling me that my computer was infected, and it would not let me open any programs or files, then porn sites would pop up automatically, etc. The game is that they want you to purchase their "virus software", but the tech told me it is a scam, there is no software, they just want your credit card number, then they clean you out.

Valerie, we did the same with our garden, filled it with daylillies, and anything else that takes up space, but still the weeds took over, probably because I was not diligent last fall in keeping them at bay. You amaze me with that bike riding on trails, I can't imagine going that distance.

Josie, are you finding that you are losing weight or maintaining with all the riding? I would love to have a gardener....I sort of have DH!

Garance, yay for the Rolling Stones!! Will you be able to get the CD right away? I bet every store is sold out immediately.

Kathy, Yes, one day, one pound at a time...I keep saying that to myslef too..I love Cardio Coach! Which ones are your favorites? Mine is CC7. I cannot do the whole 60+ minutes, so I usually do the warm up, then challenge 2 & 3 , cool down etc. What do you log your meals into? I use I know there are better programs out there, but after all these years, I have so many of my foods calculated and in there already, it is a daunting thought to start over with another program.

Hi to Joan and Cathy!

Take care,
I had typed a nice answer to you Josie, and when I hit submit it disappeared into cyberspace. Not as much fun as a nasty computer virus Deb was enjoying , just irritating. hope you got that worked thru Deb. I haven't had any issues in a long time but it can happen to anyone.

Josie, my left wrist really bothers me when it is hyperextended, like on a handlebar. I constantly change position and let it hang off the bar or raise it up in the air. DH says it's like carpal tunnel syndrome and to wear a wrist splint at night. It bothers me at night too so I'm going to try the splint. It holds your wrist in a neutral position and lets it rest. they are OTC at any drugstore.
The other thing I looked into were aerobars.... those platforms that hook onto your handlebars. but I'm too short to reach. I have issues reaching the brake levers as it is and have the cheater brake levers. I'm very short in the torso and when my seat is high enough I can't get that far forward but I've seen other people using them and it looks like they would totally relieve your wrists. I bought some at one point but they didn't fit with the cheater brakes so I returned them, think they were around $100.

Fortunately push ups don't bother my wrists. I don't LIKE them but I think they are worth working on. It was a real lesson to me when I restarted meso 1 and my core got so sore from pushups. push ups work a whole lot more than you think they do.

Did our reg 35 mile ride yesterday faster than usual. temp was good and being monday there was light foot traffic so not too many people to avoid.

We have a huge vegie garden plus lots of other beds. at first I tried little stuff like petunias but no, you need big stuff to fill spaces. as long as things fill the space, the weeding is much less, but it's a fair bit of work. lawns aren't easy either.
Hi Ladies,

I will be spinning tonight and maybe doing a double class. My left had is feeling better, but not 100%.

Valerie, thank you for your advice. I took my bike in for a tune up and asked them about spacers for my brakes because I too have some trouble with the reach and according to the tech they don't make them for my bike. They would have to add a different brake that sits where the aerobar would hook up. I will go and buy the splint at lunch time.

Deb, everyone says that I look thinner, but I still weigh 166. I noticed that I'm always hungry and crave protein. Maybe I will be thinner when I get back from the trip.

Kathy, welcome back. I had my 2 grandkids over along with their dad for 2 weeks and I know what you mean about not having much time for yourself. I grew up in a very large family and I'm the oldest of 8. I have 7 brothers and the last 4 were like my kids.

Garance, the Rolling Stones CD is available at Target and Best Buy today. I will be getting my copy ;)

Hi to Joan and Cathy!

I didn't buy a real pricey bike, but wanted cheater brakes. Have the smallest frame the store had, outside of childrens bikes, and the seat is about as high as it can go but that's most comfortable for me. I think it makes me lean onto my wrists more.
I think on some bikes you can raise the front section below the handlebars so the handlebars are closer to you but I'm not sure what other issues that would bring up. otherwise it's fine and my right wrist is rarely bothered. I don't do the mileage you do though. I'm riding more this year and eventually may need to do something else to address the problem. I don't think I could ride with a splint on, but I'm thinking of testing it. I also was thinking of adding a layer of padding on the handlebar to see if that helps.

Deb, the place we ride road bikes is called a "trail" but it's an asphalt pathway that runs thru several small towns. there are many many spots where driveways and street traffic cross the trail, and a lot fo green sections where it's just trees. bikes and pedestrians are supposed to have right-of-way most of the time. there are uninterrupted sections where you can go fast, but we end up stopping and walking sections to cross roads. we still do the 35 miles in 2.5 hours. sections we can get up over 20 mph, but probably average 13 mph.

I plan on doing disk 5 today, need to work with the tower and find what works best. last time thru I was trying to do "real" chinups and pull ups on a bar ... not too successful. I used a giant rubber band thingie tied to the bar to support some of my weight but it was still too hard to go for 30 seconds. the tower makes it easier and I can do a full 30 and build from there.
Kathy, it was a good investment. It also is a convenient rack to hold weights for meso 3. much easier to change weights when the bar is off the floor, and you don't need to do the wrist flipping maneuver to raise the bar over your head or so you can lie on your back.

Garance, I have some older Stones stuff but not Exile. I actually have records! no turntable though. I'm not sure what songs are on it. they've always been high on my favorite list and I will watch for a doc film.
Hi Deb, Josie, Joan, Cathy, Valerie, and Kathy--

This morning I did P-57, both express workouts back-to-back (60 min.). I am totally fried. For some reason on the abs work, holding a ball between my thighs, the outside of my thighs start to burn like crazy.

I ordered my Stones CD from Amazon. Can't wait. Exile on Main Street is 1971, Valerie, so it's pretty old.

Josie, I wear a sleeve at night, too, for carpal tunnel from knitting. I tried many, and finally bought the most expensive one for about 30 dollars. But it works. Some of the others did not, and I would wake up in the middle of the night with my hand aching. Really miserable.

Kathy, there's no way I could do those HIIT workouts, so you must be in pretty good shape. I just cannot take the impact anymore.

Deb, the time I had a virus was when my Ebay account was hijacked. My problem was millions and millions of e-mail spam that refused to be deleted. Ugh. Had to get OIT at the college to clean everything up.
I have wrist splints for both wrists, used them mainly for tennis elbow. they used to come in sizes, and right and left sides. Not sure what is out there now but I think mine were in the $10 area. they are comfy and keep your wrist neutral while you sleep. I'm surprised but I get my wrist in funny positions when sleeping, and guess that's common. I will try it next time I ride.

Geez, 1971 I was in college. I have at least one older stones album, think it's called 4X4? No idea if any of that really old stuff is still available in updated form. It's in a box unopened since probably 1975..... just keep moving it and not opening it. course, when did you last see a working turntable, so what would I do with it if I opened the box?

Josie, just came across something else. got my REI sale catalogue this morning and it shows something called ERgon grips. this is a link.
I haven't looked in person yet but it sounds like they are designed for hand/ wrist numbness. they pictured several different ones. I'll try to get in and look at these in person. they're on sale too.
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Good morning all!

I did a 40 minute I-tread this morning. 291 calories. Well the virus was not gone. After being on the computer for a little while yesterday morning, it all came back with a vengence. I set up an appointment with a "virus specialist" teck for 4:30 yesterday, came home and he was working on it remotely ( they are in Boulder Co), for about 2 hours. It seems to be ok now, he said it was clean. What a pain.

Valerie, I completely agree on having big perennials for a garden. We have a lot of hostas and they grow like weeds. We need to cut them back every year or they would take over the whole garde. Some people in our neighborhood have beautiful lawns, because they have services that come and spray 4 times a year. We don't do that, DH does a lot of fertilizing and hoping that the "good" grass will win the fight over the weeds. We have had 2 dogs die of cancer, not sure if it had anything to do with sprays or not, probably not, but we feel better not spraying. DH bought this thing that converts vinyl records to CD. He is slowly taking the record collection and doing this.

Josie, you have probably increased your muscle mass, still weighs the same as fat, but takes up less space so you look leaner. Good Job!

Garance, can you let me know what the sleeve was that you bought for your wrist? attach a link or e-mail me the brand?

Hi to Joan, Cathy, & Kathy,

Take care,

Deb - Sorry about the virus. I like 7 but I think 5 is my favorite - (cardio coach) I log my meals into fitday also. I got the personal one and downloaded it, I used it in the past online and I really do not like any of the others, however I might try Cathe's but have not decided.

Traildoggie - hope you find something that works for your wrists. Your garden sounds wonderful! I like using the bands, I set in the top of our back door - the floor is hard so I sit on my bosu - I cannot do pull or chin ups on my bar right now. Another Cathe purchase is not in my immediate future unfortunately.

Josie - large families are nice! I like the Stones also - I was forgetting for a minute that we were all around the same age :)

Garance - Well, thank you but in shape I am not -- I did do the workout but it was daunting and humbling.....I had to use less risers because I was almost out of breath during the warm up- I used to breeze through with some sweat and feel really refreshed after but yesterday I wanted to throw up and I had to stop before time to stop a couple of times ....

Disc 2 Back and Tris today - felt good - used moderate weights this week and will go up next week - it has been a while but it was a bit easy so I need to use heavier weight.

Will log food later !
Hi Deb, Josie, Joan, Cathy, Valerie, and Kathy--

This morning I did Jazzercise Dancin' Abs (60 min.).

Deb, I will check the brand tonight and send it to you. It really works. I only have one for my right hand. There's both a plastic cup thing that fits into the palm of your hand and a shaft over the wrist and top of your hand that you can pull out to wash the the brace. Three velcro straps to secure it. Wow, sorry about that virus! What a royal pain.

Valerie, our library still has record players, but I know what you mean. I have boxes of old records, and I have sometimes wondered if they are worthy anything for their covers. I was in England when Sergeant Pepper came out, and I bought one of the first copies. I've heard that the cover is worth something. I have all of the old Stones on CD now, but I haven't played them recently, so I am really looking forward to getting this new one.

Kathy, I just admire you for even trying those HIIT workouts. When I saw the previews, I canceled my pre-order because I knew I would never risk my knees on them.

Crapola weather here--rainy, chilly, and grey. Puts me in a foul mood, perfect for paper-grading and meetings.
Hi Ladies,

I will be going out with the girls tonight, so no workout. I will be spinning again tomorrow.
I'm glad to announce that I have met my $3000.00 pledges. I will be at least at $4000. soon.

Valerie, thank you for the link. I made a copy and I will take it in to my bike shop where my bike is getting a tune up before the ride. They might have the grips there and they can install them for me. I get a 15% discount because of the ALC ride.

I have meeting all day today. I will be back later.

Josie, when reading user reviews they sounded like the ERGON grips were mostly mt bikers. But I will still check them out. I'm totally stupid about what will "fit" onto what kind of bike.
REI has bike stuff on sale and I need help with the wrist/hand issue. I slept with a splint last night and for the first night in ages. no numbness today but I expect it will be back on the next street ride. It does go away immediately but that tells me a nerve is getting pinched and I sure don't want it to be chronic.
we mt biked today for 2 hours, not a killer but a decent workout. I did disk 5 as planned last night. It's so funny ...on pullups I can totally feel back involvement ... feels like my back lights up... but on chinups I don't. I'm using the tower with my legs stuck out in front and doing 30 seconds of reps. funny how hand position can make that much difference.

garance I recall wall posters that were inside albums that sold for a lot of $$. I had a bob dylan one but it's long gone. I have no idea what shape the records are in and I'm thinking that I could buy the songs one at a time cheaper than a machine to "translate" the albums to current media. we used to haul records to parties and they got beaten up badly. Still, that would be a walk down memory lane..

Kathy, I got the tower for my b-day. just saying.... it's a decent not huge investment and works well. It's very good quality and though I've only had it a few months I have gotten more use out of it that I thought. especially when I got into meso 3, I got uncomfortable lifting the bar and flipping my wrists... I'm cautious about wrists and this makes it easier to load and move a heavier bar. I'm pretty new to weights.

Deb, I agree on lawn chemicals. we use *almost* none. our lawn does NOT look like a golf course. some weed and feed on one section about once in 10 years. we sit on the grass, I have cats, I don't want the chemical exposure. besides, I'm allergic to grass! Makes me sneezy, congested. we only have grass where nothing else will work, so it's not much. Hostas! yes. loads of hostas, and rhodies, azaleas, spirea, japonica, japanese maples. I mean, you can't do acreage with petunias! took me years to learn that small plants would not do the job.
Sorry to be missing. I thought I would get post in Monday but had loads of work because I didn't do it last week. I did get STS disc 13 in late. Tuesday and today were the first sunny days in the last 9-10 days. It's supposed to rain tomorrow and last for quite a while. Tuesday was legs and I substituted KCM 30-minutes to fitness. I did the standing leg work. I think I want to do legs twice a week so will do KCM wo2 on that disc that is floor work.

I bought a cd player that looks like an old fashioned radio that also plays tapes and records. I wish I had waited, the new model records cd's from records.

I had wanted to do STS 3 days in a row so it actually got done and then cardio until the next Monday instead of alternating. Since it is late I probably will save STS disc 15 for Thursday.


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