"Crazy Strong and Loving It!" for April 9 "

Good morning ladies. I just got done doing 10 10 10 and STS stability ball abs. Don't think I will ever get those one legged pikes down! I'm lucky I can do the 2 legged ones. lol

Belinda-are you feeling better?

Debbie-I looked on the Bravo website to get the link for Workout but it wasn't on there. Just go onto www.jackiewarner.com. Her body is so ripped and that's what I picture you looking like!!!

Have a great day everyone. I'm off to Panera but no bagel today.

Today was Shoulders and Abs. Had a great workout and my HR stayed up there pretty good with this workout. Shoulder work, for me, is the worst. Not sure why I have such a hard time with it.

10 minutes on treadmill for warmup

8 sets - 20 seconds on/10 seconds off each exercise

2 minute rest between each exercise

Dumbbell Upright Rows:
12's - 8 sets/10 reps
***I was worried about doing these because this is the movement that hurts my right shoulder. It felt fine and this burned.

Dumbbell Overhead Press, palms facing in:
10's - 8 sets/11-8 reps
***I HATE HATE HATE this exercise. With either the DB or BB, I hate this exercise. My shoulders fatigue so quickly with these.

Lateral Raise:
8's - 8 sets/11-10 reps

Dumbbell Shoulder Shrugs:
15's - 8 sets/17 reps
***These felt good and burned big time.

Knee Raises - 15 reps
Woodchops - 8# - 25 reps
1 minute elbow planks
***1 minute rest between each triset. By the time I got to the plank work I was dying. It was really hard holding the plank for 1 minute and that is unusual for me. I had to drop down to my knees with each set.

52 minutes total
7 minutes below zone
44 minutes in zone
1 minute above zone
369 calories burned

That is all...

Belinda - Hope you are getting better.

Bev - I'll check it out when I get a chance. :)
Today I did the 10-10-10 cardio + stability ball abs. I was pleasantly surprised by the sweat from 10-10-10. I haven't really done any of the workouts in this series so today was my first time through with that workout. Has anyone else noticed how "machine like" cathes uppercuts are in those older workouts. I always laugh when I see those arms. :)

Silly me I just went to log my weight in the workout manager and put it 20lbs over what I actually am. I saw the graph spike way up and was like "What??". It feels like monday to me. Too funny.
Hey Girls!

After a TON of running around doing Easter shopping and birthday shopping for my mom (she turns 85 on the 22nd!!!), I'm determined to get to the park for a run... The sun is shining and it's supposed to be near 60 later.

I did 10 10 10 for the first time last month too. It went pretty quick, huh? Yeah, Cathe's uppercuts were in very weird form! :eek:

Have a fantastic day, girls!!!!

Good Morning,

Didn't get a workout in last nite painted DDs bathroom instead. Tonite is Lean Intervals and ab burner. Thanks for all of your suggestions yesterday I forgot about 4ds.
Morning! I did KickMax this morning and burned 718 calories according to the HRM. I'm sure the GWF would say less but I am too lazy to look right now. I think I like this workout- haven't done it in a while and kind of dreaded it but once I got into it, I enjoyed it. I like the simplicity of the combos and the fun drills. Good stuff.

Have a great day everyone!
Hi girls,

Thanks girls for asking, unfortunately my left nose is still completely blocked, I can’t breathe through my nose, I breathe through my mouth, which makes my mouth so try. It’s that left nostril that giving me much problems. I have been on meds since last Thursday and I still don’t feel better. Yesterday I got more meds to reduce the swelling in my nose. Today I picked up more antibiotics, my second round. I am so tired, this is getting old! The weather is so nice outside, perfect for a nice run. I don’t have even the energy to take the dogs for a walk. WTH! This infection is taking so much out of me. If anyone of you has a lot of sinus problems have a ENT take an x-ray. I know that is what I will do from now on; I don’t wanna go through this again. This is no fun! Good news, the swelling in my eye"s went down.

Debbie, I am doing the STS 6 month rotation. This week would have been my last week of Meso 1. Since I am doing every week twice (this week would have been my last week of Meso1, round two for disc 10,11, 12) Next week would have been my recovery week. Unfortunately I got sick this week. Do you think I should do disc 10,11 and 12 next week again or jump right into Meso 2? How would you do it?

Have a great day, everyone!

Hi girls,

Thanks girls for asking, unfortunately my left nose is still completely blocked, I can’t breathe through my nose, I breathe through my mouth, which makes my mouth so try. It’s that left nostril that giving me much problems. I have been on meds since last Thursday and I still don’t feel better. Yesterday I got more meds to reduce the swelling in my nose. Today I picked up more antibiotics, my second round. I am so tired, this is getting old! The weather is so nice outside, perfect for a nice run. I don’t have even the energy to take the dogs for a walk. WTH! This infection is taking so much out of me. If anyone of you has a lot of sinus problems have a ENT take an x-ray. I know that is what I will do from now on; I don’t wanna go through this again. This is no fun! Good news, the swelling in my eye"s went down.

Debbie, I am doing the STS 6 month rotation. This week would have been my last week of Meso 1. Since I am doing every week twice (this week would have been my last week of Meso1, round two for disc 10,11, 12) Next week would have been my recovery week. Unfortunately I got sick this week. Do you think I should do disc 10,11 and 12 next week again or jump right into Meso 2? How would you do it?

Have a great day, everyone!

Belinda, I think I would just jump right into Meso 2. I don't see where that would be a problem. Take care!
Good evening ladies!:)

Today's workout:

CTX=10.10.10= 50 min.
Calories burned= 478
This was fun.

CCV1 Revised= I only completed 17 min. I had a sharp knee pain in right knee and hurt to run so I stopped. I tried after a couple of minutes of massaging it but it still would not allow me to run on it. So, I had to scrap that workout out after completeing Warmup, Steady State, and all of Challenge one.
Calories burned= 174
Distance= 1.25 miles
BPM= started warm up with BPM at 86-117= 65% of MHR= 5min
Steady State= 126 BPM=4:15
Challenge 1= 132, 135, 137, 140, 141 BPM's for all the hill sprints in Challenge1.= 7:48. I started to get ready for challenge 2 that's when my knee decided to painfully protest. I'm wondering if this was just because my quads are tight and a bit sore from doing STS Disc #20 Legs. I hope that my leg(s) feel better tomorrow so I can do CCV3. I was really bummed that I couldn't do the rest of Cardio Coach today. But I knew that I had to stop.

I did go on to do STS-Ab Circuits-Stability Ball Abs= 20 min
Calories burned= 123
I still can't do one legged pikes on the ball. I can barely do the two legged pikes on a good day.:p I also can't seem to do the ski ones on the ball, that is without falling off the ball completely!:p Oh well I did try though.

Bev, I so agree with you about the one legged pikes. I'm beginning to think that only Cathe and crew can do those, with the possible exception of super heroes. LOL!!

Belinda- I'm just thinking of you and wishing you the best with a speedy recovery and back to comfortably breathing through your nose and a good nights rest ASAP!!!

That's it for me today, I think I'll take two motrin and ice my right knee.

Hugs to everyone!;):)


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