Moms Can Love Their Bodies Too!! by Darcy


I began my fitness journey over ten years ago at 25 years old. I was overweight and not happy in my skin. I started my journey with workout DVDs and quickly found Cathe. Wow. Loved ’em from the get-go. With the help of exercise videos and changing my diet, I soon lost the weight I wanted to, and watched my body shape up more than I ever believed possible. Also, in those ten years, I gave birth to three beautiful boys, and am now currently pregnant with child #4. Exercise has helped my body bounce back after each pregnancy and it has helped me sail through all of my pregnancies, as well. I have no doubt that I will bounce back after this pregnancy also.

In my younger years, I always hated the scale and hated that no matter what, I seemed to weigh much more than I ‘should’. It was only after I began exercising that I realized my body was made to make muscle! The scale always read more because of my hidden muscular build. I now love my body and the fact that it is capable of building the muscle it does. I would have never made this discovery had it not been for Cathe’s videos.

Not only has my fitness journey brought huge physical changes, it has more importantly brought inside changes as well.


Being happy in your own body is something everyone should feel! I had truly never dreampt that I would be one to love exercise. Now, I can’t ever imagine my life without it. So much that, after the birth of my second son, I quit my job to stay home with my boys and to become a fitness trainer. I work part-time out of my home. It couldn’t be any more perfect. I love helping and inspiring others. I feel so fortunate and blessed to be able to do so.

I would also like to add that I have never stepped foot in a gym, and all of my workouts are done from home. Cathe’s DVDs are my ‘go-to’ workouts. I just love them. Not only are they fantastic workouts, but she is constantly sharing hints or tips and indicating how this or that is working the muscles differently. I love that she does this, because knowing what exactly you’re doing to your body and how it’s working is only going to benefit you more in achieving what you are after. Big fancy machines in huge gyms are surely not necessary to stay healthy and fit. A good diet, and a lot of hard work will get you there. And, of course a lot of Cathe DVDs! Thank you Cathe over and over for being a large part of my lifestyle change. Who knows where I would be if it weren’t for you and your one-of-a-kind workouts. Keep up the awesome job with the stellar workouts!!! I always look forward to more!!

6 Responses

  • “Big fancy machines in huge gyms are surely not necessary to stay healthy and fit. A good diet, and a lot of hard work will get you there”

    I keep trying to remind myself of this. Wowee, soon to be mom of 4 too?? Congratulations. Love your after pic! Reminds me of those t-shirts saying: you don’t need a licence to carry these guns :o)

  • Wow, you are inspiring, Darcy! I’m not at the point in my life where I want to have children, but it’s great to see that a busy mother of four can achieve the healthy lifestyle that so many of us strive for. Congrats!

  • Awesome job, Darcy!! You look stunning and I totally can’t believe that rockin’ bod has delivered four children!! Amazing!! Thank you for your inspiration!

  • Darcy, you are such an inspiration my friend!!! Very well said!!! Cathe is just the BEST and I’m sure she’ll help you once more bounce back after baby #4! 😀

  • What an amazing physique! I gained quite a bit of weight with each of my pregnancies and can completely relate to this, including not having the time to go to the gym. Awesome inspiration!