
Good morning,

I will do cardio today, not sure what yet?

Have a great weekend and workout today, everyone! BBL!
Good Morning!:)

Today is suppose to be my long run day but I am trying to decide what to do. I over slept a little which is not a big deal b/c its quiet at work but I would just really like to get some weights in and I don't see that happening if I have to do 20 k this morning. I would love to be hauling out 4DSUB!:D I could always do my long run Mon morning b/c its a holiday...and I could always go further then 20 k b/c I don't have to rush:) What to do...what to do!

We didn't do anything last night but tonight I have my friends 30th surprise b-day party. I'm looking forward to it but I don't think I will be able to stay very long.

Went to bed hungry last night and the scale was kind to me today....123.3. After 2 rest days this week and eating ALOT of carbs on our 24 hr trip, I think thats pretty good.

Belinda** Have a good workout! How are your sinuses?

Kristin** I feel the same way....your not alone! I feel like I am being pulled in many different directions most days and its not a good feeling. I hate it. I am guessing when DS goes to preschool for a couple of hours on my days off it will give me some time to do the things I need.

I found a website last night re: PT'ing and how to start out. I think I am going to do it on the side with my other job, charge about $25/hr for one person or if it is 2 friends that want to workout together charge them $20 each or maybe $45 between the 2 of them. Would be easier to train more then one at a time. Workout at their house or mine. I think I will also offer packages for 1-3 monthes maybe....just not sure on the price but I have a feeling that alot of men would buy something like that for their wives for christmas. So thats what I have figured out so far....stay tuned! LOL

Good Morning Ladies

Thank god it's the weekend.....ugh. I've about had it with DC......nobody was happpier than me to go to my other job yesterday....LOL.

Belinda- Enjoy your workout!

Lori- It's a rollercoaster ride, lemme tell you, ok? If you can get into a spot that your training is the only part of the business you have to worry it. lol.
And yeah...knees aren't all, I might really have to lay off for awhile..:( They hurt to move in and out of indian style, stiff when I get up, it takes me a minute...kinda sucks! lol I'm taking a class on small group training, but am nervous about it! See I thought it would be easier to be one on one, but for revenue purposes, small group is the way to go, and I'm starting to see all the advantages of.

Helene- Miss ya.....hurry back....:confused: lol.....dont' make me start on my list of "fm's" LOL @ what feet.

Kristin- I hear ya on starting the day out good, and then it going all to hell, and that can apply to any area of life! lol. thanks for the PUB bicep comment...that made me smile! :) So what do you think of PLB? I loveee pyramids, but how do you deal with the speed of the weight changes, I always have to pause so I'm not throwing the barbell around!

Deb- Did you try L&G?? How was the car show? No I'm not playing soccer anymore, I love the game, but feel too beat up.....:( I'm kinda playin' this weekend by ear!

Amelia- Woo hooo on the scale move! You've been doing a lot of stretching lately I see. :)

Ok ladies...I"m off and at 'em ...see if I can have a decent workout today! BBL


Today will be a full body, my PH/MIS/BM dvd is broken
so today will have to be Muscle max, or i could do that 4ds total body weights again? I
my PH dvd, will have to buy another one.

Wanted to thank everyone for the high fives on my weight loss. That means a lot:)

Lori-Did you decide on 4ds? Have a great workout today. Good idea's on your PT, those are nice prices!!!

Belinda-What cardio did you decide on? Any change on your sinuses?

I missed some personals from yesterday so i will bbl

ok...gotta go refill my coffe cup.
Hey Iris-We posted the same time! Sorry DC is driving you nuts:confused: my left hammy hasn't been 100% this week so ive been trying to stretch it out, i also applied hot and cold to it yesterday and it helped a feels pretty good today. Hopefully i can make it through the full body with no probs. Have a great workout today!!

Belinda: Enjoy your cardio today. Your weights yesterday made me groan. Woa, that's heavy. Are you hungry?

Iris: I was thinking that soccer might have messed up your knees. A lot of quick direction changes. Probably a good idea to stop. No DG story for last night ?

Amelia: You are doing so awesome!!! I was thinking that maybe you could coach other to loose weight and make some money? You could make an awesome add with before and after pictures and a link to your weightloss blog. :)

Lori: Sorry about the truck being so big. I was laughing at someone taking a video of the kids in the car. You sound like you look forward to running. Is the phase were you were dreading it past? I hope so.

Cookie: Your dogs sound cute. Is the start of the year really busy?

Kristin: So I guess you're in for a busy September as well. I wish you good kids with good parents to go along. LOL.

Melissa: I hope you got more tastings setup for this weekend and that you are doing well.

Deb: Are you starting week 5 then? :) What speed and incline are you up to now?

Trish: Howdy :)

I hope I didn't forget anyone.

So I was thinking with so many of us living close by and the fall being so pretty. What if there was a way we could all meet up for a day. Like how about a day hike in the Catskills of something like that? Maybe it's just me but I thought it would be so much fun :)

OK, time to go find out how many miles I'm going to walk today. LOL
Happy Labor Day Weekend ladies!!!

I was super busy yesterday, so I slacked off on the check-in. It was our last summer Fri :( and then I had a wine tasting. Some lady asked me if I liked mushrooms and I said I love them, so she goes "Hang on, I have something in my car." Comes back with this HUGE prehistoric-looking thing and told me they grow where she works and her friend says they are delicious. Yeah ok lady cuz I'm gonna eat that?! I took a pic w my phone but I don't know how to get them on to the comp.

Did I tell you guys I met some lady last weekend who owns another liquor promo company? She asked if I wanted to work with them and I said yes esp when I start school again cuz I will be BROKE. This morning she texted me at 3:45 asking if I can do a promo on the island. WTF?! 3:45AM?!?! Plus that is 2 hrs away, not worth $100 IMO. She is a little out there anyway.

Last night I did MMA Boxing; my abs are killing me right now :eek: Today I'm planning on Drill Max, one of my favorites :D

Belinda, glad you got to finish STS!! :eek::eek:At your weight stats! Holy moly!!!!!! Last time I did STS, I think I was lifting 1/2 of what you did and that was hard for me.;)

Lori, OMG @ your road trip! You should sell that as a script for a sitcom! You can't make this stuff up. I think your PT idea is great; if I ever start doing PT on the side again, I want to do just that.

Cookie, my bro and I have been close forever. We're pretty close in age too; he's 26 and I'm 29. He's the only sibling I have. L&G was a killer!!!!!! I loved every minute of it though. Hahaha yeah Cathe enjoyed invoking pain a little too much in that one ;)

Iris, things are better. We talked things out and both agreed that he needs to change what's going on with the direction his life is headed before we can work on any issues between us (miscommunication is a huge one obviously). Both of us said some really ugly things and flipped out instead of talking about it which is why it escalated into what it did. So we're taking things slow and seeing what happens. I said I can't make any promises until changes are made and he agreed so we'll see...

Amelia, AWESOME job on your weight loss!! You are doing so great! I'm sorry to hear about your PH DVD :( That is a good one! I might need a new KPC DVD because mine has a nice scratch on it and sometimes it doesn't load.

Kristin, your week sounds like mine. I started out doing so well with my eating and then at night I just tanked. This was a stressful week. We will do better this week!! I have weigh in today so I'm kinda scared :eek: I love working out at night too. I feel so much more relaxed after having a good WO around 7/8oclock. My family thinks I'm so weird.

Helene, that is a great idea!! I am def down.

I think I'm gonna do some food shopping and try to hit some Labor Day sales today. This is the 1st weekend I've ever been off from work so I don't even know what to do with myself!
Morning! Imax 2 is on the venue for today. I was going to change it b/c I did Cardio and Weights, but I feel like taking on the challenge today :D. I am going shopping for clothes for myself BY MYSELF, yea! The second DH gets home from work that is. He was like, “Why don’t we all go to the mall.” I pulled a Whitney Houston and said, “Hell to the no” lol. I love my boys to death, but shopping for clothes for myself with them is just self-inflicted torture. DH was insisting he would take them around himself, but he always says that and then the second one starts acting up he comes back to get me, which is exactly why I am going by myself. I want to take my time and browse.

Belinda- Enjoy your workout.

Lori- I call it mama-guilt and I think all mama’s have it some degree. I am a bit of a perfectionist and that is my big problem. Can’t be perfect, no one is, and I have to let it go. BTW, I have a friend who does PT and she had told me once that doing small groups is the way to go b/c you get more $$ that way. Your prices seem more than reasonable. Good luck!

Iris- I really like PLB, but my favorite is still Butts and Guts. I also have to pause when they change weights, which is frustrating. What, did they have a contest on how fast they could change the plates? For the leg press and lunges I use heavy dumbbells instead, which helps me keep up with the pace. Plus, I can grab a sip of water while they are speed-changing their plates ;). What I love about the workout is that it is a great leg workout in little time. Same for PUB.

Helene- thanks for the wishes. I love my job but the one part I hate is dealing with an insane parent, lol. If the parent is a nutjob, then there is little hope a problem student will eventually tow the line in class. Last year I only had one, and luckily the student’s problem wasn’t his behavior, he just did not do any work. He was hanging out with 20-year-old’s, and he is 14 mind you, but his dad said that was because he is very mature for his age. Yea, cannot make this up. Well, turns out he was hanging with “ganstas” and getting involved in drug deals and pitbull breeding (but not for dogfights :rolleyes::eek::rolleyes:). This guy drove my team and I crazy for the entire year. Every year there is always one, at least one that I just want to dropkick :p. BTW, I love our idea about everyone getting together and doing a hike or something. If I can swing it, count me in.

Amelia- the way you feel about PH is the way I feel about Body Max 2. I don’t do it often in its entirety, but I use the premixes a lot and if something happened to it, I would cry! Try to enjoy MM, it’s a good total body workout ;)

I will be back later for more personals. Cookie, Melissa and Trish, how are you today?

Ok I'm back. Just weighed myself and I am EXACTLY the same, even down to the ounce. UGH!!!!!!!!! Well, I guess it's better than gaining :confused:
Im baccccck!:) I opted to do weight and a smaller run today. I enjoyed it! I even wanted to do some legs but I couldn't do it ALL!:eek: So I did 4DS UB (my shoulders were on fire!) and a 45 mins run outside.

Its nice a quiet here today, love it. I have most of my work done and its only lunch time. This leaves plenty of time to get some reading done!

Ameila** Have a good weight workout. Are the kids settling in to school?

Iris** By groups what do you mean? Do you mean weight training or a boot camp style of class? My SIL works at the school board office and apparently there are a few over weight people there plus they are always setting up challenges for themselves. They keep asking SIL when I will be finished and there is a gym in the basement of their building. SIL tells me I could easily work with them a few mornings a week, in the gym. Problem is I don't know what they want they want a bit of everything and how over weight are they? Am I gonna kill um? I could possibly! Half of my problem is I think everyone as the same endurance and muscle strength as myself. Working with these ladies for an hour a morning would be a wise choice b/c I could charge them 10-15 a hour and there would be 6 or more of them. But training 3-4 ladies out of my home or out of their home doing weights would be perfect as well. Hope your knees ease up on you! That's never good!

Kristin** Have fun shopping!! How peaceful it will be!:eek: I was so mad at DS in the mall the other night. I made him sit on the bench and when he knows I am mad he keeps pretending that he hurt his toe. He hurt his toe about 2 months ago and when he is in trouble he takes his shoe off and sticks his foot in my face and says "hurt toe mommy". He is pretty smart when it comes to taking the attention away from whats really going on and directing it towards himself. He was good for about 15 mins after that...then we sat down on another bench:mad:

Melissa** To funny about the mushrooms! LOL I wonder how funny your head would have gotten if you ate it!? Staying the same weight wise is always better then gaining!!!!

Helene** I would love to meet up with you ladies but you know how far I am away from civilization! LOL Some day I will come to NY and meet some of you! DH always says to me that he can't believe I spend so much time talking to you guys but have never met anybody. I should get my sister to post her video on FB so everyone can see it! It was the craziest 20 mins of my life! My life is a disaster anyway!

I am going to do some reading and I will bbl!

Hey girls, just popping in to say i decided to take a rest day. My body is requesting it! TOM is in full throttle this morning. I don't know why im always surprised to see it:rolleyes:

Netflix came this morning and was so happy to see the next disc of The Closer in there:D (they have really picked up there shipping lately,yay) i also picked up some beers so you guys know what i'll be doing tonight;) Of course i'll have to plan ahead for the day, the beer is 148caloreis a piece...

adios :cool:
Imax 2 done. Now to shopping!!!!

Melissa- That mushroom story is hysterical. Who does that? And then the other lady calling you in the middle of the night. Who does that? Weirdos. I find that working out at night is relaxing to. . . you get it all out, you know?

Amelia- Enjoy your day. You gotta let loose once in a while ;)

Hi girls,

I had to work late last night so by the time we got to the car show it was dark . . . thought they would have lots more lights up but they only had a few:confused: I felt bad for DH but we made the best of it and it was fun hearing the oldies bands & people watching (they really get into it). I had fish tacos at a stand and they were surprisingly good.

This morning I walked on the TM for 40 min. I'm going to do some leg exercises from L&G since I didn't fit it in yesterday before I take my shower:)

Belinda - I hope you enjoyed your cardio. Any plans for labor day?

Lori - Your PT plans sounds good . . . I sure SIL co-workers would just be happy with someone showing them the way and being held accountable to you:D

Iris - DC must have been driving you crazy if you were happy to go to the other job last night:)

Helene - A hike in the catskills sounds great . . . can't believe you could be thinking that way with all the walking you did this week:eek:

Amelia - Are the beers light? 148 cal. isn't really too bad:) they do tend to fill you up so you won't be able to drink 10 LOL

Melissa - Was it a full moon with all the crazy ladies you met last night. I can't imagine some one offering you a mushroom from there yard LOL

Kristin - Yay on clothes shopping and small sizes too:)

Hi Cookie & Trish - How is your weekend going? Beautiful weather today:)

Enjoy the rest of the night:)

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