Rotation ideas for odd work weeks


I have accepted a new job which requires me to work seven 11 hour days on (80% of the time on my feet walking) and seven days off. This does not include my travel time (35 minute). I need to find several rotations which are heavy on my seven days off, but obviously light on my seven days on (possibly allowing up to 3 days off on the light week…??).

I am looking for ideas from everyone. Please don’t be afraid to share all your rotation ideas…...absolutely all ideas are welcome (I do own all Cathe’s DVD so don’t be afraid to use them all.) I will need many rotations to make it through the year.

Kathryn and FitnessFreak (Debbie) I do also look forward to any advice you might be able to share. I am aware that my workout week is not ideal and that it will be tough on my work week, but the position was way too good to pass up.

I am an intermediate to advanced exerciser.

Hi Robin:

I travel quite a bit for my job too, so I know how tricky it is to try and plan workouts around a crazy work schedule.

If you are more of a strength training person, I would suggest this for the weeks you have off:

M: GS Chests/Tris + light Cardio
Tu: GS Legs + light cardio
Wed: GS Back/Bis/Shoulders+ light cardio
Thurs: Intense Cardio of your choice
Friday: PUB + Light Cardio
Sat: PLB + Light Cardio
Sun: Rest

On the week you have to work, if you have consecutive workdays this might not work, but if you don't try this:
M: Cardio and Weights
W: Body Max lower body portion only no upper body or abs
Fri: Body Max upper body + CTX kickbox
Sat: An all cardio workout that you enjoy.

Hope that helps.

Take care, Lynn M. PS.. Is it too personal to ask what type of job this is? I've never heard of a schedule like that before, I'm curious to know what you will be doing.
Thanks so much Lynn.....I have printed it and will start it as soon as I begin my new job.:)

PS. I am a pharmacist. With my current job (managing a busy retail pharmacy), I usually find myself working shorter days (8-9 hours), but a longer work week (sometimes it feels like I work all the time). The new job will be longer days 10 hours (an institutional type of environment) but only 7 days a week. I will also have a 35-40 minute drive time instead of my current 6 minutes... so my 10 hour days could easily end up being 12 hours.

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