******CHALLENGERS APRIL 25th By the Way its Friday!! ******


Hi to all!!

I've had a really nice day with my daughters today! Its nice just to have some "our time" (I love having my time too but I seem to have forgotten what thats actually like!! :) :)
Work out today was Imax2 about 30 mins of it because I am a bit bored with it, and then I did pyramid lower body quite heavy weights! Its a bit of abuzz!! But I didn't find it as hard as buts and guts with the heavy weights.

Elaine - Today was like your memorial day, reflective time.

Kathy - my girls never had a comfort blanket or item. I tried to get them attached to something but they only want good old MUM! Hows your daughter doing?

Lori - How was your run? I am quite sure you challenge yourself every single day with whatever workout you choose to do as that is the type of workouter you are!!! You go hard or not at all. Just something I've picked up about you! :) :)

Roxie - I sent another email it goes via your Cathe profile so I hope you get it this time.

Jean - I laughed (sorry) at your description of how much sugar you alledge that you ate! I bet that was just a slight exageration (i can't spell) Hope the eating was less sugary today.

Becca - Body Max is awsome workout, well done, whats on for today?

Andrea - I so hear you with the "pain" in the middle of the week! It makes it hard to workout when in pain! I've often wondered about athletes and how do they get on! Or people like Cathe, she would've had to have serious doms filming the STS! How did she keep going?

If I've missed anyone I'm sorry, I'm going off memory today, usually I write notes. Hopefully you'll all have great workouts :) :)

Andera** Glad to hear you enjoyed your time with DD yesterday! And yes, you have me figured out! All or nothing!!!;) :) }(

Todays workout ended up bring C&W from the BM2 dvd.There was no way I could run again today. Since Sun I have ran about 41 miles. My legs are tired!:) I was thinking I need to get a leg workout in this week but now Im not so sure!

Kath** I read your post yesterday. Count me in to the "weird club" I only have 3 wisdom teeth as well:)

I may be back later! I have some work to do. The new girl was approached on a few things last night when she came in to work and ended up quiting! So now I have to do the work she was suppose to do! Wahhhhhhhh! LOSER!!!!!

Good Morning!
Sorry I've been MIA. I haven't been home much and my computer time is really limited when I am home. My brother had to have emergency surgery yesterday - his appendix ruptured. He went to the ER Wednesday night and they sent him home. They told him he had stomach ulcers. The surgeon is very upset that happened. He believes my brother's appendix ruptured early Thursday morning. I took my brother to the Dr. yesterday morning and he could hardly walk. He does not complain and does not like to be sick - (he doesn't want to miss a workout - wonder where he gets that from ) I felt so bad for him. They were not able to close the incision due to the infection. The surgeon said he is going to be sick for awhile and recovery is going to take longer. He had to go to the ICU after surgery. All because he was not treated properly the previous night. Please say some prayers for a speedy recovery. Thank you.

Today's workout is DM cardio only and 4DS BC cardio only.

We're going away this weekend for another competition so I may or may not be able to check in. I plan to eat well and exercise.

I need some stick to your challenge vibes. I'm great about exercising - I LOVE it! :):):) However, the D#@* diet is the tough part of the equation for me. I would like to get rid of about 8 lbs and lower my BF. I want to look more cut and I know that's what I need to do. Any words of wisdom from those of you who have accomplished this? A thought just came to me or maybe it's a line form a Tim McGraw song - How bad do you want it? I guess we'll see. ;) Thanks for listening to me.

I need to read yesterday's posts and then I'll be back with personals.

A friend in fitness,
RE: ******CHALLENGERS APRIL 25th By the Way its Friday!...

Good Morning Challengers. It's Friday :) :) :)

I ran very early this morning. Lil crisp this morning for an outdoor run but it felt great. I did 4miles and worked some super sets for back. I think later when DD is napping I'll hop on my upright bike and bang out a few miles and work my abs. We shall see what the day brings. We leave in 30 or so.

Lori: If you are weird too then we are in good company :) What's with co-worker?

I'll be back later today if things go well and catch up on some personals.
RE: ******CHALLENGERS APRIL 25th By the Way its Friday!...

Ok, I read the personals, let's see how good my memeory is.

Andrea, Glad you enjoyed your day and your holiday does sound like our Memorial Day.

Lori, Great job with your running and for listening to your body. Sorry the new/ex coworker is/was a loser.

Kath, Like Andrea, my kids prefer me. They have stuffed animals they love but not one in particular. I hope DD's surgery goes well.

Jean, Good job with S&H. Sorry about eating too much sugar. Sending you no sugar vibes.

Roxie, How was work? Slower, I hope. Sorry you're feeling lousy. TTOM is the pits.

Elaine, I did 4DS upper body yesterday too. I love carbs too so I feel you pain.

Becca, Great job with your workout; haven't done that one in forever. I may need to put that in my rotation for May.

Andrea, How about easing into the week so Wed. isn't so tough. I went through that and changing my workout schedule helped.

Amelia, How is everything going?

I think I caught up everyone. Have a great day!

A friend in fitness,
RE: ******CHALLENGERS APRIL 25th By the Way its Friday!...

Good Morning

Didn't get up today to workout should have I was awake. Tonite I will do basic step still feeling horrible. Didn't eat very well this week need to work on that, I didn't plan meals or grocery shop we have been eating out all week. Hope everyone has a good day I have a busy morning I will do personals later.

Andrea-how do I check my email through profile?
RE: ******CHALLENGERS APRIL 25th By the Way its Friday!...

Roxie, when you open up cathe forums. Login

Then at the top of the forums list, there will be a smiley man welcoming a new member. You will have a red flag waving at you and it will say you have mail or something like that. Click on that. You must login first then go to the Forums Listtopic/conference/welcome to the Cathe forums page

And Bingo! Your mail!!

Yea! It's Friday. Today I got up and did some cleaning while I colored my hair. Nothing like multi tasking. Of course that cut into my workout time so I pulled out Hardcore Extreme because I knew it would do the trick in a limited amount of time. I did 30 min of it. I realized that I have not been doing much step and need to make sure to get it in at least once a week. So I'm shooting for a minimum of 3 days cardio,(1 day step, 1 day sprints and 1 day longer run/jog) and then work weight around that. I'd really like to jog more throughout the week but I don't know if that's good or not. I'm not exactly a spring chicken any more and I don't want to damage my knees. Maybe if I ease into like adding 15-20 minutes on my weight days.

Trying to stay away from sugar today. Ok, so maybe it wasn't 10 lbs worth yesterday, but 2 servings of ice cream, 1 slice of ice cream cake, 2 pieces of sweet corn bread and a brownie kind of adds up. Hope everyone has a great weekend. I'll try to get back for personals later today.

RE: ******CHALLENGERS APRIL 25th By the Way its Friday!...

Back with DD minus a few teeth :) She handled the procedure well. I gave her her meds and back to sleep she went.

I may hop on the upright bike and get some more cardio in while she naps. I'll be back with personals perhaps when I'm inhaling my salad. I did buy her a few dvds--I may end up watching a few movies with her. Her BF's mom managed to find her 27 dresses(the movie)I've wanted to see that so I may be snuggled with her on the couch watching.

RE: ******CHALLENGERS APRIL 25th By the Way its Friday!...

Hi Everyone,

My workout this morning was CC#2 with many interuptions. I also did B&G abs.I don't want to jinx myself but my eating has been right on. Although tonight is my cheat meal.

Kath: Glad to hear DD's surgery went well.

Shirl: So sorry to hear that about your brother. Sending thoughts and cyber hugs your way.

Jean: I don't know Jean maybe 9.999lbs of sugar.:p Just kidding.

Lori: I hope they hire someone who will stay this time!

Hi to Becca,AndreaH and Andrea(idream), Ameila and Roxie.

Gotta run my boys seem to be having difficulty getting along today.

RE: ******CHALLENGERS APRIL 25th By the Way its Friday!...

Hey girls:)

Im not sure if i told you girls my sister was pregnate? She was due next week but....


Ive been at the hospital with my sister since about 12:30 early this morning, she had her baby around 5:30 this morning:7 LOL,i held her for over an hour and a half,my DM had to take from me:+

Here are some pictures of Patience Gracie...



She weighed 8.2oz and was 19inches long:eek:

And its a happy ending she is now engaged to her boyfriend(baby's daddy)so im just so happy:)(her and her boyfriend have been having alot of issues lately,so im glad they worked it out;-))

Needless to say, no workout and my eating has been terrible today,oh well...i plan a nice sweat fest tommorrow with LB and Cardio and some abb work! Ok,everybody have a wonderful night and i will bb soon!
RE: ******CHALLENGERS APRIL 25th By the Way its Friday!...

Oh what abeautiful baby :) :) Congrats !!

Good Golly----Is it Happy hour yet?? :) :)

Sorry to make my posts so one sided ---
But boy oh boy when the pain stuff they gave her at the office wore off---- I think I saw a whole diff side to my precious DD And here I was thinking she was handling this better than her older sister--silly me.

I promise------------- unless I start happy hour soon--to be back with personals
RE: ******CHALLENGERS APRIL 25th By the Way its Friday!...

Amelia, Gush Gush, She's just lovely. congradulations!

Kath poor you! Happy hour started yet??? Poor DD. I've never had my teeth out but I've been around many who have! YUK!

RE: ******CHALLENGERS APRIL 25th By the Way its Friday!...


I have added butts and guts and pyramid upper and lower body to my collection and working on supersets and pushpull.
RE: ******CHALLENGERS APRIL 25th By the Way its Friday!...

Amelia, she is GORGEOUS! I'm so glad to hear that things are working out with your sis and her boyfriend. Great news! Continued prayers for your family.

Kath, sorry to hear about DD and the grouchies. :( I hope you drugged her appropriately. ;)

I am having a super emotional day today and I haven't gotten a wo in. I am cleaning my house like a mad woman, because at least I can control that. I will try to do Cardio Kicks when my bambinos go to bed.


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