XTrain Burn Sets Premixes

Burn Sets is an XTrain  Upper Body heavy weight workout that is divided into two main workouts:

1. Chest/Back/Shoulders

2. Bi’s/Tris

We’ve also uniquely structured the  Burn Sets workouts to give you tons of options so that you can work individual muscles or try different combinations of  all your upper body muscle groups. We had previously said that we wouldn’t be able to include any of the Bonus Core workouts because of  discs space limitations, but we found after further review we had miscalculated. So good news! …Bonus Core #1 will be included on Burn Sets.

As with all of the XTrain workouts Burn Sets will offer a variety of premixes giving you way more exercise options than any other fitness video program. The Premixes in Burn Sets are very high quality and smooth and will seem as they they’re edited video. This is because Burn Sets was designed from the beginning with the Premixes in mind.

Here is a list of the Burn Sets Premixes:

Chest/Back/Shoulders + Bonus Core#1

Bi’s and Tri’s + Bonus Core#1

Chest Only

Back Only

Shoulders Only

Bi’s only

Tri’s Only

Bonus Core #1 Only

Upper Body

Upper Body+ Bonus Core #1


Chest/Shoulders/Tri’s  +  Bonus Core #1


Chest/Back  + Bonus Core #1


Back/Bi’s + Bonus Core #1

2 Responses

  • Thanks Cathe! This workout and the premix variations is just about perfect! I am so excited about this series!

  • The article you’re referring to is a summary of published articles in the following and very well respected professional and medical journals. You may have a different opinion, but calling an article “patently absurd” that is backed by some of the best peer review journals in the industry is a little bit of an overstatement. I’ll let the sources for this article speak for themselves.

    The Nurse Practitioner 2003: 28: 5: 14.
    J. Nutr. June 1, 1998 vol. 128 no. 6 1051-1053
    Psychology Today. “Low-Carb State of Mind”
    New England Journal of Medicine. “A Prospective Study of Dietary Calcium and Other Nutrients and the Risk of Symptomatic Kidney Stones”
    BMJ. 2012; 344.