Miss Lee

Good morning!

I cannot believe it's the last day of April already! OMG where does the time go!?

I'm going to try and be very disciplined today. I'm falling into old, bad habits with my workouts by procrastinating and not getting them done at all most days. I have a little goal (I'm not going to say what it is, but I've challenged my DH) and I really want to succeed this time.

I made my first meal-in-a-bowl salad yesterday and OMG!!! It was the best salad I ever ate. I'll post the recipe later today.

JENNIFER -- how's your foot today?

ROBIN, DANA, CUZ, JEN, AUG -- how ya doin!?

CUZ - you did it again! I'm so proud of you. :7

Hey, I'm ecstatic that May will be here tomorrow. That means just three more weeks until vacation. I can't believe how much I'm looking forward to it, just to get away from the office.

You absolutely must tell me about your challenge to DH. Email me, pretty please????

Howdy to everyone else - Aug, Dana, Robin and Jen!!
Michele, best of luck with your secret goal. I hope you and Mr Michele reach it together!

Shannon, only 4 more weeks till my vacation! Yay for upcoming vacations.

I'm starting to get excited. I looked at my calender and realized I'm off work the Friday before the July RT, since I work that weekend. I'm hoping to be able to drive to NJ Thursday evening and do a Cathe workout with the early arrivees Friday, then meet some other Catheites for lunch! It makes the fact that I can't go on a RT this year much for acceptable.

I better get back to work. I have plenty of it today.

Oh, and Jennifer and Jenn, I sure hope you are both feeling better today. Hi Dana.
Hi ladies.

Shannon - where are you going for your vacation?

Robin - and where are you going on your vacation?

Michele - stop talking about a secret bet if you're not gonna tell us. :p

I'm SWAMPED here at work and well home, it is a bit overwhelming. My mom told me she thinks I'm going to have a nervous breakdown. I haven't worked out in ages, my eating is horrible and my house looks like someone trashed it. I don't know how things seem to feel that they've gotten so out of control. I have no time for anything!!! Last night Gabe had a base ball game. I picked him up from daycare, changed, let the dog and we were off. Thank God a friend of mine met me at the game and kept an eye on Gannon so I could actually watch the game. It wasn't over til 8:00, so of course fast food was our dinner. Tonight he has baseball practice & CCD. So there again, no time for nothing!!!!!!

I am taking off work on Friday but that is b/c Gabe doesn't have school.

Jennifer - how's the injury?

Jen - hope you feel better!

Well, I better get back to work. Have a great rest of the day ladies!
Hi you guys!

DH is finished with his meeting and he's on his way home, EARLY!!! YIPEE!!! I wasn't expecting him home until much later, so I have to amend my plans for the day. I may not get to my workout now, but that's okay. My eating has been great and that counts for something. Speaking of eating, I'll have to post that recipe tomorrow -- I'm not going to have time today.

Cuz, have you checked your email? I'm afraid it doesn't contain the information you requested, but I sure got a kick out of your plea for information -- LMAO!!! Do you have any special plans for your vacation?

Robin, I'm quite jealous of your vacation. It'll be a year in May since I went to Italy and I haven't been anywhere since. I'm seriously feeling a NEED for some time away. DH and I have talked about it, but nothing has been planned.

Dana, I was reading my new cookbook and the author asked a question that made me think of you right away. She was talking about fitting exercise into your daily schedule, and she recommended having your spouse watch the kids for a prescribed period of time every day so you can do it, and then she asked if your spouse would agree to that, and if not, WHY NOT!? This is my question to you, WHY won't your DH do this for you -- give you a little free time every day? Gabe and Gannon are his kids, too, after all, and they would probably love to spend some private time with their dad! I'm sorry if my comment is out of bounds, but I really worry about you! It just seems like all you do is work, Work, WORK, and you rarely have a minute to yourself. Please talk to him about it. ;) :*

Alrighty, I have to get showered and changed. I'll see y'all tomorrow. :*
Popping in real quick... I made a doctor's appointment for 3:45 today. I am feeling a tiny bit better today but my snot is now green so I figured I should go in to rule out a sinus infection. Hopefully it isn't one but if it is I want to get medicine in me that will help. I still can't breathe very well & my ears are clogged.

So... I can't believe I'm even typing this but I think I'll be taking a 3rd rest day. I've NEVER taken that many days off in a row unless I've been on vacation. However, I don't feel good enough to manage a good workout anyway. Being very careful on my eating & knocked the calories down by about 200-300/day. Can't taste anything anyway...which is good b/c we're having a food day here at work for 2 people that are leaving. I brought stuff but haven't been in there besides to take in my food & haven't eaten anything & will not be. :)

Okay, well I'll check back in later.

Hi Michele, August, Dana, Jennifer, Robin, and Shannon!
{{{{{Jen!}}}}} I'm glad you're going to the doctor. My gosh, you've been sick for quite awhile now! I'm glad you're taking another rest day, too. It really wouldn't do any good for you to work out when you're feeling this bad. Let us know what the doc says. :*
Robin - ooh, I'm jealous! Your mini-RT sounds cool! :7 I'm glad you'll get to see some of the ladies.

Dana and Cuz - I'm not going anywhere on vacation. No how, no way. Maybe I'll drive up to a nearby state park for a day hike. That's about it. I'm tired of driving, so I'm just staying home!

Dana - gosh, I hope you find a way out of your mess. You need to put on the brakes, woman! Please take care of yourself. And I think Michele has an excellent idea.

Cuz - yes, I got your email, and it contained excellent information! Thanks! I'm so glad DH is coming home early today. You two have a wonderful evening!
It is not so much that my DH won't watch the kids but it is more of what is he doing while he is supposed to be watching the boys. For example, Monday night I was washing the dishes and he was in the garage. Gannon wanted to go outside. DH said he could come out as long as he stays in the garage. So I "assume" that all is taken care of. Gabe comes in to announce that #1) Ralphie is on the road and #2) Gannon is WAY out in the field behind our house. DH was not doing his job. Also, there are times when he is supposed to be watching Gannon and Gannon will come in the back door and be in the house with me. It takes DH quite awile to realize that Gannon has wondered off. So, I suppose I should rephrase it. He will watch them but he doesn't really "watch" them.

Shannon - sometimes it is better to just chill out at home then to go somewhere on a vacation. Enjoy!

Michele - glad your DH is home early. I'm anxious to hear about your new salad.

This day is dragging on and on and on and on.
{{{Dana}}} I don't know how you can stand it. I'm with Michele in hoping to not cross any lines, but, sheesh, is your DH an adult!!!! Why the heck can't he take one sinking hour of his valuable time to watch his sons!!! Sorry, but I get more and more upset as I type this. Isn't there anyone, a neighborhood kid maybe, who could watch the boys while you workout? Even if it's only for 2 or 3 days a week.

Michele,I can't believe it's been a year since Italy! I know someone who has a birthday coming up too. I think you need to talk to your DH's secretary and get her to give you some dates. Then you need to decide where you want to go and make the arrangements. Then go. Just go. Otherwise, you are never going to get on a vacation.

Dana, we are meeting up with my sister and her DH in Spokane, WA, then driving to Yellowstone and spending a week exploring the park. Mostly we will be going on hikes and hopefully watching lots of wildlife. My sister was there in the spring two years ago and loved it.

Jen, green snot is not good. I'm glad you are going to the doctor.
I am such a crab I don't even want to be around me! I am sick & tired of being sick! The doc said I've got a sinus infection so on another 10 days of freaking medicine. Said I had water pockets in my ears, lots of drainage, and my nose is very red.

I JUST WANT TO BE ABLE TO WORKOUT! :-( :-( :-( :-( :-(

Sorry for no personals but I really don't have the energy for anything. Between work & entertaining the monsters I'm drained. Hopefully I'll feel better in the morning.

Night. :*

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