May 09 Check in Weekend 16th-17th


Good morning ladies..

Getting our weekend thread started...I am still working on getting my hilight/haircut photo posted..Yours looks great Chris!! I tried yesterday and the camera was dead..Needed new batteries. I will try again though..

I think with my busy day today of ball games it is going to be a rest day...I may try to squeeze in stretching and ab work. But, I may not find time...

Hope everyone has a great day...
Good Morning Kathy and everyone... Welcome to the weekend!

I can't believe it's the weekend AGAIN! this week flew by for me. At least DH is off from work and I don't have to worry about sitters, etc.

Thanks for the compliments on my new hair yesterday!!

Kathy , can't wait to see yours!!

Hmmm..maybe it's the music more so than Ellen Barrett's voice? Now you have me wanting to go listen to her voice again to figure out what you mean! ... LOL @ Joe doing Mindy Mylrea. I do think she's more a "girl's girl". You know , she talks about having kids , and how there's this one move where she's squatting wide and jumping up and down and says, "Don't think I want to do that move any more, if you've given birth to 3 kids, you'll know why!" ... Cool that you're back into workouts and feeling better! ..I hope the doggie thing works out for you next weekend!!

Beth: Not sure I'd get into a ballet either, unless it was something well known like Swan Lake. .. Hope you enjoy your weight work today!! (S,T & Bi's!.. I knew what you were talking about!)

I'm doing today a little different. I'm bumming around in my PJ's, and in a little bit going to go do a stretch and some ab work (great minds think alike, Kathy! isn't that crazy that was my plan for today too???). DH is at a double-header baseball game with Zach today (he felt ok to do it). ... Anyways, I just felt like taking it easy for a change, since I can!! :eek:
Chris, so funny! I was also going to comment that I cannot believe it's the weekend again already -- seems like we were just having mother's day!

Kathy, you also had a haircut and highlights? Sheesh, I really need to get in -- it's the thing to do! :) Would love to see your picture, too!

I went ahead with SBT (disc 30, I think it was -- can't get track of those numbers!) this morning. Those rests are too quick for me to do the changes sometimes! And then I was almost done and had to fetch Larry some toilet paper! :D I was going to do Tracy's waist/ab work afterward, but my "squeeze stick" (the kids' karate staff) was in the bedroom and I was too lazy to get it! How's that for irony?! So I pulled out muscle max for the core and stretch work there -- it's been a long time since I've done that core work!

I guess Hottie must have answered my dog question late last night -- I'll go check it out. Have a great day!!

I ended up doing that Stretch Fusion workout I had taped from FIT TV, w/ Michelle Lemay. It really stretches my hips and back out good. And then I did Ab Ripper 200 (Power 90..Tony Horton). It's a 5 min ab workout, where you do 200 different ab exersises total (20 of each move).

Beth: ... I think SBT gets better w/ the weight changes as the meso cycle goes on. Too funny about being too "lazy" to go get that equipment! I haven't done ANY of the Cathe DVD abs in forever. Before STS, it seemed like I'd run through the lot of them w/ the rotations. ... Enjoy your company this weekend! I know you will...

My head feels very weird today. Maybe I'm just tired. Greg is going to come home in time for me to get a good nap in this afternoon.

Right now I'm going to throw something in the crockpot and bring my other 2 restless boys to the skate park for a bit... Maybe I can stay in the car and read while they play! :)
Ok, help me out here, girls..... on fb I saw a thing about joining Amy Bento fans, so I joined, and I see some guy has written "congratulations on your engagement" and then it looks like she is Amy Rochelle instead of Amy Bento. Ay-yi-yi hard to be a public figure and go through name changes like that! It sounds like she split from Bento, went back to her maiden name, but is also engaged to someone else now??? How are we supposed to be Amy Bento fans? And what will we call her old dvds? Ok, I know these are not meant to be answered.... I guess I am really grateful to not be a public figure!!! Ug.

I hope you are not getting pneumonia, Chris!!!

Saturday afternoon

Kathy thanks so much for getting our weekend thread started.

Chris hmmm new haircut for you too - me thinks I need to find yesterday's post BRB ;)

Niiiicccceee you look so cute - I'm guessing your hair was much longer eh? I need to grab somebody here to take a photo of my new do as its short :eek: for me anyway; its like a fringed blunt cut that frames my face once its styled at the moment its just too darned hot to style it so I have it in a low my arms feel like jello after today's workout lol no blow dryer for moi today :cool:

Beth I would be confused w/ the name changes for Amy Bento too lol - I still need to sign up for facebook but I'm really not sure how FB works is it like a blog?

As it is I feel so badly that I don't post as often as I would like but if I were to spend more time on my laptop nothing would get done here as I'm easily distracted :eek:


Anyways yesterday dh took the day off as he had a VA appt so I barely was able to finish my run CCV1 before I jumped in the shower and pulled my clothes on to go out with him.

We had some delish Tuna & Salmon sashimi for lunch w/ extra wasabi that was kicking so good

Today I did TJ 20 min fun stuff :D followed by Lean Circuit 2 and whoa my arms are feeling it not to mention the booty area;)

Today is cleaning closets and trying to convince my older two to start getting rid of stuff they have cluttering up their rooms. I've started to view things around here as a potential buyer would and boy we need to work lol.

See ya'll later ;)

Good morning Vilma, and all. Vilma, do you have really sore glutes doing CLX? I feel like I'm still sore from that! :) Nice sashimi lunch!! MMmmmmmm.

Well, our guests are still here,but I did not feel like going for a run this morning -- woke up with a headache -- and I didn't even drink last night! It's hot here -- already 73 when I woke up (we are not used to that!!). So, I did cardio X for the first time. It was ok.

The huge bummer of the day yesterday was that our friends brought their dog and she bit Gina pretty badly -- got both front legs and now Gina has staples on one front leg and has to wear the big collar. I feel so bad for Gina! We cannot let her outside for two weeks except for bathroom duties, and Gina is a dog that really needs to move. This is going to be torture.

Dylan had a birthday party yesterday and for the "goodie bags" (which was a lego), they had a different color of yarn for each kid, with a pencil on one end, and they had made giant spider web of yarn all in and out of a playstructure and the kids had to wind up the yarn to find their present -- very cute idea and they had a lot of fun with it (it was only five kids -- would be tough with many more I think).

Have a great day!

Hey Girls...

just blowing through on a Sunday...

So yeah, I'm starting some kind of cold thingie, I kept thinking it was allergies, because I've had an on and off tickling for 3 days, but then the weird head and it started getting worse over night and this morning. Found my bottle of Zicam, and have started popping them today.

DH is driving me nutso... You'd never know he was married to a nurse for 21 years!! He said his stomach felt crappy this morning, so he skipped an antibiotic. OMG.. men!

Vilma: Thanks for the compliment on my hair! I'm really liking it! So you're liking Turbo Jam so far?

Beth: I know who Amy Bento is, but don't have any of her workouts. Weird she's changing her name. Her loss though, she'll probably lose some business. Sorry about the headache AND poor Gina!! That dog must have been viscious to bite so big!! .... I have a Power 90 cardio workout where you do fast drills on an imaginary "X", is that what Cardio X is like? . Kind of boring for me, but it did get me sweating. ... the bday party and bags sound like fun! Happy Birthday to Dylan!!..(how old is he?)

Ooooh another Sunday... Blah blah blah
Hi everyone...just a quickie here. I nearly lost my streak and my ability to keep my goal alive but I managed to squeeze in a pilates workout last night (Super crunch slim down something) was nice to do something since I did not STOP eating (lasagna after eating pizza and butterfingers...I think I gained five pounds from that!) I actually got a much needed facial and massage yesterday so I really spoiled myself. I've been cleaning like a fiend in our home so we're more than just "unpacked" too. Today, was more work like that but I just did HIS cardio because my friend is coming in a little bit and I have no idea idea when she's going to leave so I wanted to get something in. I hope to do C&W later tongiht but we'll see. We are ACTUALLY getting the dog on Friday!!! So, we're extra motivated to get the house in order (though I have a feeling that means we all dump $hit into the backroom). Anyway, sounds like most of you are having a busy weekend! Just one, Amy Bento may want to reconsider changing her name to Amy Rochelle professionaly at least...just google it...please don't ask me how I know...
The Amy Bento thing just gets better, doesn't it? I actually wondered if the congrats on her engagement was one of those strange fb things where you change your status and suddenly people are congratulating you for getting married.... but, I think she's been married for a long time. I dunno! I don't know why I care!

Chris, the cardio X had nothing to do with an X -- it's from P90X is all. And it's not Dylan's birthday -- he went to a party yesterday (it was a pool party and I was so nervous because he is not the best swimmer) and he's actually going to another one in a little while -- miniature golf today. He's quite the popular boy, apparently. :)

I cannot believe hubby didn't take his antibiotics, Chris! Did you whack him upside the head?

Hottie, very cool about the dog! Is it really hot your way? I almost did HIS this morning, but I was afraid I wouldn't get much of a workout because I still don't know the steps very well. Probably would have been at least as good as the one I got, but whatever. I'll try it again one of these days....


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