@@ Tuesday Melting! @@


Good Morning all!

Well the "hellions" are at it again! I was up at 3:40 to let them out and decided I might as well just stay up and start the workout. I did Gym Style legs, one of the timesavers. I added some leg lifts using the weight bench attachment. I never get DOMS in my quads and I don;t feel they are improving so I decided to try the leg curl/lift on the bench as add ons.

Sounds like you had a nice shopping trip.:) p.s The Amy Bento is still there.

I wish I had good menus like you do! Was it warm in Florida?

Your boys are so cute! DH and I are Tex Mex lovers too. :9

Where is SLC? You are so lucky to be able to work from home! Love the slippers! I have similar ones from Land's End, not as cute though! Thanks for the hair tips! I don;t have bangs, and I love pony tails. What kind of headband do you get?

What do you teach again? I am sure you mentioned it before? Did you get the rain storm?

Did you enjoy your day off? Yes..I did both auction and But it Now for the Ebay sales. I kind of wish I would have just done buy it now. I'm with you..when I decide to sell something I want it done fast! Thanks so much for the hair tips..What type of headband do you use?

Thanks for the clip on doing the french twist! :) I've played it about 10 times.. Now I have to actually try it with my hair.

Don't you hate when a big part of what you are doing depends on another group to do their part? You don;t have to melt.. eating healthy & clean is a goal too! Where do you live?

Have a great day and stay warm!

Deb ;-)
Morning Melters!

The alarm went off at 4:30 and I groaned and rolled over and then thought of coming home and putting on my comfy clothes and that was enough to get my butt out of bed, so here I am, 4.5 miles under my belt and ready to hit the shower. I'll bbl for personals.

Oooooh, Deb, I never got to Ebay yesterday. I wonder what's left?
Hi Shelley and all that follow,

Yes, I usually get up for that reason too! Nothing like coming home and knowing the workout for that day is DONE! Put on the sweats and get warm, and EAT!~

p.s CTX, Body Max 2, Drill Max, Amy BentoSlo-Mo are left:)

Lainie or Leanne: how do you like the Perfect Push up thing? Laine: I went over to Amazon from your blog and checked out your sales too! I really am trying not to buy any more workouts as I pre-ordered STS and that is all I am doing! I am funding that with the ones I am selling so it would be crazy to buy other ones now..umm..right?

Hi melters-

Lets just say I'm aiming for a more disciplined day today :eek: ;-)

Yesterday was too un routine for a Monday. However I did make a nice diner, but afterwards DD & I found frozen Halloween candy to snack on :eek: It is going in the garbage.

Shelly- wow you already ran? 'Hi five!' What did SO make you last night???

Deb- 'Hi five' to you too with your consistent early am workouts.

Tneah- I giveyou credit for you meal plan, I'm sure you will get great results, but I love food and cooking so I couldn't do it. Plus My family relies on me for meals.

Robin- did you get any good bargins?

HI Shannon, TK Tuton, Michelle, Emily and all our melty pals :0

[font color=purple][font size +1]Judy "Likes2bfit"

***The best preparation for tomorrow is to do today's work superbly well.
William Osler

***Eat Food. Not too Much. Mostly plants. Michael Pollan[/font]
Goodmorning melters.

My DH was up early with the rest of you early birds. He was stepping to the news when I left for work.

Shelley, atta girl. How's the elbow?

Deb, I found your ebay Amy. I'm keeping an eye on it.

Judy, LOL about the Halloween candy. Yeah, you need to get rid of that stuff. I found a nice warm fleece top at Pennys for $5. I didn't look too hard after that. Still on a tight budget. In fact, I got a minor scolding for buying the fleece.

I ate pretty well yesterday and hope I can stick to it for more than a couple days. I'll be doing some kind of CC when I get home from work. Probably CCv2, which is short, since I have to head back into town for a church meeting this evening. I'll try to check back later to see how the rest of you melters are doing.

Michele, do you feel any better? I missed you over the weekend...
Good morning Melters -

I decided to make a quick stop before I get started on the Big Project. Part of it's ready right now, so I'd better get moving.

I didn't work out last night - I'd planned rest days for Monday and today, knowing that I'd be working late. So even though I got home in time, I decided to stick with the plan. I'm glad I did. For some reason I was zapped, so it felt good. I think that 2 1/2 hr meeting yesterday fried my brain. ;)

My meals were nice and clean yesterday, but rather booorrrrring. I'm not a very good cook. Sigh. I brought enough food today to last me through the evening, since it'll probably be a late night.

Deb - you poor thing. Didn't DH take the doggies out before bed? I live in Arkansas, by the way. Why?

Shelley - good for you! Enjoy a nice, relaxing evening!

Judy - is that candy in the trash yet? :) Your meals always seem disciplined to me!

Robin - your DH should be proud of you for finding such a bargain with the fleece top! Those things aren't cheap. Have fun with CC tonight - is it working out okay on the bike? How's your knee?

Hi to everyone else... I doubt I'll be back today, so have a good one!
Hiya melters..
I missed you guys over the weekend! Today I'm going to work on eating cleaner. I did pretty well over the weekend though. I think I'll probably do a bodymax2 premix tonight.

Shannon: Sorry you're having to work so late. I'm glad you enjoyed your rest days. It's nice to schedule them on other days than the weekends, I've decided.

Robin: Have fun with the CC today!

Judy: Don't feel too bad about the Halloween candy. I made my boys a batch of brownies this weekend, which I nibbled at a little. I'm trying to adopt the motto "All things in moderation." (I just have a problem with moderation, sometimes.)

Deb: You worked out at 3:40? Wow. That's discipline!! I went to Ebay twice this weekend trying to buy the Timesaver DVDs and got outbid. Man, I hate that. But I love Ebay!!

Shelley: You are my new workout hero. I was all set to get up and go running yesterday morning. I was going to give it a try, but DH went running before me (I had to stay with the kiddos), and he made it back too late for me to go. (I had to take the kids to the doctor and run errands.) So, I never got to do it. I'm going to start running on the weekends.

OK, I'm inspired to have a great workout today!! Thanks guys!!
Hi everyone. I'm pretty tired this morning as Ewan and I were both up in the night with a cough. Nothing terrible, just a scratchy throat from the ongoing postnasal drip. Ugh.

I have to go to the post office and Target today--luckily there's a p.o. in the mall not far from Target. I've sold 3 of my workout DVDs on Amazon so I've got to send those out. Actually, I still haven't quite decided--I might walk to the nearby post office and skip Target, but it's pretty cold out there for walking. But if I walk, I can stop by my favorite local shop: http://marialuisaboutique.com/ OK, now I'm just thinking aloud--or thinking in writing, I should say.

I plan to do some cardio today, so I hope I'm not still so sleepy when I put Ewan down for a nap or I might be tempted to nap, too.

Deb, I didn't see the video on the French twist, but I do a French twist every time I want to put it up more formally. It's how it's done in this pic:
http://i53.photobucket.com/albums/g76/lainiefig/Videos of Boys/IMG_3326_2.png

It's really easy with a special French twist comb like this one: http://www.goodhairdays.com/hair-clip-files/7114_Shell_small.JPG If you can find one of those (at Target, drugstores, anywhere) they often have directions even on the package as well.

Shelley, wow, totally impressed with the early morning run. I did that a few times but could never keep it up for more than a couple weeks. I am SO NOT a morning person.

Deb, so far I like the Perfect Push-ups. They make it tougher in a way, but also more comfortable on the wrists and even the elbows. I'm also funding future workouts with my online sales. I've still got something like 11 DVDs left for sale.

Judy, good luck tossing that candy. I've decided next Halloween I'll buy healthier stuff to give out (or at least stuff I don't personally love). My leftover Halloween candy is usually mostly the stuff I bought rather than the little my kids bring home. They're so little they don't hit many streets so their stash is small.

Robin, I put a new picture on my avatar for you. It's one of Isaac's jet drawings. :)

Shannon, good luck with the big project!

Stephanie, enjoy your BM2 premix tonight--I love that DVD!

[font face="comic sans ms" font color=purple]***Lainie***
My fitness blog: http://fitnessfig.blogspot.com/ http://bestsmileys.com/exercising/7.gif

If you want to give God a good laugh, tell Her your plans.[/font]
Good Mornin' Meltees!:)

The commercial shoot went well.But we went to bed waaayyy to late. I simply cannot do that on this plan. You want to start eating again around midnight (when you need to be asleep), and you can't. I was a good girl and didn't touch the pizza's, the wings, the danish, the cookies, the candy,etc....Everyone was drinking away last night and I stuck to my water. Oh and SLC is Salt Lake City.

I am doing very well, but have this strange "something is missing" feeling all the time. Its weird, yeah something IS missing, namely sugar, wine and my beloved sugarfree Orangeade!Not complaining or anything, its just a mental thing I guess.

Shannon, sounds like you will be super busy the next few days! Good luck to you and your coworkers, busy can be a good thing thought right?:)

Deb, I just buy my headbands in the drugstores, you can get really cute ones (I buy the thinner ones because my hair is not long, and its baby fine, so the big ones look silly on me.

Stephanie, way to go with the "clean eats". Its tough we all know that!:) One day at a time, or rather, one meal at a time!

Robin, glad you got your cozy slippers. I love my pj's and slips at the end of the day more than anything. I love the flannel pj's from Victoria's Secret, they always have them on sale too! But you are the true bargain shopper, 5 bucks is a steal!:7

Lainie, Your pic is sooo pretty! I love your hair color, and you have such nice skin too. I love your avatar, your budding artist.
I had to visit your clothing store. I loved the Fluveogs, I think I spelled that wrong. Those shoes started out in Seattle and were so cutting edge back then, and still are! I loved those little black boots, the jewelry is pretty too.

Shelley, way to get up and get that run in!:) I really admire you really early risers.

Judy, I too think your meals always sound delicious and healthy!

Leanne, hey there, we always post at the same time! I make my shakes with water, they still taste really good, the sweetest thing I get to eat all day, so I love them! Try freezing them til they are a bit slushy, and eat with a spoon. This works especially well with the chocolate flavors. The shoot was for our new "Instant Shot" energy drink Zantrex-3. Its alot of caffeine in a little "shot" bottle.Not my thing, but that stuff sells like nuts.

Okay I have a personal question to ask you ladies. I think I am starting to go through that "peri-menopause" thing, I have those night sweats like twice a month, where you wake up sweaty-gross. And I have these anxiety flashes for no reason at all, like little surges of adrenaline.Could this be hormonal or maybe its too much coffee? I am scratching my head.I am perfectly healthy, but this anxiety thing is freakin' me out. Its been going on for the past few months. I am prone to panic attacks (maybe once or twice a year I have had a full blown one) and have those low dose Xanax to take it I need to. Just wondering what you guys think? Its really embarassing to ask though.
Good afternoon!

Tneah - I'm glad the shoot went well. And how amazing that you managed to avoid all those treats! Well done! I love Fluevog too. I have these great boots, big chunky platforms, huge silver zips. I don't get to wear them often, but I sure feel intimidating when I do!

Shannon - good luck today!

Deb - the comfy clothes are what get me out of bed every.single.time!

Stephanie - I agree that it's one meal at a time. And you'll get into the running. It's pretty addictive once you get going.

Robin - smack DH from me for giving you heck about $5!!!

Lainie - no wonder you like stopping in at that store!

Leanne - I know you won't be around, but I hope you're having a good day.

Michele - I hope you're feeling better! Come and visit soon:)

Emily - where are you at, girl? Did you forget us again?

TK - are you super-busy at work?

Did I miss anyone? I hope not! Talk to everyone soon:)
Hi Melters! Did ya miss me over the 3-day weekend? :D

I'm doing well. Been eating relatively well, and keeping with the January rotation, but taking a little extra rest. I think I need an extra rest day while I'm doing this rotation. Well, this week I'm not quite following the rotation - it was a bit too much for me. I did L&G this morning, and tomorrow I'll do some kind of cardio/upper body circuit thing, or maybe a 4DS workout.

Deb, you are quite the early bird! Darn hellions! ;) And I agree - that's the best thing about morning workouts. Getting to come home after work and not have to do anything! :D

Shelley, way to go on your run this morning! I'm gald you're feeling better.

Judy, you are very strong to throw out perfectly good Halloween candy. ;)

Robin, have fun with CC2 this afternoon! I miss CC. I think it will be a while before I get back on my treadmill, though.

Shannon, 2 1/2 hour meetings are enough to fry anyone's brain. They should be outlawed!

Stephanie, have fun with BM2 - I love the premixes on that workout!

Lainie, have fun at Target! I can never get out of that store for less than $100. Even if I'm just going there for deodorant and contact lens solution. They have too much other cool stuff that I.must.have.now. :p

Tneah, I know exactly what you mean about late nights and getting hungry when you would normally be sleeping! Happens to me when I'm at a late-night scrapbooking crop. Not good for the waistline!

Hope everyone else is having a good Tuesday! Keep on meltin'! :D
Well, here I sit, waiting impatiently for the stuff I'm supposed to edit. Drat those people. WHAT IS TAKING THEM SO LONG? I'm going to be here all night. But in the mean time, I'll keep busy here for a little while. :7

Stephanie - I agree 100% - it's really much nicer to have a rest day during the week. Then things aren't so rushed in the evening after work.

Lanie - you look really nice in that picture! Did you brave the cold to walk to the post office?

Tneah - Dang - I could use a little of that food here tonight! It's going to be a long one. I guess if you stick with the new diet long enough, that "something missing" feeling will go away... right???

Shelley - If I saw you walking down the street in those boots, I'd run! :p

Emily - way to go on the clean eating! What rotation are you doing? How is the piriformis holding up? Hopefully it's behaving itself. And hey, let's get together and work on outlawing those meetings, shall we? Ugh.
Hey meltie ladies. This morning was 4DS HIS. After getting to work and sitting for a while I noticed that a muscle in my back is slightly strained. Ugh! Not sure which exercise did it to me. Hopefully it will calm down by tomorrow.

Deb: I just get headbands from the drugstore. The thinner ones work best on my hair. As I've been growing my layers out, headbands and small clips are a must right now.

Shelley: ^5's for your 4:30 run. It's all I can do to get out of the bed at 6:30. I don't know how you do it!

Shannon: I absolutely hate long meetings, especially the longs ones where they talk about how much work there is to do. It's like, well if I wasn't in this long stupid meeting I'd be doing all the work they say we're behind on. Sheesh!

Emily: Oh, I have the same problem with Kohl's. Can't get out of that stinkin' store for less than $100. I'm sure if Target was closer to my home, it'd be the same there too!

Lainie: The Gay Gasper I tried out was All Out Infused Step. The music is really good and the choreo is easy but not so easy it's boring. The one drawback is that the cardio is only about 45 minutes long. I just tacked on the first combo of Seasun Zeiger's Straight Up Step to make up the hour. It was the first time I cracked open that one too.

Tneah: Having gone thru 'the change' myself recently, it's hard to say if those symptoms are peri, coffee, or anything else. Everyone seems to have a different experience there. However, if you think it's coffee try cutting back on it a bit. When I was in my later 20's I started having chest pains. Long story short, went to the doctor and he said it could be spicy food, caffeine, or alcohol so I eliminated the easiest first (LOL coffee). The symptoms went away within a couple days.

Hello to all who I missed!
Thanks TK. I was really worried today, went to my DH's heart doctor and got checked out, everything is normal. I just get so dang anxious, and lately its been all the time. Probably in my head, and a good reason to take up yoga I guess.:) I am only 41, and the doc said I was too young yet to relate it to hormones, but hey he's a guy, what does he know right? Take care of that strained muscle, that stuff can be so painful, ice it, that works for me.

My prayers and thoughts are with Robin this evening, everything's gonna be alright pretty lady.

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