Hardcore Check in April 19th, Monday


Good Morning and Happy Monday to all!!

Today was Jari's Ripped (since I don't have Power Hour) and it was quite the work out!! I haven't done Jari in a while, so it was a nice change.

I did not eat well all weekend, but I exercised like crazy. I did my regular workouts PLUS hiking for 2-3 hours both Sat and Sun, and extensive work around the house, shopping, cleaning, getting ready for our summer camp....blah, blah, blah, but I did not check the scale this morning. ;)

I plan on staying in calorie range over the next week with bathing suit season just around the corner.

Have a great week everyone!!

Today was cardio and I did Step Moves again. I still can't get the triple step across the step with segment 3. That is hard for me for some reason. What's weird is I don't have any trouble doing the fast feet shuffle that she does in other workouts but this triple step across is just baffling my brain.

Had a hard time getting my HR up with this, not sure why?

45 minutes total
4 minutes below zone
13 minutes in zone
27 minutes above zone
342 calories burned

The highest my HR got with this workout was 148 bpm.

I was suppose to do the abs from Kick, Punch & Crunch but my neck/shoulder were really bothering me yesterday and I think it's because of the ab work I did on Saturday. If I'm feeling ok tomorrow I will do KP&C abs after Power Hour.
Good Morning -

Cardio today. Probably kickboxing (something with very low impact) and some kb practice.
Good workout yesterday, but I almost threw it in. Not sure what's up with that. I think a lot of it has to do with lack of sleep.

Theresa - Those clips on pistol squats were really helpful. Saturday I was practicing and they just came to me. I think I was hanging up on traditional squat rules and getting stuck. Only did a couple, and the first one that went smoothly surprised me so much I almost fell over :D . Didn't feel a thing in my knees, though -- thanks again.

Hope everyone had a good weekend and is doing well today.
Debbie - Don't feel bad, that is the exact same move that I still have trouble with as well. Be careful with that neck of yours.

Lori - Yea, on the pistol squats, those things are hard.

Cheryl - sounds like you had a busy weekend.

This morning I did P90X Legs & Back minus the Back. I love that leg workout. Shoulder was feeling really good yesterday, will be interested to see what today brings.
Debbie - I can't get that move either!! LOL. I actually gave up on Step Moves - it's the only Cathe DVD I don't think I'll do again. I have done it 3 or 4 times and don't feel like my HR gets up enough. I put it away (out of my regular rotation) and figure I may do it sometime when I don't have much energy to expend on a workout. I hope your neck is feeling better by tomorrow.

Linda - Do you like P90X? I have looked at that workout several times, but wasn't really convinced...

Lori- Get some good sleep!! I think we are working so hard and really NEED to get good rest for not only our bodies, but for our minds. Try to make some time for a nap or go to bed early tonight.:)

Have a great day!!

My workout is done. Olivia showed up 2 hrs sooner than I expected so had to work around her
I started with I Max 3 Combos 1-5 premix 35:42 minutes and burned 239 calories Max HR was 167, level 1 intensity 7:53 minutes, level 2 9:12, level 3 17.5 minutes. M&F magazine Tabata workout 1 Chest and Abs 32:36 minutes 152 calories Max HR 141; Butts and Guts abs 14 minutes 50 calories; Stretch Max with Band 17 minutes 34 calories. Total calories today 477, time 99 minutes.
Got to go to the post office and run errands in town.
I used the Bowflex this time for all of the Chest and Ab work except the push ups. I counted and I think I did 160 push ups:O
Tabata workout 1 20 seconds work 10 seconds rest 8 sets each exercise 2 min rest between. Bowflex
Push ups body weight
Incline bench press 40# resistance each hand
Flat Bench Press 40# each hand
flys 35# each hand
Bowflex Resisted Crunch 50 # each hand
Bowflex Resisted reverse crunch 30 # each foot
Cheryl - Nice job using Jari's Ripped as a sub for Power Hour. It is hard to keep eating under control on the weekends. I did good this past weekend, hope I can keep it up!

Lori - Get some sleep! Are you having trouble sleeping still?? I had a hard time getting up this morning even though my dh and I went to bed at 9. (He had to get up at 4 a.m.! :eek: ) I read until 10, though, but still had a hard time getting up. And I slept like a rock.

Linda - Great job on P90X Legs. That is a good workout. I'm trying to be careful with the neck, I really wish I knew why it was still bugging me. I have a really bad headache right now and I know it's because of that. Hope your shoulder continues to feel good.

Diane Sue - Nice workout! I wish I had room for a Bowflex. My SIL is getting rid of hers and I'd love to buy it, but just don't have the room for it. Anyways - 160 pushups! You go girl! :eek:
DianeSue - Nice job on 160 pushups!

- Yes and no. Overall I like P90x, fun and challenging, as a 12 week rotation not so much. For something that is marketed for muscle confusion it is way way too repetitive. Done for maybe 4-6 weeks yes or for mixing the dvd's in with others, a definite yes. And I actually like Tony,:p others find him annoying.
Yesterday I did 40 minutes of Lawrence Biscontini foam roller workout. I stepped after the it band work and ab stretches. I really have felt like I needed to pull that roller back out.

Cheryl, I think that Get Ripped is the only Jari workout I don't own. I bet it was a good sub for Power Hour:)

Debbie, I have my Bowflex in our guest bedroom along with my Icarian VKR tower which is a space hog. There is very little room for those. I had to leave my exercise bike in the shed. Wish I had more room. I have done Step Moves a lot and it still takes me a bit to adjust to that segment and have the choreography right. I think sometimes it depends on how tired on am and my concentration levels. It is a good workout though.

Lori, great job on getting those pistols. I think they are hard. I did them a lot when I was doing a rotation incorporating Kettlebell Goddess lower body.

Linda, I think that workout is fun when I leave out the back and all of those pull ups:D
Diane Sue - That's a lot of pushups!! OMG - I did 75 today and thought that was about 20 too many - LOL. I guess I have something to work towards...

Linda - Thanks for the info. I didn't mind Tony or find him annoying, but I hate to buy workouts and then end up never using them. I may need to order this set!! :confused:

Debbie - I'm sure you probably have tried heat for your neck, but if not it might be worth a try. Do you think it is getting worse after working? I hope you get better soon!!

OK....I'm off. I hope everyone has a great afternoon. I will be going to sleep very early tonight (probably by 6:30pm). I'm exhausted and need to get in some serious Z's before my killer workout tomorrow morning. ;)

Cheryl - It seems to get worse when I sit in one position for too long. As long as I"m moving around it's fine. It's hurting pretty bad right now, but because I'm sitting down. I don't get it. And yes, I've been heating it and icing it. Nothing really seems to give it much relief.
Debbie - I found this on the internet, but it seems logical.....hope it helps.

Tips for NECK PAIN relief

Neck pain can really get irritating if it persists for long periods of time. The pain can get unbearable that's why some people succumb to taking medications or pain relievers only to find out that they don't do them any good. Let's check out these simple and basic tips on how to treat and relieve you from neck pain.

1. Get spinal checkups regularly. It is very important to always keep your spine aligned. This can ensure the proper functioning of your neck and back, specifically the upper region. Your chiropractor will do spinal adjustments on you. This can decrease the stress on your thoracic and cervical spines. It also improves the communication between your brain and all parts of the body. As a result, a happier and healthier you.

2. Always be conscious of your posture. There are a lot of people who exhibit poor posture. When asked to stand up straight, they are unable to exude the proper posture anymore. This is because they have been used to that kind of posture and they are unaware of it already. Proper posture does not only involve the back, as lot may think. It also includes the neck. Poor posture, if not dealt with can give rise to neck pain as well.

3. Exercise regularly. (LOL - This OBVIOUSLY does not apply to you) Exercising does not only do good to the body's muscular and cardiovascular system but to the skeletal system, too. For an efficient and effective program, you have to do at least three sessions a week for about forty minutes. In order to be more inspired to do these exercises, involve the whole family and your friends. It will benefit, not only yourself, but your loved ones as well.

Also, if you work on the computer, try to make sure you are looking straight (not tilting your head up or down) to look at the computer screen.

Good luck :)
Debbie - I found this on the internet, but it seems logical.....hope it helps.

Tips for NECK PAIN relief

Neck pain can really get irritating if it persists for long periods of time. The pain can get unbearable that's why some people succumb to taking medications or pain relievers only to find out that they don't do them any good. Let's check out these simple and basic tips on how to treat and relieve you from neck pain.

1. Get spinal checkups regularly. It is very important to always keep your spine aligned. This can ensure the proper functioning of your neck and back, specifically the upper region. Your chiropractor will do spinal adjustments on you. This can decrease the stress on your thoracic and cervical spines. It also improves the communication between your brain and all parts of the body. As a result, a happier and healthier you.

2. Always be conscious of your posture. There are a lot of people who exhibit poor posture. When asked to stand up straight, they are unable to exude the proper posture anymore. This is because they have been used to that kind of posture and they are unaware of it already. Proper posture does not only involve the back, as lot may think. It also includes the neck. Poor posture, if not dealt with can give rise to neck pain as well.

3. Exercise regularly. (LOL - This OBVIOUSLY does not apply to you) Exercising does not only do good to the body's muscular and cardiovascular system but to the skeletal system, too. For an efficient and effective program, you have to do at least three sessions a week for about forty minutes. In order to be more inspired to do these exercises, involve the whole family and your friends. It will benefit, not only yourself, but your loved ones as well.

Also, if you work on the computer, try to make sure you are looking straight (not tilting your head up or down) to look at the computer screen.

Good luck :)

Thanks Cheryl!!! I won't go to a chiro because I had a really bad experience with my back. However, it's been a long time since I've hung on my power tower. Maybe I should try that and see if I can get realigned. Thanks for the post! :D
Debbie - So strange about your neck pain :confused: ... Crud :mad: - Sorry it's still bugging you. I go through periods where mine gives me trouble, but I know what it is (herniated disk), and I think that alone makes a big difference (the knowing). Usually, it's not too bad though. Hope whatever's up gets resolved soon. The connection with sitting is kinda baffling.

Linda - Woo hoo on the shoulder feeling better :D :D :D Thanks on the Pistol squats. Now I just gotta get that 4 ft. jump on and off the box number down :rolleyes: - Maybe tomorrow ;)

Diane Sue - Really great workout and very impressive push-up numbers. I think the pistol squats are hard, too. I ran across a tip (can't recall where just now) to put one hand on top of the other and press them together in front of you (helps engage your lats). That really helped me. Didn't make them easy, just made them "possible."

Cheryl - I have that Jari Love workout, too. Don't know if you saw the posts, but Diane Sue has her more current G R 1000 and G R 1000 Extreme. If you like Jari, she said those are great. Going to bed early sounds like a very, VERY nice thing :D !

My workout was just "ok." Did Billy Blanks Total Body Fat Blaster. Would have been better if the tubing that came with the workout hadn't broken. I tried to use my Cathe bands and it worked alright, also subbed in some kb swings and other stuff when they were marching or ... whatever. Added on 10 min. of Turkish Get-Up practice. It was basically no impact, and that was important. About the sleep thing: It's really been ongoing for years and I sort of resolved myself to just accept it. I fall asleep (hard), but then wake up (wide) about every hour almost on the hour until about 3 a.m. So I usually get solid sleep from then until I get up (at 6). Still, that's a lot of up and down all night nonsense and I really can not remember the last time I slept a whole night through. I know. Super weird. 15 minute power naps and stuff help, but sometimes it just catches up with me. I think right now is one of those times. Which brings me back to getting a sleep study done. Don't know why I'm so resistant to that. Better just do it.

Anyway, hope everybody has a good afternoon :) I will try to catch a nap when ds goes to soccer practice.

Hi to Theresa, Lora, Roselyn, Hermia and Char and anyone else my tired brain may have forgotten :confused: .
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I made the Clean Eating Magazine Creole Dirty Rice for lunch. It was really good. I was afraid it would be a little too spicey for my 2 year old granddaughter but she ate it.

Lori, that is Extremely Ripped 1000:) There is a difference in it and Ripped 1000. It has premixes too. Extremely Ripped is all weights but it still keeps my HR up. Extremely Ripped 1000 is a lot more cardio with compound weights segments. Thanks for the tip on the pistol squats. Most nights I go to bed and wake up 2 hours later then it is a lot of short periods of sleep with waking up and looking to see what time it is:confused: Recently have been cutting back on caffeine even though I usually only use it in the mornings to help get me going after not sleeping well.
Diane Sue - Oops. Thanks for catching my error. I shouldn't have tried to remember the title off the top of my head (especially when referring someone else to it) and double checked, instead :eek: . Today I'm struggling with remembewring my own name ...

Interrupted sleep (if it's really bad) isn't much better than no sleep at all. At least, I don't think it is -- a lot of the time. Sorry you go through that too. I've tried everything. No caffeine, no naps at all, going to bed earlier -- or later ... and so on and so on. Sometimes I'll have a run of nights that are really bad and my awake times by far outweigh my sleep and then ... it's just not good. I have heard the expression that "No one dies from lack of sleep." During those 'not good' times, I don't appreciate that very much ;) .

Roselyn - I think [?] LIS refers to Lower Intensity Step from 4 Day Split. Considering my track record today though, don't necessarily trust me on that one.

Sorry I have been MIA, but I have jury duty this week and I am very thrown off. It looks like everyone is still plugging along though :p

Lori-you are welcome on the clips. Pistols are a real mutha, but I'm glad you are having luck with them

Cheryl-I ate like crap all weekend and didn't exercise so you have me beat.

Debbie-I know the HR can be greatly affected by where you are in the cycle, but still not a bad calorie burn. Probably best to leave abs out, that was a smart move

Linda-nice job on the legs. I wish I like P90x more than I did, but it just was not my favorite. How's the shoulder?

Diane Sue-nice work on the push ups :) I may give that tabata workout a try after this jury duty is over.

I'm sorry if I missed anyone. Talk to you tomorrow :)

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