::: CHEETAHS ::: Monday


Morning, cheetahs! :)

Feels like the weekend flew.

Sunny ~ I am thinking about trying WSFL for the month of June and subbing my long run for one of the cardios. I hear you that the guys don't want you to switch out any workouts, but I think it might still get some results. As of June, the BC class is over, so that won't interfere, either. The thing that will be the greatest challenge is not deviating AT ALL from that strict eating plan. I have a few social outings planned, and I'm not sure how that would work...that would be AWESOME if you could swing Chicago! I'm sorry your friend cancelled her wedding, though.

Carole ~ whoo, those are some big plates!! I'm glad I didn't go out, anyway. (It was tempting b/c the rain was initially light and it was still warm.) We did get those thunderboomers. Seems you never can be sure with weathercasters, but in this case, they were right. I just can't seem to get past that mental block I have for the TM. I crave the fresh air and scenery. I think I might just have ADD. The break was 105???

Gloria ~ I sure will. The same friends dropped by again?? That's a bit too much. I wouldn't be happy with that, either. Sunday afternoon/evening is my time to get things together for the week.

Posh ~ LMBO at your look of terror. (It's great to put a face with all those hilarious posts!) Glad you are lovin' the 4DS. It is definitely my favorite (barring the step w/outs which this klutz doesn't do). I am hooked on the CST and B&B premixes. Short but effective!...Yeah, I almost thought it was going to be a good rain to run in (light with temps still warm), but that quickly changed. We didn't get the hail or wind gusts, but we did get an intense t'storm. I'd like to try the orange Sharkies Carole recommended, but I think I will just order a box online.

OK, so this afternoon will be the long run.

Hope your Monday is a good one!

[font face="bradley hand itc" size=+2]~Cathy[/font]


"Do you want to feel my spatula?" Run, Fat Boy, Run
Good Monday Morning :) :)

I have to catch up on personals. Not sure if I can with you chatty girls :)

My weekend was a good one. Grad party went off smoothly. Rain held off to later afternoon--a good thing. Party was small but lots of fun. DD is awaiting on background to know more about start times etc. Meanwhile she heard from a few other agencies and figured she might as well give them a chance as well. Ya never know.

Yesterday I did 4miles with oldest DD. Worked triceps and abs as well.

Today will be a sweaty HIIT and shoulders. Weighed myself yesterday down a pound and body fat is holding. That's good. I'm seeing some lean muscles popping--or maybe it's all a dream LOL :)

I noticed some are starting a new workout thingie. Tell me more please. Like how much and strict eating plan? How strict?

Morning to you Cathy and all you beauties who follow.

Need to pick up DS this afternoon. Oldest DD will be heading back to her place sometime today as well.

Greetings Cheetah Friends!

I was not able to post and will probably not get in too many personals this morning, but here goes. No workouts for me this weekend. We had a tricky family schedule. But it was a fine weekend.

Shelly- Welcome to the North East :) After speed reading the weekend posts, I see you and Wendy did in your 5k race :) :) :)

Kath- Your party was a success! It looks like DD will have good choices for career opportunities :) Are you moving Ds home for the summer?

Wendi- I just love those kittie pictures

Cathy- I am sorry about the rain interfering with your run yesterday.

Ok I have to get lunches made and kids moving. I hope to be back when I have my post workout smoothie late this morning.

Ta Ta ~

[font color=lime green][font size +3]Judy "Likes2bfit"

Judy: Morning to you :)Yes I am moving him home for the summer. He is an RA and needs to stay a bit longer than some as that he has to handle checkouts etc. He starts his internship I think Wednesday.Oh forgot to mention youngest DD got a job. Was called on Thursday night. It is a sporting goods store, she started Friday. On her way home, the van had a battery problem of some sort. She had to pull over twice, finally asking me to come help her out. DH was in a meeting with the new soccer coach, I didn't bother him and decided I would go pick her up and he could meet us later. She was able to pull over into a parking lot, so I knew the van would be fine sitting there. But get this.. I arrive to try to start the van--no go. I tell her we will just go home and have DH look at it later. No sooner did I say that,a pick-up truck pulls up to us. The driver is a kid in DD's high school and the passenger had mechanic clothes on. He asked if I needed help. Make long story short-- he was able to start the van for me-- drive it back down to the garage(few blocks down a hill) and repair it for me. I guess the high schooler noticed DD. He was washing his truck at the car wash and saw she was in need of help. He works part-time at the garage and drove down to ask the guys if they could help her. I thanked him for being so kind. DH did arrive later and had the guys fix the van (took all of 20 minutes) and they hardly charged us a thing. DH made sure to tip the guys well and told them to be sure to give the kid that went for a help some extra money out of it. I'm a firm believer you give much more than you take-- and always do the right thing :) This kid did just that :) I think my FIL was watching over DD and us. As that she was able to make it to her new job--on time and also this could have happened while we were driving to oldest DD's graduation the next day--- THINGS HAPPEN FOR A REASON :)

Wendy and Shelly: Congrats on the race. You girls are flying :)

BBL after my sweaty workout }(
Good morning Cheetahs! Got alot of business to take care of today, mostly with getting a job lined up (sigh)... I'm enjoying being a bum! No run today (another sigh) It'll be a bootcamp day... I'll start with Mindy's kickbutt BC and later do 4DS bc bi/tri.

Christine- I hear you about not being able to stick to a rotation for long. I think 2 weeks is a long time! Personally, after a week of something I'm looking for something new to try. Did your DD get an award from the Humane Society? I think that
is so awesome she is dedicating her time for such a cause... very unusual in a teenager these days... but then again, she's your
daughter! Fascinating description of the Bay to Breakers race.... bummer that the elite woman runner was passed.

Wendy- HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO JOEY!!!!!!!! What a cutie pie he is! So you're gonna give bowling a shot again? I bet your DH is very happy about that! I'm willing to bet that since you've gotten fit and strong working out that your game will improve alot now.

Carole- Glad you had a good trail run yesterday. Gotta admit looking at the national forecast with all that HOT weather in Ca and Az I am quite happy to be here! So, how come you're not in Hawaii too??? Hey, I have some #25lb plates gathering dust... with STS I may have to get them out of storage!

AmyG- if you pop in the cheetah den today... Congratulations on an awesome PR performance 5k!!!! Hey, don't be such a stranger!

Gloria- Sounds like you had a very nice Sunday connecting with friends.... always a good thing!!

Posh-LOL about your pic following the 4DS premix!!! You are just oo funny!! Thanks for your wonderful congrats on my latest 5k.Yes, I'm sure the locals were wondering who the he** I was! I'm surprised that the humidity hasn't bothered me at all.... just my hair!!!!! YIKES--- I have a permanent pyramid style hairdo now! HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!!

Cathy- I feel a tad guilty... yesterday morning I was going to mention that there was rain forecasted for later in the day but I thought it may be different for the part of Jersey where you are. Anyway- hope the long run TODAY goes well for ya! Dont blame you for not opting to do this on the TM. After experiencing running outside here getting on the TM doesn't seem very appealing to me at all... especially for a long run!

Kath- How nice that you run with your DD... ever done a race together? Nice story about the kid helping you with your van problems.... it's reassuring that there ARE nice responsible young people out there! You've got some stellar kids there yourself... you must be quite proud!

Judy! Great to hear from ya... was wondering where you had got to. Yes, I'm an official east coast cheetah now and had a very nice 5k race with Wendy ... who PR'd!!!!!!! So, what's the workout this morning? BTW- LOVE your avatar pic foxy lady!

Time to get movin here.... Hi to all who follow!

Morning Cheetahs!

Wendy – So what did Joey pick out for his replacement gift? :p

Dallas – HI! Good job in getting in L&B! Thanks for the info on the little boy! That is a great idea.

Carole – it did cool down here yesterday. We were in the upper 80’s. So, that wasn’t too bad.

Amy – WAY TO GO GIRL!! Congrats on your PR!!

Sunny – you enabler you! You now have a whole check in for the people you’ve converted. :p I’m actually interested in learning more about the other programs. I think I can take the main concepts of TT and tailor it with my own workouts eventually.

Gloria – ooohh, a new puppy! I love puppies! Sounds like a you had a great night with your friends. Love you attitude about working out!

Thomasina – HAPPY ANNIVERSEY!!! Celebrating in Maui after you half sounds wonderful to me!! I love Maui! I actually liked the Caymus better, but the Silver Oaks was wonderful, too. You are too freaking funny! I love that photo! 4DS is tough!

Cathy – So you’ve been Sunny-ized too, eh? :+ I think that’s a good program for you right now. You had me laughing with your stimulating the economy comment. :p Definintely, B2B is like no other race on earth. It’s quite funny. Not as hot as they had thought, so not as many naked people running (but I’m sure there were quite a few!) Hope you have time for your long run today! I’ve been reading on VF that a lot of people are following the “idea” of these programs but subbing other things like kettlebells and crossfit workouts. I’m planning on doing 2 weeks straight of TT, then start customizing. :p

Kath – good luck getting caught up – I usually don’t even try after a weekend away. Good job on the weight loss and the nice lean muscles! Too great about the kid you helped you with the car! It’s amazing when people come along at the perfect time. I’m with you on Things happen for a reason!

Judy – Glad you had a good weekend! Family time is more important than workouts! Oh lunch making, isn’t it fun? I do it every morning as well. :+

Shelly – I’m going to TRY for two weeks! I’m already thinking of ways to switch things up. DD did not get an award. It was more of a thank-you gathering and celebrating the seniors who are graduating. It was very sweet to hear all of the reasons the kids got into the Youth Advisory Board. DD15 loves animals so much. I’m proud of her. Have fun with Mindy’s Kickbutt BC!! I’ve heard that’s a killer!

I ended up doing another hour of the Lake Placid Spinervals. I have 45 minutes left. :p I didn’t want to push too hard because I am starting TT today. I then took DD15 out for lunch before her Youth Advisory Board meeting. I went to Applebee’s and ordered a salad without any of the bad stuff, but forgot to ask for the dressing on the side. The salad was DROWING in dressing. I had to return it (they were wonderful and didn’t charge for either salad!). Why do they drown them, though, ick! The YAB meeting was nice. As I told Shelly, it was mainly a celebration of the seniors who worked so hard to get the YAB started. I really enjoyed it. The kids are amazing. I did not sleep too well as DH has a cold and even the Nyquil he took did not stop him sneezing and coughing half way through the night. X( Oh well. I’m up in time. I will most likely have to go in for jury duty this week. I don’t have to report this morning, but I have to call back at 11:00. Not fun. I will be starting TT today. So, it’s basically 30 minutes of weights and 30 minutes of HIIT which I’ll do on my bike. Have a great day all!
Good morning cheetahs

Cathy...I can see why you didn;t want to try running ourdoors. Thunderstorms are not the best running conditions. It did get to 1-5, but it cooled of better and the humidity was lower so it was more tolerable all around. The Berry Sharkies were good, so the orange (citrus) are not the only ones I like now.

Gloria..sounds like our DH's are the same!! I am not sure I'd be happy with unannounced guest all the time...

Posh...LOVED the pic!!! Who told you 4DS might be easy????!!!!....Of course we will wait for you at the 5K silly! I am sure my sister will be faster than me and our other friend (she is in her 60's) is quite speedy, and I am NOT exaggerating! Glad you had so much fun with 4DS! Speaking of Lasagne, I made some using the Quorn crumbles...yummy...

Shelly..good luck with getting the job lined up. Enjoy BC and 4DS bi's and tri's. This hot weather was for sure a fluke. Hopefully it is supposed to cool down soon. I would be very happy with 90's. About Hawaii, I was not invited...no big deal...:)

Christine..I am hoping it'll be under 100 today! I hope you enjoy TT. I am with you on some restaurants drowning the salads!! I try and remember to get dressing on the side too. Sorry about DH's cold keeping you awake some. I will keep my fingers crossed for you to get out of jury duty.

I am planning on leg exts and curls (this is where I wanted the 25# plates!) abs, MM sho, bi's and tri's and 40 min on my EXT..

Have a great day...:)
Good Morning Girls.

Well, I just finished my first Afterburn weight work out and I am thoroughly impressed. I loved it! It took me a while to get through it since it's brand new but I didn't mind. I know I'll get more efficient as time goes on. :)

So bowling last night was a trip. When I bowled all those years I started out with an average in the high 80's (LOL!) and ten years later was only averaging in the low to mid 120's. Once I quite league bowling and just bowled for fun here and there my scores were usually pretty darned low with an arbitrary good game here and there. Well, y'day was no different. I bowled an 85, 81, 90 and a 140 for a whopping 99 average! LOL My highest game EVER is like 178 or something like that. I'm sure I won't see that score again for quite some time!:p We are supposed to go back to practice again atleast one more time before the league starts (a week from today). I'd like to atleast start with an average in the triple digits. LOL

Cathy: I think you should give WSFL a try subbing in a long run for one of the assigned cardios. It's only a month long program. Try it. It may not give you the results you'd get had you not made the change but hey, if it works at all WITH the change, imagine what it will do when you can complete the program AS WRITTEN! :)

Kath: Thanks re the race! Well there are several work out programs going on around here these days. Pick one: TT, NROL4W, Afterburn or Warp Speed Fat Loss! LOL They are all based on doing exercises that work multiple muscle groups at one time so an exercise like tricep kickbacks will never be found in one of these programs. In addition, atleast for the latter of the 3 programs, all of the prescribed cardio is interval style and not a ton of it either. NROL's focus is muscle and strength gains which will most likely be accompanied by some fat loss. Afterburn and WSFL are fat loss focused. NROL4W is a 6 month program. After burn is a 4 month program and WSFL is a 28 day program. WSFL is definately the most strict and difficult of all of the programs because it promises alot in little time. I hope I helped a bit. :)

Judy: Thanks for the kudos on the race. I appreciate it!:) So are you going to stick it out with NROL4W? If you are enjoying the results you are getting then I think you should keep going. You've been doing it for a while. I'd say atleast get through half of the program before switching it up to Afterburn. I am going to do AB until I need to start doing long training runs for my October race. When that time comes I will be starting NROL4W again. It just works better with long endurance cardio. Who knows what I'll do after my race because if I survive it I will then be picking a 2009 marathon to commit to and I'll have to train for that!:eek:

Shelly: Good luck with the job hunt. I'm sure you'll get the job you are after! Thanks re Joey's birthday. I can't believe he's 3 already! Enjoy your bootcamp day!

Christine: Can't wait to hear how you like TT! Sorry about jury duty. Knock on wood I've been summoned like 5 times and have gotten out of it every time! :7 Maybe you'll get lucky!!!!

Carole: Sounds like a great work out you have planned. Today is Monday. No work for you! What else will you be doing with your day? I'm sure you are THRILLED that your DH is not home. ;)

Okay, g2g feed the little guy and as well as myself.

Carole – Thanks! I need all of the fingers and toes crossed I can get! :+ I so do not want to go in to jury duty. I’m hoping it’s under 100 for you, too! Sounds like a good workout for you today! Oh that lasagna sounds delish!

Wendy – I enjoyed the TT workout as well! Isn’t nice to have something so different to mix in with our regular workouts? I love it! Glad you had fun bowling! Good job on getting the 140!! Wow! I never get above 80. I’m horrible. :p Hope I’m as lucky as you for Jury Duty!

About Turbulence Training? I did the Big Five for Fat Loss rotation and all I can say is WOW!! I’m thoroughly fried. What a workout!! I’m looking forward to doing these for a while! Might even manage the full two weeks for my planned rotation! Maybe 3?! Wow. I might not be able to move tomorrow, but oh well…. :p Well, back to the grind. Have a great day all!
hello everyone!!

no time for personals right now. however wanted to report my workout i did itread 30 min runintervals.

cathy- honestly i do really think you can make it work for you. although they say not to change anything, well sometimes a girl has got to do what she has to do.

christine- i am sooooooo happy you enjoyed your TT workout. now you can understand why i am so addicted to them. i know at first it's hard to wrap your mind around this type of workout as compared to what we've been doing and they even look like easy workouts on paper. once you do them you find out that is sooooo not the case!!:D

"sunny-ized", LMAO:7 :+ :7
HI Cheetahs-

Well I am back with my lunch ( quick lentil chili~ mmm spicy)

Much of my cleaning is done for today, but laundry is still going strong. My kitties shed so much that I need to weekly launder their little towels that we put on their sleeping places and my bed comforter too. They are such sweet animals so it is worth it.

Today was run-intervals, just like Sunny, ( great minds think alike :) ) iTread #24 30 minutes.

Christine- ***Keeping fingers crossed for no jury duty*** OH my you have really been bitten by the TT bug! Do those workouts incorporate Kettlebells?

Carole- #25 pound plates for legs? go for it! I still think you would be a natural at NROLFW. We have a great new Alwyn check in for any one doing any of his programs. Have you lurked yet?

Shelly- Are you settling on any nursing positions yet? Is critical care still where you want to be?

HI Thomassina and Dallas and Linda and Gloria :)

OK for results to happen, I have to eat well & with the right combos of macro nutrients. I am hoping to do this. I see Wendy is too. And I know Christine you are dong WW points right? We will need some encouragement a long the way. I will still be an (only moderate) CAB indulger on weekends. And to compliment this a few less week day calories. But hey, staggered calories can't hurt as long as the high isn't too high.

[font color=lime green][font size +3]Judy "Likes2bfit"


Oh, I am not totally giving up the fun stuff either. I will still allow for some CAB consumption on the weekends. My downfall is getting the munchies from the CABS though! I need to buy some healthy junk food to eat. What's that!?!? :7 :p ;)

I've started logging my food in Fitday. It can be a pain but it's the best way for me to track calories and macros. I did it for quite some time while losing my preggy weight so I think I can manage to do it again for a few months.

Here's the pic from my 5k on Saturday. It's not bad cause you can't see my face! LOL


Shelly: I looked at yours too. You look great! :)
Sunny – I’m going to be hurting tomorrow in some really good places – glutes, upper hams, lower back (a good sore), chest and shoulders. I’m loving it. Man did I not realize how hard that simply little circuit would work me. Of course I went as heavy as I could! Yes, so many of us have been Sunny-ized! :+

Judy – So far so good, thanks for the crossed fingers. I just have to check back at 5:00. Today was the important day as I have an appointment for DD15 that I can’t cancel and I didn’t want her to have to go herself. TT has some optional kettlebell work, but the rotations I’ve seen are mainly body weight and dumbbell, barbell type stuff. There is a kettlebell specific workout that I will probably do soon. :p I agree that we will all need encouragement diet-wise. It’s tough to constantly eat well. :p And no, I’m not totally giving up CABs either.

Wendy – Good for you for logging your food on Fitday! I make sure I have plenty of good things on hand when I partake in a CAB. You look fab in that photo – you’re FIT! And you need to lose weight?! Amazing… :p I always hate my face in running photos - no make up and all sweaty and icky...

I don’t have to worry about Jury Duty today – I’m cleared until 5 tonight when I have to check back for tomorrow. Keep those fingers and toes crossed! :p
Wendy...Afterburn sounds like quite a workout. I have not bowled in forever. I used to be not too bad, about a 145 average. I cannot tell you how nice it is to be home alone today! I want to get some flowers planted in an area I have prepared out front. I also am making a Chile Relleno casserole to take to one of our good friends from church tonight. Loved the race pic, you look great!!

Christine...it is about 100 right now and hopefully cooler tomorrow. Sounds like you enjoyed your TT workout. Glad you got out of Jury Duty today, I will keep my fingers crossed for tonight. Can you check your status online for Jury Duty?

Judy...I am using the plate on my leg curl machine as I hate stacking the light weight plates up to 40#'s so the 25# will be a big help. I am trying to get my weight about upped for the leg curls and exts as I was doing them so light for Freestyle. I have looked at a bit of Alwyns stuff. I just don't want to commit to anything right now until after STS...and as my injuries are healing I want to get in more distance for running.

I had a good workout and sweated buckets as the humidity is high today. I need to get my housework done, laundry and floors.
Hi Cheetahs!

I don't have time for personals right now. I have to make some black bean soup. DH needs to have something quick to eat and I need lunch for the week. I wanted to report that I ran 3 miles this morning. I was feeling a cold coming on Sunday and woke up this morning with it in full force. A lot of my kids are afflicted by this too. I did get yoga for happiness today so will do that tomorrow. I'm looking forward to it! :) I am running with my friend's son on Wed. after school, so I want to take it easy. I may be back later! Have a nice evening ladies!
Carole - oooh, a chili relleno casserole. I'm on my way! If I leave now, I should be on time... :p Still hot! We're in the upper 70's - perfect temps! I can go to the local superior court webpage and check to see where things are standing. Makes it nice - I don't have to keep calling in. What did we ever do before the internet? Amazing. And it's really only been in real play for the last 10 years.
Good evening ladies!

I wish I could post some personals tonight but I have to get to bed. However I want to send a huge congrats to Wendy and Shelly!!!!! WTG you speedy Cheetahs, WOW!

I miss you gals!!! I *hope* to get here tomorrow afternoon to catch up with personals. I've had just enough time to read but not enough time to post :(...sorry. I have a *VERY* early start in the morning for the show (have to be to the barn by 3:30ish) but should have an early day because our classes go first thing. I'm lobbying to be able to go home right after since I have such ungodly start times Tues and Weds :eek:. That should give me time to come home, chat, eat and curl up in bed lol.

I was able to get a nice kickbox mish mosh in last night of 4DS KB, KM combos 1-4, KPC abs while my chipotle turkey meatloaf muffins were in the oven....YUMMY! It felt sooooooo good to workout again! This morning I got in a very fast (for me, anyway....turtle speed for Shellers) 6 miles in 50:46. I didn't realize I was going so fast and probably shouldn't have because it caught up with me during the day. I started to feel kinda nauseated about two hours after and I've found that that happens when I push too hard for too long, but it felt good at the time :D. Oh well, live and learn.

Alrighty, gonna shut up now and pour myself into bed. Hasta manana chicas!
Oops, forgot to ask Wendy or Shelly when that George Sheehan Classic is again? I was thinking about a 10k on June 8 that runs right through my neighborhood and was hoping it wasn't the same day. Let me know when you can. TIA!
Late post for me--
My youngest DD wants me to run at 5:30 with her tomorrow--You know she doesn't live for the COFFEE fix in the morning :) We shall see if she wakes up.

Very few personals, I'm still catching up :)

Wendy: Great picture of you :)

Shelly: How's the job hunting going? Are you living with in-laws right now?

Cathy: Have you caught up on grading? How are the blisters?

I may be back tonight :)

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