Daily Check in Mon June 29


Good Morning. I hope everyone had a good weekend.

Yesterday my workout was at the animal shelter. We were a little short handed and I "worked like a dog". LOL

Today is LIS/HIS cardio premix.
Good Morning Glories!

I overslept this morning :confused: and I'm still trying to decide if I want to work out or take another rest day. I'll decide once the coffee kicks in ;)

Phyllis ~ Enjoy your workout, I love that premix.
Good morning Phyllis and Tammy and all that follow...

I got in STS chest and back Saturday. Yday no workout, after church DH and I rode the bike with some friends.

Today is PowerMax for sure and maybe STS, shoulders, bis and tris if I have enough time and enough umph....

Have a good one.....

Phyllis - LOL at the "working like a dog comment"...
Jane, what made you decide to do Powermax? I read someone's post on facebook about that yesterday. ( think it was Pinkay.) Anyway, it's a blast form the past!
Hi everyone,

I had the intention of doing total body weights today, but I ended up doing 4DS Lower Intensity Circuit. I just felt like sweating off that cake I had for DS birthday yesterday!
Hi All!

I ended up leaving work early and I got CCPP in :D I feel much better now, nothing like a good sweat to relieve some stress :confused:
After doing cleanmax all day, I finally made it to the gym and did 45 min. of chest, back and shoulders for my workout. I am continuing to get major sinus pressure headaches every evening (the kind when you bend over your head feels like it will explode)... and my neck hurts today too. I am not happy most evenings. I am taking a sinus decongestant but it doesn't do much for the actual headache and I am not sure the migraine otc medicine I took did anything either. I am a mess.:(

Wish I felt better.

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