Hardcore Fitness Maniacs for Fri Jan 19


Morning Maniacs -

This morning I did Karen Voight's Sleek Essentials Strength Effect (total body workout) followed by Mindy's Gliding Beyond the Basics with Tubing. Total workout was 75 minutes and I burned 375 calories. The Karen Voight program uses a foam roller. I never used one before, but you lie on it long ways to work your chest and your abs fire like crazy to keep you balanced and stable on the roller. It felt different. Not sure if I'll be very sore tomorrow. I used a lot heavier weights than she did.

Have great workouts everyone.
Good Morning Maniacs!!!

Yesterday was a bad yoga day. First half..great. Second half..not so. Today is legs/back/ab ripper. Ya'll know I am gonna bring it and then some. I can see so much definition in my legs. Three years ago, my legs were like jello. Nothing there shakes anymore and I never want it to again. I love feeling the burn in my legs/glutes. Well I love the burn everywhere I can feel it!

So hubby mentioned to me about working in the office to help out. Two days a week. Pay is nice, but only 2 days. Thinking about it. No phones to answer and no bull from anyone cuz hubby is the boss. Better be nice to me. he he.

Hey! Guess what? It's Friday.

Just in case you forgot or something.

So I am planning on cardio and LB today. I felt so good last night after my WO. I wish I did more. I should have done DM cardio AND ub. Oh well. I wanted to finish by 10, but I was done at 10:07. ER was a repeat so I could have gone longer.

And I am meeting my friend for a walk this morning too. My children are driving me nuts today. Just fighting and Chase is being bold!!

Maeghan AKA megadoo

Added pics 12/1/06
December and Christmas Albums

Good morning, ladies! I was so incredibly busy yesterday and didn't have a chance to get on. My house is sparkling! Or at least it was until the kids came home ;)

I am heading over to a girlfriends house so that our dogs and kids can play today. I think I will do Lomax when I get back. I haven't done it in a while and I am totally in the mood for it! :D

Just wanted to say that I love this group. You guys are so awesome. :)

Anne, hope you are doing well.

Happy Friday:D
Just finished Gym Style Legs standing work and L&G ankle weight workout.

Meg sounds like a awesome workout. YOu should get a babysitter and go out with your girlfriends tonight hehehe!

Char- You Bring It Girl! You always do that's why your legs are hard as a rock!

Lora I hope you have a good day today. Awesome workout I love Karen Voight she is so unique:)
Have to get ready for work :(
Randi- that would be HEaven to go out!! LOL!! I have to work though, but only till 8. My friend and I have been talking about going out, even if it is just to TargetLOL!! HOw boring are we????LOL She has little ones too, so we just need to find a timme our schedules click. Atleast walking with her is really nice.

Missy- want to come over and help sparkle my house?? I have been keeping up, but it gets hard with the two little tornados around, and well, a husband too!

Maeghan AKA megadoo

Added pics 12/1/06
December and Christmas Albums

Meaghan - I'll let you know when I get that DVD I was telling you about and then we can discuss me shipping you the VHS versions....okay? You did want them ...didn't you? I'm supposed to get the DVD the beginning of Feb. I want to make sure all workouts are on there before I get rid of my VHS versions....and yes, I have the butt and ab blaster workouts also. I used to use the Kickbox/weight circuit one a lot and the other cardio/weight circuit one. The Pilates and Yoga are just so/so in the set. It makes a good workout to do the Kickbox one and follow it with either ab/butt blaster or both.
Char, i can't yell. Go ahead make fun of me... I would love to at least walk right now, but i was told 2 weeks, so i am going to listen. I can't fricken eat so i won't be gaining weight. LOL...I could barely open my mouth to eat some cottage cheese.Makin a meatlaof w/ mush soup. DH has to help me. I can't lift it...I need some real food in me. I am tired of soup, yogurt and jello...My face looks like a chipmunk. Bites.

Well, anyways, i got some hooters. WOW.. Saw them bad boys this am. The ace was falling off so i put a sports bra on. It is really wierd...
Well, gotta check turkey burg unthawing...
LAter ladies
Aka( Storm)


You know I love ya anyways.;-) You know you probably want to cuss with how you feel. I had wisdom teeth taken out and looked like a chipmunk, but I bet you don't look too bad. Several days later, I had a babyface look about me. That was nice. Well you will lose the weight you wanted to at least. Hope you don't lose too much though. I am glad to hear your dh is helping you out and how is he doing now that your done? Yeah, I bet it was weird to see big hooters. I hope you heal nicely and are pleased when you completely heal. Thinking of ya.

Hey Maniacs! I'm sore today, but not as sore as I was yesterday. Yesterday I was walking funny for sure. Last night at about 3:00 in the morning, DH wakes me up and says "how's your @ss? Still sore?" and then roars with laughter. I'm like all mad he woke me up. I think he wanted something.}(
Today might be a rest day. Depends on how I feel later. Have alot of work today.

Lora- I can't wait to hear how you like all the new Karen Voights. She has the most perfect body!

Char- Take the job. Sounds perfect for you. As long as Hubby is a decent boss. LOL! Can't imagine you with jelly legs. Do you have before pics? Maybe that will motivate me. I'm feeling jiggley lately.

Anne- I bet it's weird looking down at the hooters! Like, where'd you guys come from?" Hope you jaw starts feeling better soon.

Meg- Yeah, I'm happy it's Friday!!! Have fun on your walk with your friend. Sounds fun!

Missy- My house isn't near shiney. I'm a slacker lately, because of my E-bay addiction.}( Expecting packages today. Got a nice jersey yesterday.

Randi- Great workout this morning!

Hi to everyone else...gotta get my tea

http://www.thesmilies.com/smilies/sports/barbell.gif ~Dallys~

This morning I did upper body. This is my last weight training workout until next Saturday. I am wiped out. My elbows hurt, my neck/shoulder is still tender. Not good. I'll do cardio tomorrow and then I'm done for a week.

Today was 2 sets/12 reps in supersets fashion:

Elevated pushups: 2 sets/12 reps (warmup)

SS #1
One Arm Rows: 35#
Decline Chest Press: 35's

SS #2
CG Upright Rows: 55#
Dips: 55#

SS #3
Front Raises: 12's (should have went higher)
Cross Body Tricep Extensions: 15's (should have went higher but these bother my elbows and rotator cuffs)

SS #4
Dumbbell Curls: 25's (12 reps/8 reps)
Incline Alternate Curls: 15's (really burned!)

Then I did the ab work from Butts & Guts. Did the one with the ankle weights, love this ab work. Workout was 1:01, was in my zone for 19 minutes and burned 218 calories. Happy with that!

Hope you all have great workouts! I'm off work today and will enjoy this day to myself. Be back later for personals!

No wonder! What a workout! Thats alot of reps with the heavy weights too. I bet you are feeling it. I just pm'd you.


My before pics are icky. You don't want to see. I had one up awhile back, but took it down before too long. Embarrassing and I know my legs looked worse before that picture. My entire family has told me so. Aren't they nice????? lol. So anyhow, just wanted to let you know that you added to my distractions yesterday. I was trying to do the yoga and looking around for that "Mr" toy in P90X. I could not concentrate while doing that. I keep looking for him though. I doubt today I will though. Maybe in Kenpo. Have you found him in all of the workouts?

ETA: Oh...too much information from you also!!!! he he.
Char- Sorry I added to your distractions.}( No, I haven't found that Mr. Mysterioso in any of the workouts. I can't workout and look at the same time. It's like "where's waldo" I have to concentrate too hard. LOL! That's funny your entire family said something to you about your legs. Families can be so honest sometimes. I made the mistake of asking my Hubby to tell me if I ever start looking not-so-good. He has a few times and then I get all mad at him, poor guy. He's my biggest motivator though, so it's all good.:)
Yeah, you and I can be good at TMI.}(

Debbie- Great workout! You deserve a rest week. I hope it will help mend all the aches and pains.:)

http://www.thesmilies.com/smilies/sports/barbell.gif ~Dallys~

Dallys- my DH's nick names for me are Fat Girl, Lunch Box and Dumb A@#..............so how do you like that!! He's not being very nice or very supportive about my new job. It stinks cuz I remember when he first started at the place he works now, he almost had a nervous breakdown and was calling me crying on the phone at work all day long!!! He has a lot of freakin' nerve to just tell me to look for another job and that "I don't want to hear it". I just need to vent......ya know???

Charlotte- I agree...a couple of days a week is a piece of cake and you can buy more workouts, oils, etc.

Well that isn't very nice and your not fat AT ALL...what do you call him back? My hubby called me a beached whale when I was preggo. I never let him forget it to this day even though he says he was just kidding. Those are the kinda thoughts that are in my head when I workout so I work harder and harder. Like another time I was preggo and someone laughed at me and said I looked like I would burst. Never forget it. Never again.

I am considering the job.

Lora- yeah, I do want them. Thanks. Just let me know when you are ready and I will do the money order thing again. Cool beans.

So I did the walk thing, while it was snowing. It was nice. Big fat snowflakes. The kids looked like little snowmen LOL! They loved it. It wasn't even cold, so that was a bonus. But, on the way back, Connor did NOT want to be in the wagon, so I wound up carrying him. And it is mostly a slow incline most of the way back. He weighs about 38 pounds. So, I got a WO.
Little bugger was just having one of those days.. He threw a huge kicking and screaming tantrum when we picked Chase up. I just carried him like a sack of potatoes and smiled at all the parents looking at me with sympathy LOL!!! Tired boy.

SO, I am going to put them down for a nap and do my WO.

Dallys- thats funny about your DH waking you up. I probably would have punched my husband. Don't like to be woken up, I am not nice!

Deb- good WO. Enjoy your day, and enjoy your long rest. Are going to post more pics since your rotation is done?

Anne- hope you start healing fast. WE are all thinking of you. Glad you keep popping in!

Maeghan AKA megadoo

Added pics 12/1/06
December and Christmas Albums

Hey Girls!

Busy day at work again. This morning I did Yoga X. Lora, I found out that it's just too much of the warrior poses hurting my hip. So I only did the first half hour of them then I fast forwarded to the tree pose. That made a huge difference. So it ended up being about an hour and 15 minutes instead of an hour and a half. That's better for me anyway. I'll do the Legs part of Legs & Back when I get home. Tomorrow will be the Back part and Kenpo and Ab Ripper. Then I'm all caught up.

My dad is sort of "missing". We can't get in touch with him. We tried all last night and DH has tried this morning. He doesn't go anywhere b/c his wife is not mobile. He may run to the store but that's about it. We're thinking that maybe he has found a facility for her and he's run off to Seattle to have his angiogram without telling us. That would be something he would do so as not to burden anybody. That would be the best scenario. If it's not that I have no idea what has happened or where he could be.

Back to work. I'm gonna try to leave here by 1 today.


"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." - Anatole France

Hey Maniacs! Lunch time here. Everything is freezing in my fridges (I have two). So, I left out all my salad stuff out for a couple of days and now it's all going bad. I'm so sick of wasting money on food, just to have it go bad or freeze. So, here I sit with a half frozen apple and some Edemame for lunch. :(

Lora- That's terrible you DH says stuff like that to you.:( My DH is really very nice to me and always makes me feel good about myself, even when I get a little out of shape looking sometimes. We do tease each other, but always in fun.

Char- Everyone looks like a beached whale when they are pregnant. LOL! Actually, I never weighed more than 120 with both my kids. I was super skinny and still felt like a beached whale. LOL! I know how those innocent comments can hang on for life though. My DS said I had Bat Wings once and I can't get that out of my mind. He did comment the other day that they were gone and I must really be working hard. I think he is teasing me both ways though.

Suz- OMG! I hope you find out where your Dad went too! Keep us posted. How strange.

Back too work...I know I'll be starving in an hour.

http://www.thesmilies.com/smilies/sports/barbell.gif ~Dallys~

WO done. I did LIC lower body circuit, then added DM lower body moves, DM stretch, and then 10 min bonus segment of Rainbeau Mars Dusk Yoga. Felt good. Plus our 2 mile walk this morning. I worked my shoulders and biceps in some of the LIC moves. nothing to bad. WO lasted 90 min.

Dallys- that sucks about your food. My DH wastes food sometimes. Actually he wastes alot of stuff, like shampoo. He uses a bigger glob then I do! Stuff like that. Drives me bonkers.

Suz- I hope all is alright with your dad. That is scary. Let us know.

Off to the shower for my stinky self.

Maeghan AKA megadoo

Added pics 12/1/06
December and Christmas Albums


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