~~~~~~ cLEAN eating on a tuesday ~~~~~~

Katie Sleepyhead, Were you sexmaxing again?? I WAS! Boy, I slept great!

No big plans for me today - normal stuff going on. How about everybody else?

workout will be PUB after DDs go to bed.

b - wheat chex (last day), fruit
s - peanuts I think, banana
l - salad of some sort?? or maybe egg whites/veggies & 9-grain bread
s - ??
d - grilled chicken kebabs with red pepper and onions
Kate, no sex max for me, just sleep max then GS chest & tris.

I went so much heavier today, MUCH better than last week, I feel like SUPERWOMAN!

Kate, your dinner sounds DELISH! What time should I be there??;)

B cereal
S berries, yogurt, almonds
L sandwich, 1/2 protein bar
S 1/2 protein bar, banana
D shephard's pie maybe...??
Morning peeps!

Kate, i would be honored if you would take me to Target! I'd love to see a Walgreens and Trader Joe's too, but that's pushing it!
I cant wait to be preggo, i need some hormones! Where are the Chex going?.....

Katie, good for you superwoman! any news from Cathe about the RT?

Robin, i hope you're okay, getting worried about you a bit.

Jenn, sorry your day was shite yesterday, today will only be better right?
Hi to Shirl and Colleen!

Today, i'm with Kate, PUB/Bar. Last night i did KCM step boxing, and Jillian Michael's Shred circuit (20 min advanced), nice add on! Lots of plyometrics.
b: egg white thing i make that's green but for some reason i like it
s: quark, pp/almonds
l: veg soup, veggies, hummus, apple
s: wasa/pb
d: veg stir fry and yogurt
Katie, Glad you had a good WO! Feels good to feel strong, doesn't it? Hey - when you have cereal for breakfast do you measure it out or just eat until you're satisfied? I have to measure it or I'd just eat the whole box! I love that stuff! Dinner's at 6, btw!

Steph, Walgreens is just a regular old drug store - I never go to ours. Never been to a Trader Joe's. I am dying to go to WHole Foods though. Get preggo befor RT so I'm not the only one!!! Chex will be back, it's just the end of the box and I'm ready for somehting else! I need to pull out my Bar dvds too... Good WO last night. I miss anything plyo but it just feels wierd right now.
Hey ladies I'm ok it's just my computer at home.

I hope everyone is doing good. Yesterday I wrote that I may want to move this summer because my family lives NC, and I would like to be close to them.

My w/o today was BM2 circuit and upper bod which took me over a hour to finish.:+

My menu:
b-fiber one cereal
l-chicken and salad

Did anyone see VH1 show where the TV stars try to lose weight. Well one of the ladies lost 11 # in two weeks :eek: but her body fat went up!
Is that crazy or what.

How is Jillian Michael's Shred w/o?
Good morning ladies,

Kate I would love to go to a Whole Foods also. Every time I watch Top Chef and they go grocery shopping, I wish we had a grocery store like that.

Steph today will be better. It's my day off from work so that is a plus in itself. Plus it has stopped raining.

Katie ^5 on upping the weights this morning.

Hi Colleen and Shirl and Robin

Tonight I'm taking DD for an eye appointment. The nurse said her vision is 20/30 in each eye and sent home a paper for the eye dr to fill out.

I don't what workout to do today. A circuit of some sort. Maybe LIC or Hardcore Xtreme #1.

b-english muffin, slice of cheese, scrambled egg, choc milk
The rest of the menu is up in the air.

Hi Robin,

I have Time Warner Cable and they have a channel called Exercise TV demand. It's a channel in the 1000's on are tv. It has Jillian Micheals new dvds. It also has loads of other workouts.

Hi Everyone!

I guess I never realized how lucky I am. I have a couple of Target stores close by, Whole Foods, Trader Joes and a Walgreens just opened near me. I will have my car for the RT so we can drive anywhere. Maybe we can have lunch at Whole Foods on Friday. They have all kinds of yummy things for lunch (and plenty of vegetarian/vegan stuff).

Katie, I am going to keep sending you positive vibes. I know we are going on the RT together!
Kate, you can always do firewalkers if you can't lay down.
Steph, I have some old Jillian workouts and they killed me when I was starting out. I have not tried any of her recent ones because they are too short.
Jenn, thanks for the tip on exercise on demand. We need to hook our box up to get on demand and DH hasn't done it yet.
Robin, NY to NC is a huge difference. I bet it would be nice to be close to family so they can help you out :)

w/o was B&G
b: oatmeal w/ almonds
s: cashews
l: grilled chicken salad, quinoa (made it Sunday night and it was good), watermelon
s: strawberries & yogurt, mixed chopped veggies (carrot, celery, cucumber)
d: DH's b-day feast (ribeye steaks, grilled squash, corn on the cob & americone dream ice cream for dessert)

I got DH the new Alton Brown book (he loves Alton), an iPod nano for his car and preordered a game for him.

Colleen, i'm so jealous! Shopping sounds so fun where you are!

The new 30 days shred advanced was decent, i added it to the end of KB, its only 20 minutes, but good! Who doesnt love Alton!

Robin, Sounds like family nearby is a good idea, especially with KD. glad its computer trouble and not other trouble, glad to see you.

Kate, i was looking at flights, i'm nervous about coming in on Thursday. My house is going to be a disaster by Sunday! There is a flight that would land me in Philly by 3pm on Thursday and leaves Sunday at 3:20pm. I cant remember what time you were getting in on Thursday. I'm always worried about food! Vegetarian crazy that i am!
Robin, I'm glad all is well. It would be nice for you to have family close. An just think if the warm weather! What do the kids think? thanks for the irs tip.

Jenn, Can't speak for HCE1, but I do love LIC! DDs in for glasses huh? I'm a contact wearer - DDs hate when I wear my glasses - they say they are for oldpeople!

Colleen, Thats funny you mentioned firewalkers! I was thinking about them as I was laying in bed this AM! I'll add em on tonight.
DH is making out like a bandit! Have a great dinner tonight! Never heard of that ice cream stuff you mentioned. And I have no idea who Alton Brown is!!! Should I?!

Steph, Oh, cmon! Leave on Thursday! Your house and pups will be just fine!!! My flight gets in at 12:43 and I fly out at 2:20. Food be darned, take that flight!!!!!!!! Pack some larabars and get your button that plane!!!

Good AM for me. FOod according to plan, no major issues. YAY!
Colleen, I just read on the RT forum a clarifcation on the Res. Inn. The suites only have 1 bathroom, so that would've been an issue there too. Glad we're saving $$$ at the nicer, cheaper Fairfield!
Yooooo hoooooo! clean peeps, where are you?!

I just finished PUB, Pyramid Down premix. Didn't feel like taking an hour. When I do this premix I just go as heavy as possible on all 3 sets. I burn, baby! I sent Mike outside with DDs so I could get it done before they went to bed. Maybe CS later???? A girl can dream...!

Dinner was good. the marinade for the chicken was yogurt, olive oil, thyme, oregano, salt, and pepper, and garlic. Very flavorful and kept the chicken very moist. I can post measurements for the ingredients if anyone wants them.

I'm glad I'm working out again regularly but I just feel so chubby. Scared to get on the scale. Last check wasn't too bad, but I'm still scared! I know, I know. I'm supposed to gain weight. But everything just looks softer and I'm kinda discouraged. Our WO room has huge mirrors on every wall - certain angles are lookin' pretty scary right now!!!

Hope everybody is having a nice evening!

ETA: I even did the abs!!! I used my slanted weight bench and did the obliques an dplan stuff on the floor! I **WILL** keep some tone there for post-baby!!!
Good for you for squeezing in your workout, Kate! Any leftovers from dinner? Fed-Ex me some;)

My food has been good today too, but now I am TIRED!

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