Commit to get Fit New Year's Weekend!


Hi all. I figured I'd start us off and make the thread for the entire weekend as I am sure we are all going to be busy. It may be easier to catch up with personals too.

Today I am supposed to do turbo barre. I have major DOMs in my upper body from the last two workouts, especially my triceps. Later DH and I are going out either to jut grab a bite or go too movie, not sure yet.

Belinda- good luck with the closing. Your hand will be getting a workout with Signature Max, lol;).

Belinda, good luck with the closing, and Kristin is so right about it being signature max.
Kristin, that's great about your dh and the workout room. We'll look forward to photos. I have doms from doing turbo barre two days ago. Think that workout made it hard to do bm2 yesterday - my legs were just tired.
Deb, are you in the city today? What are you plans for tomorrow evening?
Went for about 7 mile walk, and am now feeling colder than when I was outside. May have to go do another wo to warm up. One son's girlfriend arrives in a little bit, so need to do a quick final vacuum before she comes.

Yesterday morning I took a spin class. I ended up going to the ER last night because I was getting sharp pains under my right rib cage & right arm:confused: We were there until 2AM (TG for DH) they think it may have been my gallbladder but when they took a sonogram (portable machine) it showed up ok. They want me to go for a better sonogram but the pain is gone. I'm going to wait & see if it happens again. All I kept on thinking was all the things I need to do & I have no time for this . . . DH kept telling me my health comes 1st.

Today was my last day in the city it actually wasn't too bad. I didn't w/o because I slept when I came home from work:)

Belinda - Wow, by now you have a new home:)

Kristin - The new gym sounds like an awesome idea! Are you already picking colors for the walls? I bet the kids really enjoy the time they can spend with you on breaks. You do make the most of it.

Cookie - Do you have lots of parties for the New Year? Your taking over for Lori this year;) Your elevator situation must have been scary especially with that woman screaming . . . I do carry my cell phone all the time at work.


Deb, please listen to your dh - your health is the most important thing. That must have been frightening. When are you seeing your regular dr? No matter what I've had, diverticulitis, migraines, sinuses, the drs always end up pointing out it comes from stress and me not taking care. Hope that's all (!) it is with you, 'cause you sure have had a lot of it lately. Not taking over for Lori at all - no one else could ever have her energy and love of parties. However, for the past few weeks it does seem to have been a ton of entertaining.
Belinda, Happy House! Hope everything went well yesterday and that your hand doesn't have any cramps from signature max.
Kristin, so what colors are you thinking of? Do you have to change/modify the flooring at all? The new fitness room must be a huge motivator, and a recognition by your dh of your hard work and commitment to your health.
Helene, what are your plans for the weekend? Off celebrating already?
Yesterday did another 7 mile walk, and since my legs were still feeling doms from turbo barre two days before decided to do Lean & Chiseled, another barre wo. Seems to have taken care of those doms. Today want to do a 12-mile loop but will have to wait a bit since I've drank two cups of coffee already, plus I'd like to do an ub wo. Don't know why I got on the scale this morning, cause that d*** thing never does anything but completely demoralize me. Friends coming over this afternoon into early morning (hope I can stay awake til midnight). Wondering what Cathe will post for a rotation...
Happy New Year!

Could not bring myself to do BM2, not because of my legs being fried, but because my upper body is fried, especially my triceps. Instead I did LICH and then abs from Butts and Guts.

Not sure what my New Year's Resolution will be yet. Still thinking about it. We are going to our friend's house right after I finish this up.

Deb- I hope you are feeling better and doing okay. I agree with Cookie, stress could be the culprit. You have been on the go with the holiday season. I hope you are relaxing and feeling better. I haven't even thought about colors for the walls :eek: I am just so excited.

Cookie- DH is definitely supportive and very proud of me, which feels great and keeps me motivated.

Belinda- Hope you enjoy ringing in the New Year in your New Home!!!!

Helene and Iris, Trish, Melissa, Lori and Amelia. . . Happy New Year!!!!

Happy New Year, my friends!
Belinda, have you started unpacking yet?
Deb, how are you feeling? Hope you are resting and taking it easy.
Kristin, your dh should be proud of you, and we are too.
Helene, Trish, Amelia, and Lori, hope all is well and miss you.
Ladies, thanks so much for another great year. You have all contributed greatly to my health, as well as sanity. Your motivation and support keeps me going. Anyone creating any goals/resolutions? Think one of mine is going to be getting my sleeping under control. I'd really like to get at least six hours a night.
Walked 7 miles and did pub yesterday.
Happy New Years everyone!

Sorry, for not checking in the last few days:( I did keep up with my workouts. Never finished legs, will do that one today.

We got the house, they left the house very dirty (they even left ther task in the house)and took out a lot of stuff:confused: I was very angry! I am still mad just thinking about it:mad: I shouldn't sign for the house, but DH talked me into it:rolleyes::confused: I only had a few min to think about it, felt rushed. I was in tears since Friday.

Hope the new year will start out better than the old one!

Hope you all having a wonderful start. I will be back later!
Hey everyone! Happy New Year! No workout today. I have to admit I am way too hungover to workout. Tomorrow I am starting STS again. I am still waiting to see what Cathe posts for a January rotation, so I might change my mind.

Belinda- I am sorry that the house was left that way. You'll fix it up and have it good as new in no time though, I am sure.

Cookie- I definitely feel the same way about all of you ladies. My resolution is going to be to let things go and not be so stressed all of the time. Well, we'll see how long that lasts, lol

Hey ladies!! OK, let's start this new year off right...I'm checking in full force starting NOW!!! I miss all of you ladies so much! How was everyone's Christmas/New Year's?

These past 2 months have been hell. School was tough but I ended up getting all A's, so I'm very happy with that. DA and I were having some issues which made the end of the semester even harder, but we're working on that now and things are getting a lot better (thank God). Workouts have been good up until this weekend...I was getting over a bad cold and I could barely get through AB yesterday. AND my eating these last 2 weeks has been horrible!!! Tomorrow starts a brand new day ;)

Kristin, your workouts are still amazing! How do you do it girl?! I'm waiting for the Jan rotation too; I heard a rumor that it's supposedly gonna be a 3-month deal? That would be awesome! I'm in the middle of M2 of STS but I kinda want to do a different rotation, though I'd really hate to cut out early. What to do, what to do? :confused:

Cookie, wow you are a walking machine lately! You rock!! That is a great resolution. I don't wanna get on the scale either, but I guess we all have to start somewhere huh? ;)

Deb, your DH is right...your health comes first and foremost before everything! How are you feeling?

Belinda, I'm sorry to hear about the house :( This year will be better, I can feel it. Plus we all have another RT to look forward to ;)

Enjoy the rest of your holiday weekend, girls! Be back tomorrow :D

Happy New Year!!!!! I'm so happy the holidays are behind us. Now I must dust off those DVD's;)

Thanks for asking and your support, I do feel so much better & haven't had the pains again:confused: If it happens again will go straight to my Dr.

We spent the last 2 days at my in-laws, usual fish on the eve & catering today & way too many desserts! I did squeeze in Turbo barre.

Belinda - It's strange how people do that when they are losing their homes to foreclosure don't they believe in karma! You will the house looking like a home in no time.

Cookie - Wow, on the workouts. My goal is to get organized & everything else will follow. I don't think I could survive on less then 7 hours sleep.

Kristin - My nephews are starting school tomorrow because of all the miss school days from the power outages. That is a good resolution . . . we all have the exercise down so it's great we can work on other areas.

Melissa - Awesome on the "A's" Now you can relax the next couple of weeks. I'm happy to see you back again:) Hmm, I'll have to check out the Jan. rotation too.

Lori - DH's cousin just had a 9lb 3oz baby boy:eek: can't wait to hear what your having.

Hi Helene, Trish, Amelia & Iris


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