Help - What to substitute with?


Regarding the June rotation...What should I substitute for Slow and Heavy?
The only strength tapes I have are Pure Strength, PUB/PLB, and Bodymax
Would you recommend I do PS in place of S&H, and do the pyramids in place of PS? Other recommendations? Any ideas are appreciated.
Thank you in advance
Unfortunately, S&H is unlike any of these others. The only suggestion would be to use PS & DRASTICALLY slow the count to 6 up, 2 down.

Or better yet, buy the series, you won't be sorry it will kick your boote'!
First let me say, 'thank you for responding'.
Secondly, I'd love to purchase Slow and Heavy, but since I just bought the new Body Blast pack, budget won't allow it.
Lastly, thank you for the suggestion. I'll try slowing down alot. Should I use heavier weight in addition to slowing down, or just slow down the count?
As Cathe says in one of the series (not sure if it's S&H), because you're slowing down the speed of the lifting you should go heavier in weight. You can really feel the difference when you lift this way. Have fun!

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