[[[[[ clean & tidy hump day ]]]]]

I ended up doing cardio yesterday rather than PUB, so I did that today. I was feeling very light headed, NOT good!! Not sure what is up with me. I am going to design a rotation for myself for the next month with lighter weights, more circuit style stuff, and maybe 5 days instead of 6. I need a little break...


B cereal or oatmeal
S fruit, almonds
L chicken and veggies
S fruit, cereal bar
D ???, probably out, we are visiting with grandparents I think...
Katie, Sounds like a lighter rotation is in order for you.
So, are you getting used to signing that new name yet!? I went from Hall to Tenniswood when I got married and I had to really shrink my letters to fit it all!

Busy morning of errands for Isabel and me. I have a really dumb web class to take for an hour this afternoon (right at nap time - grrrr!). Bible study tonight. So, busy day, but hopefully it will go fast.

Steph, Sending heart-healing vibes to you! ((((hugs))))

b - egg/veggie bake, toast
and I actually have no clue on the rest. One of our errnads is the grocery store.

Hoping for a workout somewhere today but it looks really unlikely.

Have a great morning!
Morning clean and tidy friends,

I'm going to try to come back to life! Enough wallowing around like an idiot.

Katie, light headed huh...maybe a Colin Jr cooking :) Nice menu, and you reminded me i need to see my grandma soon, i love grandparents, i only have one still living, and she's 93 and amazing.

Kate, i love you! I did CS last night and just smiled :) Thanks for your thoughts, it helps, actually, thank you to Robin, Colleen, Shirl and Jenn for cyber hugs, it really calms me down. That egg bake sounds pretty yum too actually. Maybe you need some CS today too.

Morning to everyone, hope everyone has a great day.
Last night i did B&G's standing, Barr, CS lower body, legs are fried!
Tonight DM cardio and upper, and Core from PUB.

B: egg whites/oats/E3live
s: cc/pp/almonds
l: corn chowder, veggies, hummus, apple
s: cc/nat Pb, coconut
d: egg white om, veggies, ezekial wrap, lots of strawberries!
Have a great day everyone
Steph, I am soooo glad to hear from you! I only have a second - on my way out the door. Have a happy day!
Our plans change faster than Michigan weather!

Gina's home with an upset stomach. Her tooth is soooo loose and NOT coming out. I think the blood is making her nauseous. She may end up at school before the AM's over - we'll see.

Guess I'm doing housework instead of errands.
Good Morning Everyone!

Kate, sorry Gina is not feeling well. Hopefully, the tooth will come out soon.
Katie, I can only do a month of heavy lifting before I crash. You might want to look at Sept. 07 Circuit City rotation. I did and really enjoyed it.
Steph, {{{{HUGS}}}} glad you are trying to come back to life today. {{{{HUGS}}}}
Hi Robin, Shirl & Jenn!

w/o was HST
b: shredded wheat w/ almonds
s: mixed nuts
l: no idea and no time in my schedule for lunch
s: strawberries & yogurt, chopped veggies
d: either something with chicken (if it's not bad) or beef pepper stirfry

Have a great day everyone!

Colleen, No mention of work from you - not too crazy today? HST took a while to grow on me. I'll do it if it's on a rotation but I like HSC much better. I have been wanting beef stir fry since you posted that a few days ago.

I had a free sample of Lemon Zest Luna Bar this morning - BLECH!!! It tasted like I was eating lemon Pledge cleaner!:7 Anybody like these things?!
Good morning! It's me again. So, would y'all mind talking amongst yourselves and letting me know if it would be okay for me to join in with you? I need some serious accountability on my eating. Workouts are great. Clean eating.... not so much. Thanks!
Shelley, we've discussed it and the board unanimously approves you!!

bbl to update you on my "history" - I'm sure the other gals will be happy to do the same.
Hi ladies,

Shelley!!! Yeah. Glad i'm checked in to see you.

Kate, i hope Gina doesnt have what you had last week! Poor thing. Hugs.

Colleen, menu looks great, are you having a busy work day?


Okay, I'm gonna post my food for today, and you can all laugh and tell met to get out:p

B - mixed cereal (I take about four or five different kinds, put them in a big Tupperware container, mix 'em up and scoop it out) with soymilk and sliced banana
S - apple, Kashi granola bar, a few almonds
L - not sure, but probably salad and a yogurt
S - cottage cheese and strawberries
D - I'm alone tonight, so I'll probably have a ww tortilla with veggies and some cheese

Workout is Drillmax.
Good to see you Steph! At work today?

Shelley, ohmyword, woman! You fit right in!
Do you have any kiddos? Do they eat your mixed cereal with you? Great workout!

I am 28, married for 9 years in July. I got FAT when pg with Gina (6 now). When I get pg with Isabel (4) I swore I wasn't going to weigh over 200 lbs ever again (I weighed 203.5 at Gina's delivery!). I started exercising and did Denise Austin and Kathy Smith pg dvds everyday. How I didn't lose my mind I have no idea. My first cathe was when Isabel was a baby - I started with LowMax and got hooked. Pyramids were next and now I have prob 80% of Cathe's dvds. Started over-exercising, not eating enough and got too skinny, couldn't get pg again. DH and I run his dad's business (they are plumbing contractors), his dad doesn't really work anymore so it's pretty much our business. I gained 10 pounds when I had to get more active in the business, periods came back, and I got much healthier about my workouts and eating. Our business literally exploded - we have more employees than we've ever had and I've been so stressed and in a really bad mood. I got pg with Girl#3 (Julia maybe?) so I hired someone to fill my place a couple months ago and I am determined to enjoy the rest of my pregnancy and the summer with my girls WITHOUT WORKING!!!! I still do payroll and misc. other stuff, but the daily stress is gone, thank goodness. I am so much happier and the whole house is too as a result! I am going on July RT (28 weeks pg!), so is Steph, katie, and Colleen. We all have a room together. So there's the not-so-short story of me. Tell us a little bit about yourself - you don't have to be as lengthy as me!

I just did ZenMama Yoga - one of midwife gave me to do. A little passive for me but I do feel good. I'd prob. use it more in my 3rd trimester. Nothing beats CS!!!

Need to go scrounge something for lunch - I was supposed to go grocery shopping while Gina was at school - plans change! BBL...
Shelly, welcome to the we try ever so hard to eat cLEAN & tidy group! I think your menu looks very good; no laughing from me. ;)

Kate, How is Gina feeling? Did she lose her tooth?

Katie, Are you eating enough? Maybe you're not eating as much b/c you're so busy. What do you think?

Colleen, Circuit City was a good rotation. Hopefully work will not get too crazy again for you.

Jenn, We'd be voted off the island together. ;)

Robin, Did you order Rumble and ASC3?

Steph, How is the class going? It must be a learning experience for you as well. You're on my mind alot. (((HUGS)))

b-shredded wheat, banana & kefir
s-none I woke up too late
l-LARGE salad, lowfat cheese, almonds, slice of sprouted bread
s-apple & nat.pb
d-scrambled egg whites, tomatoes, broccoli, probably more cheese
s- ? I'm certain I'll have a few more peppermint patties.

A friend in fitness,
Thanks for the welcome!

Kate - congrats on your pregnancy. I guess I'll get to meet some of you in July then! I gained 60 lbs with my DD (Sophie), who is now 10... going on 16. Oy. Gotta love the tween years. I lost it and more pretty quickly because she had colic and never slept and I spent most of my time walking around with her and being stressed out completely. I had always worked out sporadically, then when Sophie was about one, I went back to work part-time, found Tae-Bo, running and Cathe's Body Max, along with a few other workouts. It just kind of went from there. I'm a mostly-vegetarian who eats a bit of dairy (yogurt and cheese) and a little bit of fish. I can't process meat protein or soy protein at all and have issues with a lot of other foods, which is sometimes frustrating. I'm 44, live with my SO, have two dogs and I work for a property developer/builder. My boss is 78 and calls me his "girl".:p

Shirl - Are peppermint patties your weakness? I'm not fond of the whole mint/chocolate combo, so I can easily avoid those. Chocolate chip cookies and peanut butter might just be my Achilles heel.
Smokin' menu, Shirl! Gina is jumping on the couch right now so yeah, I'd say she's better! LOL! Tooth is still in.... I am dying to RIP THAT THING OUT!!! It is so loose it's down-right gross!

Shelley - I love the building industry - sounds like you have a nice job.

Well, Shelley et al, proof positive I'm gettin' kicked off the island today:
We just made low-fat oatmeal raisin cookies. Wow. Warm. Yum.
I stopped at 2. NO MORE! NO MORE! Send me vibes! I'm not feeling guilty but I will if I eat more!
Hey, Baby Girl needed the fiber from the oats!
Kate, i'm at work, its better to be here, i find i laugh a lot here.

Shirl, class is something else, i'm learning tons! You working out today or do you have class?

Shelley, your menu is perfect! it cant be perfect all of the time, or you wont fit in okay!

I just got another job counselling private patients on Saturdays, guess i'll be really busy!
Okay, it won't be so perfect if I add in the cookie I just remembered that I ate at 6 this morning before I walked the dogs. ;)

Steph - what course are you taking?

Kate - I'm comin' over for cookies.
Steph, My workout was practicing TK; I got good and sweaty - loved it! I teach 2 classes this afternoon and have 2 clients. WOW, you are going to be very busy.

Shelley, Peppermint patties aren't my weakness, that's why I can stop at 2 or 3 mini ones. They do satisify my sweet tooth. I LOVE chocolate, especially dark chocolate, peanut butter, peanut butter cookies, oatmeal anything cookies, homemade bread, ice cream and the list goes on and on! LOL

Hi Kate! :)

A friend in fitness,
Hey Shirl, i dont know how you do it, workout and workouts!! Good for you.

Shelley, i'm not taking a course, teaching it. Taking it would mean more learning, i need a break from that :) I teach nutrition to Developmentally challenged adults at George Brown College.


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