Hard Core Fitness Maniacs for Tues Sept 18


Morning Maniacs -

This morning I did my Jillian Backside book circuit. Unbelievably, I was feeling very strong this morning and had a great workout. Clocked my HR in at 170 on the rebounder doing super fast running/football drills after high knees and increased all of my weights. I only added 5 pounds to the Russian Twists for abs cuz we increased our rep count to 25 and I could have gone higher. I didn't use weights for the bicycles cuz we did 100 in the circuit. I probably could have used light ankle weights though. Since you only do the circuits twice thru in this week, I'm kicking butt on these this week. Now I'm finding myself wanting to glance at Jillian's other book, Making the Cut, to see about doing a future rotation out of it soon. Maybe Jillian plans it this way on purpose! Workout was 54" (I cut my cardio bursts down to 1.5 minutes from 2) and I burned 340 calories.

Have great workouts everyone.

Toasty - way to go selling the house that quickly.

Dallys - how much mountain biking are you doing in addition to the TT?

Diane Sue - I have placed those shoes on my mental wish list. If I ever get any money saved up.....I'll get them. My funds are depleted from being out of work so long and I don't get a paycheck for 3 weeks cuz they hold a week back.
Good Morning Maniacs!!!

So the plan now is to cut my hours back at work so I have more friggin' time. lol. Today though I will get on the elliptical, work shoulders and back..not in that order though. hehe. Weight work first. Tomorrow I will take pictures of the dress I am wearing to the wedding cuz I won't have time to do it today.
Good Morning:)
Today is Imax 2 but I only have the Imax extreme off the Terminator. Since I just did Cardio and Weights I'm going to skip through that part and just do Imax 2 portion then add Boot camp cardio drills and abs.
Great workout Lora!!
Have a great workout day Ladies
Morning ladies. Tonite after work is Legs.. I am planning on PLB..
I need a hurt..
Amazing. Abs do not hurt, after a 45 min ab workout..
MM. Might have to do it again tomorrow..
My tummy stii aching. What is going around?? I am half afraid to eat here. I get all sick in the stomache.

DH is living. Drove himself home from Harrisburg. ER was packed , so he is calling the doctor today.He said he couldn't sit there that long.
I guess a branch fell and hit his back he got thrown fron the pounder and it kept moving. He was rolling around so he didn't get ran over and aparantly did something to the back..He is walking really funny, like stiff backed..
Thanks for the kind words.. Hopefully just a pulled muscle and nothing more. He has 3 yrs to retire..He just needs to make it that far to collect his pension..

Char, it is hard to work alot and get the workouts in. I try, some days i am just whipped.. Just do what you can do..

Diane Sue, I lift with a biking glove. They are softer. I love them.I just need the cushion they have so iron doesn't bother my hands..
I may take my old gloves and sew a piece of yoga matt to them.. For hand and ball work.

Hey all, wormoodscrubbs or something, and Dallys, Deb, Randi, Suz..
Have a great day..


This morning I did cardio and had a great workout. I did Cardio Coach #6 with Sean. My breathing was off with the first challenge for some reason. Not sure what was going on there. I was ok with Challenge 2 & 3.

[font color=indigo]Cardio stats:[/font]
[font color=blue]1:00 hr.
50 min. in zone
352 calories burned
3.5 miles travelled[/font]

That is all....
[font color=blue size=2]Morning Maniacs![/font] Todays plan is a TT workout with HIIT and a mtn. bike ride in the foothills by my house. I fell asleep in the last 10 min. of Alfred Hitchcocks "Rope". Does anyone know the ending. Did Rupert kill the 2 gay guys and throw them in the trunk?

Lora I'm trying to get in some bike riding everyday, but really only manage about 4 to 5 times a week. Days of harder hill rides (like today) and then days of steady state (like the canyon bike trail) and then 1 day of an real intense ride (like the 2 hr. rides high up in the canyon). Just whatever I can fit in. I'm sure you'd want to add in something extra with TT, but then you already do that.:) Great job with the Jillian workouts. She sure knows how to make them fun.

Have fun workouts everyone!

http://www.thesmilies.com/smilies/sports/barbell.gif [font face="script" color=magenta size=+3]*~Dallys~*[/font]


How far did you get? Did you get to the part where Rupert comes back, pretending to retrieve a forgotten cigarette case?

Monty was supposed to be in this movie. I've seen it a bunch of times. Just let me know how far you got and I'll fill you in on the rest!

Work last night was crazy. Over the weekend we had three gun shots, one guy got run over by a golf cart and one guy lost his entire arm right up to the shoulder to an alligator! There was actually a picture in the paper of the guys arm hanging right in the alligators mouth....hand on one side and the arm bone on the other....amazing!

Today I'm taking my dog to the park for a walk/run and then I'll do some yoga and abs.

I remember that movie 'the birds'....that was pretty creapy!

Everyone have a great day
Marcia- That exactally where I feel a sleep. I remember Rupert coming back for the cigarette case and then next thing I knew the credits were rolling as Rupert was sitting there smoking in the chair. Which part was Monty supposed to play?

Lisa- We've had crazy news here lately too. Seems everyday something shocking is happening right near our hometowns. Yeah, "the birds" is pretty creepy. Tippy Hendren can be very creepy if she wants to be. I think she looks like Paris Hilton.:) It's funny noticing how much the cinematography has improved over the years though. I kinda laughed (loudly) at some of the bird attacks scenes. There will be more Hitchcock movies all week.

Yikes! I've got to get out of here and ride my bike before it gets to hot. BBL...

http://www.thesmilies.com/smilies/sports/barbell.gif [font face="script" color=magenta size=+3]*~Dallys~*[/font]

Good morning!

This morning I did CC Press Play. My calves were so sore from Imax 2 yesterday. :) I got those crazy cramps about 25 minutes into my workout so I had to take a quick break and run into the bathroom for a few minutes. That sure helped. I was able to get back to my workout thank goodness. Unfortunately I was only able to get through half of the final challenge and cut the cooldown short. My workout was 58 minutes, as I had to get to work. But my HR was way up there today - mid 170's to 180 (which is about as high as it goes these days). So YAY!!! Tomorrow I MUST get in weight work, but I needed some calorie burning cardio this morning after the WHOPPER JR. I ate last night. I hardly ate all day and I was starving! That causes poor choices. x(


"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." - Anatole France


Monty was the first choice for Brandon Shaw. Rumor has it that because of the film's homoeroticism.

Okay, so Rupert retrieves the cigarette case but doesn't leave, he begins talking, sort of pondering out loud on the murder of David. Brandon doesn't seem to want Rupert to shy away from the topic.

Eventually, Rupert opens the chest and sees the body. Rupert realizes it was Phillip and Brandon who've commited the murder. He then takes Brandon’s gun and fires it, thus getting the attention of the police.

This movie is so underrated. It was filmed in 10 shots. That's amazing! I really like this one.

(Save for just a few, I love Alfred Hitchcock films.)

ETA: My avatar is from a Hitchcock film. Anyone?
I finished my workout with A w/up and about 10 minutes punching and kicking my heavy bag then Supersets Upper blast adding 2 sets of 12 reps close grip bench press then 21 minutes of Rainbeau Mars Yoga Dawn. I have to get out and run errands before I pickup my grandchildren.
SS upper 2 sets all
barbell deadlifts 1st set 65# 2nd set 50#( I forgot that this has the deadlifts again so lowered the weight since I did that yesterday)
barbell bench press 50#
dumbbell front/side raise on ball 10# dumbbells
dumbbell pullovers on ball 35# dumbbell
dumbbell incline fly on ball 25# dumbbells
dumbbell rotator cuff side raise on ball 8# dumbbell
dumbbell seated overhead press 20# dumbbells
barbell preacher curls 1 set 36#, 1 set 35# forgot this has so many reps
triceps extensions on ball 15# dumbbells 1 set, 20# 1 set
dumbbell rear and front raise on ball 5# dumbbells 1 set, 8# 1 set
dumbbell concentration curls 20 reps 20# dropped to 15# to finish 30reps
triceps see saw pushup on ball same as Cathe
add on close grip dumbbell press 25# dumbbells 12 reps 2 sets

[font color=green size=3]Hi again![/font] I just got back from my bike ride. I think it was just shy of 1 1/2 hr. Had a great ride! I actually made it ALL the way up one of the hardest hills! I COULD NOT believe it! DH is never ever going to believe me. To bad Carma was my only witness. I have one more hill on that particular route that I still have to stop a couple of times. Danged if I still haven't conquered that one yet...but I will soon! Carma did great this time. Temperature was perfect for her. Now, last thing I want to do is go lift some weights. I might or I might not.:p;)

Marica- Thanks for the recap of "Rope".:) I figured Rupert killed them for some reason. LOL! I'm sure it will be on again and I'll try to catch the end. That's incredible they shot that in 10 takes! I love those old shows. I'm thinking your avatar is from some sort of warewolf movie?? I wish I was more familiar with Hitchcocks movies. I've really been liking them this week.

Diane Sue- What a great workout! You really lifted some good weight. I still don't know how you guys lift so heavy on pullovers. I'm a super wimp at that one.

Suz Great workout for having cramps! Gosh! A whopper jr. sounds kinda good right now! Thanks.:p

http://www.thesmilies.com/smilies/sports/barbell.gif [font face="script" color=magenta size=+3]*~Dallys~*[/font]

Lora - How's the job going?

Char - Hope you were able to cut your hours. Have a great workout!

Randi - Why don't you have the entire Imax 2 workout? I thought everyone owned that one! :)

Anne - I sure hope your dh is ok. Back problems just suck, even just muscle pulls. Hope you have a great workout.

Dallys - Nice going on the bike ride! Woo hoo girl!!! You are rocking!!!

Lisa - That is scary! Holy Crap!!!

Wormwood - I was wondering what your AVI was. Which film?

Suz - Ouch on the sore calves! Hope you don't get a charlie horse. Great job on Press Play. That one is my favorite.

Diane Sue - Nice going with your workout! Awesome job!

The avi is from one of Hitchcock's lesser known films, "I Confess," (which also stars Anne Baxter who played Eve in "All About Eve.") "I Confess" was filmed in Canada (Hitchcock typically filmed in San Francisco) and the ending of "I Confess" was rewritten, which is a shame as it sort of ruined the film. I have an unabashed obsession with Monty, and I really love cassocks so even though "I Confess" isn't that great, I do love it.

"Rope" is 80 min. in length. Hitch wanted to do (10) 8 min scenes. Some scenes ended up being a bit longer than 8 min and some a bit shorter, but it just goes to show what a creative and adept director he was.

BTW... this morning I did Step Works followed by the cardio only premix of HSTA and then I did Chest, Shoulders, and Tris from APX. I then did HSCh's ab segment twice and HSCh's stretch.

Great workouts everybody! I'll probably bbl. :)

Great workouts today everyone. I was already getting sore from my workout mid morning! LOL.

Dallys- that's a lot of biking. I guess I'll have to add a LOT to them!!

Deb - the job is going good...however, one of the reasons I was hired was because the one girl doing the job was going to only work part-time and start teaching the other part of her time, but she changed her mind and decided to stay full time, so I'm concerned about them needing me full time. We were totally caught up today too....cuz this girl works like a freakin' maniac. I've been doing a good job catching on to everything and it's detail oriented, tedious work which I'm good at. I don't have my own computer yet, as the office is growing and we will be expanding into the front of the building when the hair salon moves out next month. Thanks for asking. New jobs are never easy, but so far this hasn't been too bad.
Hi Deb
I did figure out that the terminator has the full Imax 2 but I have to go over to the gauntlet to do the warm up and interval 1 and 10:)
I just dont see that I need to get it when i have it on the terminator:)

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