6 Monthers Monday Check In


Hey guys just a quick post here!
Some one has to get us started right;)

Hope you all had a great weekend. Now it is time to get down to business!

Today was my first day of Meso 3 and I started today with plyo disc 26. :eek: What a way to kick this meso off. I had done it before but since I was doing it in place of cardio I did not go full weight! Needless to say, It was alot harder than I remembered! But I loved every minute of, and I counted every minute too!

Well I have to go shower and get rady for the day.

Jo-Thanks for keeping us going yesterday!

Gayle and Chrissy You must be having a great time.

Cendrine-The trainer stuff was so shocking to me, it will definitely keep me in check also.

Julie Kim and Mary Have a great Day!

Hi All!

Just a quick hello. I am off to the gym then to my son's presentation at school.

I had a great time this weekend with Gayle, Ellie and the gang. Got back last night but Gayle is staying at ellie's until tuesday.

She was going to check in while she was there but she wasn't able to get on to the internet. So she told me to let you all know she will check in tuesday night or wed. morning.

I'll BBL.

Hi Everyone!

I am up and just completed Step Blast! Fun, fun, fun!

Chrissy, I can't wait to hear more about your weekend!

Rachel, thanks for getting us going and YEAH on the plyo legs! I am anxious to hear you newbie Meso 3ers comments on Chest & Back!

Okay, off to the showers! Monday awaits! YoHo!
Hi Guys,

well, disk 25 complete.... It was interesting to make the shift in thinking, that I won't be doing this disk again a second round, I kept thinking, I'll do a couple pounds heavier next time... I did have to adjust some weights for more challenge, but for me it is a fine line between lifting so heavy I'll go to failure and keeping good form not straining or overusing any other muscle groups to try to make the reps happen....

Anyway, it's too early to talk DOMS, but I felt it was a good workout. Do you guys think throwing in a few crunches during the long rest periods is a good idea? I kind of don't like to waste time and thought, maybe a few crunches inbetween stretches might be ok. What do you guys think?

Jo, your salad sounds so yummy! I like to use salsas for salad dressings as well, sure keeps the calories down. I like the firm tofu better than the soft, too. Let me know if your Husband comes up with some really yummy concotions.... Thanks for doing the clean eats with me, I always feel more accountable when I have someone I'm doing it with... :eek:

Rachel, I can't remember if I'm doing plyo tomorrow or wednesday, but will let you know how I did, I can't wait...LOL!

Chrissy, welcome back, and I'm so glad you had a good time!
Good afternoon girls! I did disc 19 tpday for the second time. I am eating pizza as i type this message. I ran into a woman I know who I last saw 2 years ago. She was not heavy but now...OMG! She is a personal trainer and she looks unbelievable, I barely recognized her. It got me to think that I might like to be one. I am going to have to go back to work after being a stay at home mom for 10 years and I can't go back to taxes full time because it is too demanding hours wise. I am going to ponder it for a little while anyway.

Chrissy it sounds like you girls had a good weekend!

Two more weeks of school!

Hi Cendrine! Personally, I would add in stretches but not crunches. Also, you'll be repeating the same exercises next week only heavier and with one less rep so you'll be able to adjust your weights as you think necessary. Glad you liked it though! CLEAN EATS CLEAN EATS CLEAN EATS! :eek:

Hi Julie! I think being a PT would be fun - you should check into it. I hear there is a wide range in the kind of money people can make so you would have to decide if you want to work for a gym or on your own or whatever. But it's worth investigating!

I was just taking a quick break and need to get back to work. BBL!
Jo, clean eating going well so far! Thanks for the cheerleading and motivating!

Julie, I have thought about becoming a personal trainer myself, once the kids don't need me anymore, I know I would enjoy it. I have heard a lot of studying is required for the exam, but if you are interested in it it should not be so much of a problem. Someone did make a valid point to me though, with the economy being as it is, most people will probably not want to hire a pt right now. However, if you can get hired by a gym that would be more secure, I would think.

If you decide to go for it, I'd be interested in hearing your journey and progress on the way to getting certified.
Hey guys

I am back earlier than I thought I would be! It was alot of driving today and not alot of working. We did have to unload a truck though, and in this 100 degree heat it was not pleasant! This summer is going to be a real scorcher I think for us down here. :confused: I love Texas in the spring fall and winter but they can have the summer.

OK enough complaining right...at least there is an invention called AC.

Oh yeah...I was setting here trying to remember what I was going to ask yall. :eek: Of course this would be more for Jo and MIA Gayle, but I was wondering if you have been hungrier with meso 3. I know it was my first day today but I have been hungry all day. I am eating my normal way but in about an hour and a half later, I am hungry again...Anyone having this or is it just me. I know I did plyo legs today and I think that would increase anyones appetite.

Gotta run for now , hopefully BBL

Hey Julie

I just was checking the other forum and saw you had P90X and wanted to get rid of it, DH was wondering how much you wanted for it and what it included?

I was wondering why you did not do it?

Good Evening Ladies!!

I had a great workout day. I did 45 minutes of cardio at the gym. About 3 hours later I did squat rack legs. I think it was a little tougher this time around because my weights were much closer to where they are supposed to be. I am glad I decided to do week 1 over again. I wasn't sore last week, so now I am curious if I will be this time. Plyo legs got me good though. I did do calves during the breaks just to feel more productive.

I had such a great time this weekend. Ellie and Gayle are just amazing people and so are their families. It was very different actually hanging out with them and talking to them one on one. I have met them before but didn't have any major conversations with them. Saturday night we hung out for some girl chit chat and stayed up a little late. Ellie's sons are EARLY RISERS (5am). But since Gayle slept on the couch she was able to get Sean back into his room and so I think we got up at 7 am. I had some coffee and Gayle and I went for a walk along the boardwalk. We clocked in 4.2 miles, had a great conversation and got to know each other better.

We went to a lobster house for lunch and I couldn't decide what to get so I got a platter that had 1 shrimp, 3 scallops, 1 clam, 1 crab cake and a piece of flounder. (probably ate too much but everything was broiled at least and not fried) I didn't eat all of eat though;). There were 6 tristaters there. Everyone had family there except me. I went stag!

Jerry showed his hotel (it was beautiful). I had just enough time to buy some souvenirs for the kids. It took me 6 hours to get home, so much traffic when I hit NYC. UGH!!

It was so great to actually talk to gayle after checking in with her for months. It makes me want to meet all of you even more.

rachel- I am glad you had a good time at your pool party. I can't believe how hot it is there. I don't know where our summer is!!:( It is really freaky about that trainer. do they think it was too much protein? sometimes I don't think people realize that too much protein without complex carbs really taxes the kidneys.

Jo-I can't believe you and Gayle are on week 3 already. I am still on week 1 because I am repeating it. I do really like the upper body workouts in this meso. 90%-You go girl!!! :eek:

Kim- your weekend at the cottage sounds great. How warm is it there now. It should be hot here but its not. It just keep raining -so depressing.

Cendrine- I am with you on staying focused and commited during this meso. I am going to post my menu, so I keep myself accountable. Summer is starting and I am not where I thought I would be.:confused: WE CAN DO THIS!!!

Julie- I got certified about 5 years ago. I never actually worked as a PT. I did it mostly to learn more for me personally. That is what got me interested in going back to school. I took a course at a college. The teacher was awesome and just made me want to learn more. Good luck with your decision. Did you decide about the breast cancer walk yet?

Hi mary-How are you?
Have a good night everyone
Hi Everybody!!!

Well I am back to my early morning routine starting this morning. I did my repeat week for disc 22 and did much better this week than last week. I was ready for those 10 second intervals and had my weights set up in advance. I was finally able to do all 3 sets of the flys with my 30 #'ers and my chest is really starting to tighten up and the hard work is paying off. It's so nice to come home from work and not have to worry about going downstairs to workout. I would much rather be outside taking a walk or a bike ride. Last night my DS and I took Toby (dog) for a bike ride. Last year I bought a small dog trailer that hooks up to the back of my bike so Toby can enjoy bike rides with us. The carrier is very similar to the bike carriers that you see for children, but much smaller. He absolutely loves it!! It has canvas on both sides and opens up in the front and back. It is the cutest thing to see him in it with his hair blowing in the wind, and I think he enjoys the bike rides more than his walks!!!

Gayle-I'm sure you are having a fabulous time with the gang. I can't wait to hear about all the fun you had. Were they ooohing and aahing about your new addition (THE VEIN)?? You definitely deserve bragging rights with that one. I think of all you gals when mine pops out on my forehead. It's not as attractive as a pop out on the arm, but it will do in a pinch.

Chrissy-Welcome back! It sounds like you and Gayle had a wonderful weekend. I'm wondering if you took any pictures that you might like to post of you and the gang? A long walk on the board walk sounds like heaven right now. I think all of you ladies would be fantastic to meet in person, and I hope that might be a possibility in the not so distant future.

Jo-I am going back a bit, but purple glasses sound right up my alley!!! I love going outside the box and wearing different things. I'm in need of some new reading glasses, and I may take my friend with me to help keep me somewhat in check, but she would definitely give me the
on a funky new color or style. My DH is more on the practical side and likes to stick to routine. I love him, but he is really boring in that area!!

Cendrine-I absolutely love the cupcakes you made. You are soooo creative. I can tell you put a lot of time and love into those cupcakes. Your kids sure do have a very special mom!!!! I still haven't gotten around to cooking up your cold bean salad, but now that school is out and I have my life back, I should be able to spend more time in the kitchen, and testing out some of your recipes!

Kim-What a fun weekend!!! I am so envious of all the fun weekend plans you have had lately. We will be going out of town to my sisters cabin during the 4th of July, but that's still 3 weeks away!! To answer an earlier question you asked, my DS will be pretty busy this summer. We have a swimming club about 4 miles from where we live, and we decided not to join the swim club because of the cost this year, but they have a seperate division for tennis, and DS wanted to join that this summer. He will have tennis 3 days a week thru July, and then he will start back the first of August with marching band practice 5 days a week, and then go away to band camp the last week in August for 5 days. He absolutely loves marching band and has lots of friends that are in the band also, so the practices are a lot of fun for him.

Rachel-I always love reading your posts. You are so full of energy and excitement that no party would be boring with you at it!!! I am sad to hear about your trainer friend. You are right that age 53 is so young for him to have developed these health issues. I hope all the best for him.

Julie-I'm glad to hear that you and I should be catching up soon with our workout schedule. Do you plan on repeating each week of meso 3, or are you doing it one time through as many of the ladies on this forum are doing? My plan is to continue to repeat each week. I will finish meso 2 this week, and then my rest week. You will be relieved to know that disc 22-24 is much shorter. Cathe doesn't go over 48 minutes for any of the last 3 discs, but she does speed up the pace a bit. You had mentioned earlier that you were on a match making site, and you were getting paired up with 50 & 60 year olds. Just for the record, I'm a few months shy of 50 and can hold my own with most 30-40 year olds. Don't rule those older farts out just yet, they may really surprise you!!!!

Well I think that's enough for now. It's still early enough for me to fit in a bike ride before it gets dark. Hope you are having a marvelous evening, and I'll check back soon..

Hey guys

DH is wanting to do P90X and Julie said she had it and did not want it so we will see. He just can not wrap his mind around sts I guess. Maybe when he gets done with p90 he will be tough enough for sts:p

My doms are already setting in from plyo today so I am looking forward to the squat rack legs on thurs. I am trying to really push myself since we are nearing the end.

I have to say dh read over my shoulder and said that I was mean:D

Cendrine-Like I said up there^, I am already sore from plyo today and I am sure it will be lovely tomorrow. I even did the extended stretch which I don't always do:eek: I knew after that workout though that it would not be a good idea to skip it. On the crunch thing...I am not sure yet because I have not done one of the workouts with a long rest. That will be tomorrow. So I will give you my opinion tomorrow!

Chrissy-Oh I wish I could have been there with yall. You probably would have just made fun of my big ol Texas accent though:D. I can not imagine traffic like that though. We complain when we have to set through a red light twice in the morning in my 4 red light town. But that is a big boom in red lights though considering for my first 28 years in this town ther was only 1. Directions were always when you get to a red light take a ...!
With the trainer, they think it is a numeber of things including but not only the protein. He always drank some kind of high powered powdered energy drink...and you know how those things are. You build up a tolerance and then you start adding a little more each time. I think the worst part is from what I understand he has not changed anything yet. I have a feeling that he might not.

Well I guess I need to go load my bars for the morning:eek:

Have a great night and a great morning.

BOOOOOOOOOO! Did I scare ya????

Just checking in real quick from the beach. Ahhhhhh....The Beach. The Jersey Shore.

This morning I FINALLY figured out that all I had to do to re-configure my laptop to the wireless network here is to reboot it! LOL Figured that out after struggling several times and just figured I'd shut down and restart. lol Imagine that!

We're having a blast. Kids and I did the boardwalk this morning. They rode their scooters and I ran next to them. We ran/scootered the entire boardwalk from one end to the next and back again. It was awesome. Then we came back, got our suits on, and drove to the Cape May beach for a few hours. Gotta tell ya, it was AWESOME to put on a suit and not CARE or WORRY how you look in your suit because 1)you KNOW you've been working hard and 2)the suit actually FITS! LOL The water was cold, so I lasted on the boogie board for about an hour before hitting my chair and wrapping in a towel! :) Then we came back, cleaned up and headed out for dinner then the boardwalk again. Can't say that my eating today is clean, but oh well. One day won't kill me, right?

I read a bit from today and yesterday's post and I'm kind of stunned, too, about Rachel's trainer's situation. I know the protein powder over usage is a common thing, and that's one reason I've been trying to cut them out. I think this is just a good example of "everything in moderation".

Sorry, we're tired and heading to bed SOON! We're going on a Whale & Dolphin Cruise (2 hour trip around the island) tomorrow morning and then heading right home. I'm sorry to see it end. But we'll come back, that's for sure. But I'm also ready for HOME and my own bed.

I'll check in tomorrow night, if I can!


ps and I have pictures that I'll share in the next day or 2!!!!! But know that Chrissy is an awesome woman and it was great to get to know a little bit more about her.
Just finished disc 26 Plyo for the first time, it was fun and different! DH did it with me and he's always so funny so that helped pass the time:D He loves to make fun of the guy's weights and did you guys notice that Cathe does different numberr of reps for the plyo moves? I think she does 30 seconds worth so it comes to different rep numbers. DH kept yelling at the screen to get Cedie back because no one else can count??

Jo Congrats on the 1" down! It sounds like you're having some great results! I was surprised that I didn't really have DOMS after disc 25 just more of a tired feeling. Your salad sounds yummy. I made a chicken caesar salad last night and got rave reviews. DD said it she like salads with lots of stuff in them.

Cendrine The bike ride as a family sounds like fun! I will be trying to eat real clean over the next 5 weeks while finishing up Meso 3.

Rachael DH and I did a round of P90X last week, it's a good program but sort of repetitive, I don't think I could do another round. DH is doing Ab Ripper X as I'm typing. What a sad story about your friend!

Chrissy I'm glad that you had a good time this weekend, too bad it wasn't warm enough to swim. We finally got some warm weather here, it was 29 degrees today (Celsius not sure what that is in Fahrenheit???)

Mary My ds loves tennis as well! I bet our sons would get along well, they seem to have some common interests and about the same age.


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