+++No Sweets for May 12th+++


Morning Sweeties,

Okay I am not even going to discuss what in the world I ate this weekend! It all started Friday with DS mother's day gift of cluster's of oreo cookies, pretzels, white, pink and milk chocolate. Needless to say it was all downhill from there and I feel like crap! Okay time to get serious AGAIN! But anniversary is coming this weekend so afraid what that will bring. Boy May is a tough month!

This is the last week of this rotation and I am looking forward to the break! Today was the toughest day with supersets done in three sets of 18 with 2:00 rests:

Dumbbell Flyes
18/18/18 - 26's
T-Bar Rows
1818/18 - 85#
**the flyes felt great, probably should have gone heavier, but form was great, so I stayed and added a turn for more contraction***

Lateral Raise
18/18/18 - 16's
18/18/18 - 85#

Incline Hammer Curls
18/18/18 - 18's
Weighted Bench Dips
18/18/18 - 60#
***Surprised myself w/ the 60# on tris, arms were toast by the end of this superset***

Then did some ab work.
Catherine - Okay, now that makes more sense. I couldn't figure out for the life of me why you would be impresses with 18's for biceps. While 18's were tough they certainly weren't impressive.

Looks like it's back to just you and me again.:7

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