HATE changing name soon! - Aug 13



Sorry to be late, but I have a good excuse.

I get up this morning and have to go to a meeting on the early side, so I decide to just have a cup of soymilk and then do my KB Way.

I'm feeling good and doing the drills, and I decide today I'm going to do all the Clean & Press with my 8kg instead of subbing my 5kg dumbbells. I'm huffing but I'm doing it and I feel MIGHTY! I'm moving along, the workouts moving along, all's going great!

I'm on the last round of drills and get on my back to do abs. I do a couple and all's totally fine and then suddenly, ZING! and YEOW runs up my back near my neck and shoulders.

I stopped working out (obviously) and I just laid there flat on my back for a good ten minutes not moving. If I would try rolling onto one side, owie owie owie.

I finally got up (I had to get ready for my meeting), and once I got out and walking to the station, I felt a lot better, but I've had a stiff neck and shoulders all day which gave me a headache and just general eww.

Come to think of it, I had been a little stiff in the neck the last few days for whatever reason.....pushing with the 8kg probably got it over the edge.


I'm fine, just tired, so I'm going to sleep now. Sorry no smilies....but I do agree that that would be an awesome symbol for our new name! From Hatersville to Smileyville!

Smile though your Hate is Breaking

All in favor?

SMILEY for short?

: )

Sorry I couldn't get to personals...this is long enough that I should have....


Wow, it's been a long time since I last started our thread. Where...where's August A. August when you need her -- LMAO!! (BTW I LOVE the August A. August moniker!!

Oh CRAP -- I gotta get the phone. I'll BRB! :mad:

Okay, I'm back. August A. August and I both started the thread so I cut and pasted mine here. :D

AUGIE -- Oh no!!!!! What happened to your poor neck? Do you think it was because of the kettlebells? Oh gosh, I hope it's just some fluky thing that will be better after a good night's rest. I haven't started using my heavy KB yet -- I've been using the 10#er. I still get a great workout with it so I'm going to wait until it seems easy before I increase the weight.

Oh geez! There goes the phone again. This is going to be one of those days! :mad:
Hi August A . August and Michelle ! And everyone who straggles in later !;)

I did my workout this morning ...GS back/shoulders/biceps AND added my pushups ......which I will never again ADD ON to another already tough workout because that was HARD !!!:mad::(:mad:!!
I knew it was going to be a struggle when the first twelve felt hard and during the second set I was already shaking !
but I did them. All FIFTY FOUR !!!!!!!! Yes, 54 !:eek:
Then I even added on some abs because the rotation seems kind of light on core work.

I am wondering , ........Friday the rotation calls for GS chest and triceps. I was planning to skip the chest work part and just do my pushups. Think that's cheating ??
But no way can I do all the chest work/ abs thats in GS chest and still do the challenge ! I mean ............NO WAY!!!!!!!
I mean I'm not superwoman.
Or Cathe !!! Some would say they are one and the same.;)

August , I hope your neck feels better when you wake up .
That is my only hestitation with the KB's ........I have had some back issues in the past. From time to time I deal with a sciatica type pain that can last for weeks. Also have a (not so severe) hernitated disc in my lower back.
Don't want to do anything that will re-aggravate.....ya know ?

Michelle , I hope your day calms down. Mine was like that yesterday !
Everyone calling and texting and then kids & grandkids coming over at different times ! It was a pretty chaotic day .
I'm hoping today goes at a slower pace.

Well, enough of my chatting......
I hope everyone has a great day today!

Hello Everyone.
I must keep it short since my dehydrated flowers await me. Please pray, I have an meeting at work at 830AM EST. It will concern my job. The whole department is meeting.
In addition, I have a phone call coming next week Wednesday that is very important. Prayers are needed for that too. More info. later. Plus, I have a date next week too.

Hey, check this out:


How cute is this??????? I want one!!!! Although there is no way that I"ve got that kind of $$$. I think you all should get one though.

I'm thinking of doing some more 1RM tests tonight. DH is not home so I've got to wait til he gets back from the auto store.

Jennifer - I will for sure keep you in my prayers. Please let us know how your meeting goes tomorrow. And what is this, a date? Who's the lucky guy?

August A. August, do you think that you're the bionic woman or what???? Seriously, how are you feeling? I hope you didn't hurt yourself too bad.

Speaking of bionic, how about Bionic Smilies & the CC spot HAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!

Becky - hey you push up diva!!!!!!!

Jen - did you cook on the grill again tonight? I love cooking on the grill.

My poor Gabe isn't feeling well. I had to take him to work w/me b/c I'm too busy to miss a day. Then he had to go and sit in the waiting room at the dentist for 45minutes while I had my appointment. He was totally fine at my work and at the dentist, he ate lunch and we got home around 2:00 and he slept until 6:00.

I just got off the phone with one of my DH's friends and he had to have his cat put down. He was 10 and had diabetes and renal failure. He said his other cat, which was the other cat's brother, isn't taking it too well. Poor baby.

Have a great night all and I"ll try to check in tomorrow.
Yes, his name is marlk. I think we first started communicating when I was on Match.com but never got together. I emailed him to say Hello cause it's been awhile and was curious of he got married. We're meeting for coffee one week from tomorrow. One week from Friday, I;m off from work. Thank GOD.

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