~*Weekend ~*Challengers~*

Hello challengers!!

I am feeling very happy tonight, my 9 year old came from school with an AMAZING report card! I am sooooo proud of her! She has come such a long way. She needed two years of prep (over here thats the very first year of school, the children are usually 5 yrs old - would that be equivilant to your elementary?) She lacked maturity so she repeated. She has worked and worked and worked and now, shes excelled. I am wrapped! Might I add, she has done the work by herself, no pushing by her parents at all, shes just stepped up and done it by herself! What a little champ!

No workout today. I've eaten O.K ish. I was doing well until I was starved to death (thats cause I didn't feed myself during the day) and got home from work and did the "PANTRY RAID" Uh Oh! But it could've been worse.

Catch up with everyone over the weekend, :D:D:D
Good Morning,

Couldn't go back to sleep after DH left at 3:30am so I laid in bed until 4 then got up and read until 6:25 and then did Imax 2 1-5. Now you all know I am not a morning exerciser, but didn't do GS legs last nite so I have to do them tonite.

Andrea-don't our children make us so proud sometimes my youngest DD who will be 21 on the 23rd is getting ready to move back home. I liked my freedom told her I wouldn't give up my exercise room.

Everyone have a good day.
Hey girls, i was sick as a dog yesterday. I was praying that my stomach wouldn't hurt this morning. I couldn't hold anything down and I laid in bed all day.(funny how I LOST my APPETITE after complaining about it wednesday morning:eek:)

Dh just went to work...we are both VERY tired, we must of picked up that stomach flu bug at the grocery store wednesday....i forgot to wipe/sanitize the handle of the buggy(which im pretty good at doing)

so,no workout yesterday and probably no workout today either...im not gonna push myself too much,still feel kinda dizzy when i get up.

Anyways,just letting you guys know how I was doing....I will bb tommorrow hopefully with reports of a workout.
Andrea, congrats on the report card. don't you just love it when our children makes us proud.

Roxie, sorry you couldn't get back to sleep, but way to go on tackling Imax 2 early in the morning. Too funny about not gving up your game roon when Dd moves back in.

Amelia, hope you feel better. take it easy and rest up.

Hi Andrea and Elain.

today, I did it. I told you I would try to get a good night's sleep and then work out in the am. I did. I did an hour on the TM this morning. I wasn't getting off it til I burned 500 calories. Did not want to go over an hour so the last few minutes were some major sprints to make that calorie count hit 500.

Hope everyone has a great weekened.

Girls! I've been good!! My goal has been to make it to today, and stay good. I've done it! O.K I still have to get home from work and not overdo the pantry visit, but I am fairly pleased with myself.:D
Amelia - You poor chicken I absolutly HATEthose dreaded stomach BUGS!!!! HATE THEM!! Look at the positive, you lost your appetitie and anything you did eat, well lets just say you didn't end up "eating " it after all.
What do you do with the kids when both you and your hubby are ill?
We have to let ours run amuck! I've got no one to look after them if i both of us get the "dreaded" bug at the same time. Its just awful.

Hey heres news! I've ordered Charlean Extreme!! As they don't ship to Aust, I have gone through a very helpful girl here. Shes going to post it on to me here in Aust. I only hope they are universal DVDs. Beach body say they are, so fingers crossed it all works out! Its knock off time, so I am out the door.

Good Morning,

Just did 30min on the TM then did GS triceps and shoulders then did SJP abs I am toasted muscles are shaking. Going X-Mas shopping today.

Andrea-I got an email we can order now if you don't mind me asking what did it cost they are not showing that unless you order.

Everyone have a good day.
Very quiet around here this weekend.

Completed another 60 mins of cardio today, before work, however, I've just eaten McDonalds for dinner! Enjoyed it too! Don't know how much damage I've done.

Roxie - I paid U.S $119, for the Charlean. Sadly, its doesn't sound that great in AUST dollars. I think including two lots of shipping(one to AUST) its around $140 US. Which I thought wasn't too bad. What I like is, that these workouts have cardio included. AND "they say" this is Beach Body, that all the test participants had results. The workouts do look good. I just don't know "when" I should expect them to arrive.

Amelia - you O.K. hon?
Jean- Hows the eating been this weekend?
Hi to Elaine and Andrea I'd better get back to work

Andrea-I forgot to congratulate your nine year old for her amazing report card the other day!! Great news! We ate mcdonalds yesterday for dinner, it imediately went right through me...:confused: i was sick to my stomach the rest of the night too:rolleyes: darn greasy food. High fives on your 60min of cardio today! Im doing better,still queezy...that was one hell of a stomach virus:confused:

Roxie-How was your x-mas shopping? Did you get some good deals! Im suppose to meet my sister tuesday at a local mall to pick up something for my mom...she likes clinque makeup and I can only get it at the mall:rolleyes:( I usually HATE going to the mall,not a fan of large crowds)

Hey to Everybody that follows!

I haven't worked out since the dreaded stomach virus thursday so i will try and get in a walk today...still not sure my body can handle anything intense right now,ive still got the 'runs':eek:

Can you guys do me a favor? My DH is having a hard time right now...would you girls send him some postive vibes. He's having trouble sleeping and eating on account of his job,just very stressed out about it. I appreciate it very much:)
Good Morning,

Today is suppose to be a rest day but I have to make up GS legs still haven't done that one yet and then I will do yoga later to strectch everything out. I have major DOMS in my shoulders from yesterday.

Andrea-did you take the 3 easy payment method or pay the whole thing? It's still cheaper than STS.

Amelia-I still have my neice and DDs stocking stuffer and that will be from clinique. Hope you get to feeling better soon my stomach has been upset the last couple of days. Sending postive vibes your DHs way hope things get better for him to.

Everyone have a good day.
Hi everyone. Busy weekend here. Friday night went to dinner with two fellow Catheites. We had a nice visit. Had to work today. Eating hasn't been bad, but I'm am bloated and puffy and my pants won't zip. I seriously need to get serious and find the right path back to proper eating and weight loss. These next couple of weeks will be busy, so I will check in when I can.

Amelia, sending calming vibes (and prayers) to you and DH. I hate it when work gets stressful. Hopefully things will settle down for him.

Hi Andrea, Roxie, Elaine, and Andrea.

Can I come back?!?!?

Hello All! It's been a long time, would you mind if I join back in?!?!? I have been all over the place with my workouts and eating and could really (REALLY) use the accountability of a check in. I just had our family Christmas party today and I ate so much sugar I gave myself a headache. :( So tomorrow is a new day and I am going to re-focus.

Amelia, we had the dreaded flu bug run through our house as well. I am not kidding, we had it for 6 weeks! We kept passing it around between the six of us. I had it three times and so did 2 of my children. I hope and pray that you and DH get over it quick. I will also pray for your DH and his work situation.

Andrea, great news about your daughter! Congrats! I would love to hear how you do with Chalean Extreme. I am intrigued by it, but not enough to order at this point. BTW, I think of you every time I remember to wash my face at night. :eek: You have made quite the impression on me!

Jean, it sounds like you and I are in the same boat. I bought Clean Eating Magazine and I am trying to apply some of those principles. (Not today, though!:p) I hope you can get back on track.

Roxie, are you following a specific rotation right now?

My plan is to get up tomorrow morning and do a kettlebell WO, probably Lauren Brooks. I am trying to alternate KB's with cardio for now because they are quick workouts. After the first of the year I plan to incorporate more split weight work, I may even go back to following rotations. Fitness Freak's Dec 2008 one looks like a goodie!

Have a fantastic Sunday evening (or whatever it is for you, Andrea!:p) and I will see you tomorrow! :D

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