Damage Control on Tuesday


Good Morning Girlies.

Today will be GS Chest and a short cardio. Right now I have 4DS pulled out to do either the KB or the BC but you know how things can change around here! :p

Jacque: I LOVE bananas so no problem here with the name! :D Sorry about your sleeping habits as of late. Hope it gets better for you soon. Those fish tacos sounds yummy. Hope you enjoyed! I kinda made my own fish tacos the other night. I took baked tortilla chips (the "scoop" kind" and put a piece of tilapia in it and covered it with this sweet salsa I currently obsessed with and ate it. SOOOOO GOOD!!!!!!

Well I think I still have personals to catch up on from the rest of y'day so let me know post this and come back in a minute!

So Laura...I couldn't tell from your post...are happy that the Saints won SB!? :p:D:D:D

Diana:: Good job behaving at your DH's SB party! I can be good as gold most of the time but in a situation like that I usually cave and make a complete pig out of myself!:rolleyes: Crock pots are great aren't they? My mom made our SB dinner in it on Sunday. It was yummy. I used to use mine and made lots of yummy recipes in it but haven't pulled it out in quite a while. I really need to get back to using it. Right now DH is doing most of the cooking during the week cause he gets home almost 2 solid hours before I do. If we used the crock pot we could switch off on who prepares the meal the night b/4 or morning of....wait a minute! That means more work for me...maybe I DON'T want to use the crockpot after all! :p:D

Lori:: You are lucky that SB was nothing special for you. I would have much preferred to be home playin' on the PC while DH watched the game but mom wanted us to come visit and I couldn't say no. It's not like we had just been there...Sorry about everything that ticked you off. Some days it just happens. Doesn't mean you are a witch. You just had a bad day. I don't blame you for wanting to go elsewhere for that farewell party. I like beer but I would prefer some place that had more options as well for a gathering like that.
Good Morning, girlies!

Well, the bad news: I'm home sick feeling like absolute sh*t.

The good news: I will FINALLY have time to catch up here :p

Plus, I don't have meeting for three weeks! Woo hoo! I'm sailing for a while. It is looooong overdue.

Wendy: How's the job going?

Gonna go back and read last week's threads. Will bbs with some personals~

Morning ladies !

Well no extra cardio for me last night, by the time the dinner was ready and eaten it was 9 PM ! Yep, DH and his computer time . . . So I sat for a few minutes, watched the opening credits for 24 and fell asleep ! Guess I'll enjoy it when the reruns come or will have to do Netflix and the TM to catch up ! Did sleep until 3:30 solid and the here and there after that. Feeling refreshed as of now.

Wendy - Well now you're gonna have me calling you 'monkey' if you like bananas ! Think you may have that much energy ! LOL ! :p Your "fish tacos" are similar to eating ceviche except you probably used cooked fish. Our local mexican restaurant uses tilapia to make the ceviche. I absolutely love the combo of fish and salsa. So what cardio did ya end up doing? I'm a "crockie" - love the soups and chilis that just simmer away without me attending to them. Now is definitely the time. I usually just cook my meat the night before while I'm in the kitchen and then just toss it all in in the AM, or even at lunch sometimes. I bet DH could handle that too? Nice that he is pitching in and I don't blame you for not wanting to add to your duties - that's why we grill nearly every night ! ;)

JEN ! ! ! - well sorry you aren't feeling well but happy to see you again ! Nice you get a break at work finally. Man girl - you've been uber busy for literally months ! Hope you have a chance to enjoy the slower times and get some rest to get back to working out. Still doing the BL rotation or on to something else now?

Off to get ready . . . BBL
Morning Ladies ..

Had an eye apnt @ 3 . lasted until 5:25 .. (have eye infections in both eyes :() I had to rush to get dressed and to class .. yes I taught step w/DILATED eyes :confused: taught 50 min step and 10 min abs .. had a great walk at lunch beautiful out .. but today >> OH MY .. it is nasty .. and now weather people saying our nights wont get out of the 20's!! :confused::confused::confused: and still saying snow on FRI :confused::confused::confused: UNUSUAL to say the least for us .. but I see our North Eastern friends are gonna get it up the wazzoo w/a blizzard today .. be safe!!!

Wendy .. yes I was very happy the Saints won.. you couldnt tell???? LOL!!! ;) your rotation looks awesome .. that may be something I can do w/my lunch workouts .. one body party w/weights and light cardio .. then my class at night .. hhmmmmm .. something to think on!!! :) Thnxs

Lori .. your are not a witch . LOL .. sometimes things just mount and mount until we feel like we are gonna explode ... and that was rude not to ask the friend that the get together is for what SHE wanted ... so NOPE .. you are not a witch w/B at all :)

Jen .. good to hear from you .. booo you are sick .. get well girlie!! Feel better!!

Jacque .. yes the QB son was a cutie pie... heck he is not bad either ;);) but that was soooooo sweet when they brought his son out and he was kissing him.. taking it all in ... awwwwwwww made me tear up a bit!!! soooooooo sweet!! Imagine the homecoming the Saints players will get??? YOWZA .. block party - parade - marti gras all rolled into one!!!

Di .. did you say you are not at home .. did I miss something?? so you are not getting the BLIZZARD weather... ???

OK .. gotta jet .. have a great day .. if you are in aim of the blizzard .. stay safe and warm ... and have some great sweaty workouts!:D
Yay, back with personals! :D

Wendy: So you’re an early bird exerciser now with this new job? Good for you! How do you like it? It’s one of those things that once you get into the habit of it, it’s not so bad, and eventually you wouldn’t want it any other way. I love getting it over with in the morning. I tend to workout later on the weekends because everyone is sleeping and stuff, but if I didn’t have others to consider, I’d even like getting it done early then, too. (Though I do like you sleep in, too, sooooo then again....) We didn’t do anything special for Superbowl, just sat around and watched it. Probably ate too much. Whatever. I actually do love football so I enjoyed it, despite the lackluster ads this year.

Diana: The house is coming along...quickly! I don’t find it at all nerve wracking, actually. It’s just pure excitement for us right now. Fortunately, DSO and I pretty much have the same taste in decor and the whole process has been pretty easy. I will have my own gym in the basement, which is one of the things I’m most excited about. No more freezing cold temps or worrying about waking anyone up! Congrats on the weight loss! I was following a 30 day shred rotation, which I really liked and got great results with, but I’m not following anything specific right now. I’ve been sticking with the circuit style training though. However, I do tons better when I write it all out, and I may do that today. I also have to get back to logging everything I eat, too. I’ve been lazy about that for the past few weeks. It’s so tedious, but it does work. So did you ever get into your bootcamp class?

Jacque: So what’s the word on the job? Sorry you’re feeling the butterflies around the boss. Is it that you’re nervous about telling him you may be leaving? You DO have to do what’s right for you. He would. I know that “down in the dumps” place you’re at right now. Hopefully a change will come soon, or at least a choice/decision. Once you’re able to make the decision things will likely start to look better. For me it’s the winter blues....get like this every year. Just keep saying to yourself “This too shall pass...” (((HUGS)))

Lori: Oh, I remember my days of playdates, and I was just like you in preferring the afternoon. I always had a million things I liked to accomplish early in the day including working out and getting the house clean, and somehow, all my friends had all this leisure time for hanging out and chatting. WTH? Your story about your friend the teacher who likes beer so much that she could drink it at lunch absolutely cracked me up! I can so see that happening...a teacher coming back to class half in the bag. The kids probably wouldn’t be the wiser! I don’t think you’re turning into a witch at all....I think you might just need some fun in the sun like the rest of us.

Laura: Wow, your brother had quite a day last week with the shooting and the chase! Ugh, that is so stressful. My brother is a part-time police officer and also a dispatcher, and the stress of the job is really starting to weigh on him. I don’t know how they do it. So are you doing a RevAbs rotation? How do you like it? NOT that I need anymore enabling...but I do like to hear about what people are enjoying. Yayayayayay for the Saints is right! I’m with you. Drew Brees rocks! If Tom Brady ever leaves the Pats I want us to steal Drew. But I’m so happy for New Orleans and them having a reason to celebrate. If only the win gave their city 50 feet of elevation...

I think that nearly catches me up. I'll bbl to see who's around.

Hey Girls.

I'm on my lunch break. I eat inside of 15 minutes and then sit and stair at the breakroom walls for 30 mins and I'm a bit tired of the scenery. :p So I decided to come back to my desk and play for a while...

Jen:: Sorry you are sick! Feel better fast!!!!! The new job is going well so far. This is the start of my 2nd FULL week here. It's a bit slow around here right now but that's okay. Boss says not to worry, it will have it's crazy busy times too! :eek: I was exercising before work when I worked for the law firm but was starting it at about 6am instead of 5am. I do like "getting it out of the way" so to speak. It's just that I need my wake up time before I start so I have to get up even earlier to get that time in. :eek: On weekends I don't exercise before 9am and even before noon doesn't usually happen! LOL Sleeping in for me is 7 though so that has nothing to do with it in my case. :p

Laura:: HTH do you teach a class with diated pupils!? I have never had it done but doesn't it basically make you "blind"??? You are nuts! LOL

Jacque:: Me and my son both love bananas! My fave is bananas and p/b. YUMMY! We are currently on a kick where I am slicing them up and putting them in oatmeal for me and him. That's good too! Glad you are refreshed on 3:30 hours of solid sleep. That would not be enough for me! I am surprised I am doing okay with my new wake up schedule coz despite my best intentions I am NOT going to bed any earlier! :confused:

Okay, I guess that about catches me up and I only have a few minutes left for my lunch break so it worked out well. I'll go peruse the O/F for a bit....

BBL or in the am!:)

ETA: I am debating about purchasing BBL from BeachBody. What do you girls think? Anyone have it or going to buy it???
Lunchtime for me toooo ! ! ! :D :p :eek: ;)

Laura - ugh on the weather . . . we have some sun right now though it isn't warm, it still inspires me :cool:. LOL about teaching after the eye appt. Hope they get better soon. I'm with ya on the Wendy type rotation as it wouldn't make you too sweaty ! :p I could do the weight in the AM and my hair wouldn't be yucky cuz I can't wash hair in the AM without it coming out frizzy - I need to sleep on mine to "tame" it enough. ;)

Jen - Woo Hoo on the house just screaming along for you. Yippee on the workout room. I love having mine - though wish it was farther away from the bedroom so I could hit the TM while DH is sleeping. The basement will be perfect for you. There was an interview y'day so hoping to hear soon ! Yep - not wanting to tell the boss I'll be leaving - but I did tell him I was bored and would probably leave eventually when they moved to our other site. We'll see. There were loads more openings that just came out due to new year budgets so if I didn't get the one I just interviewed with I'll be sending out more resumes and networking a bit harder.

Wendy - I love PB and bananas too ! Remember putting bananas in my kids oatmeal when they were little. Haven't done it much for myself but actually I should. In fact, DH will eat them sometimes too so I probably should grab some. I'm not that into food right now so need a change. That could be a fun one. OOOOhhhhhhh, what about grilled with a little brown sugar? K - now I'm thinking I'd better go eat lunch . . . :rolleyes: Oh, by the way, I slept until 3:30 AM - so actually got more like 6 hours or so. I'd not do well on 3 1/2 either. Was there a while ago and was always tired.

Back after my w/o tonight or tomorrow AM. Cheers girls !

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